hard to get any good pics from inside at bones on my teeny camera, but here's some of the better ones:
radhab lands quite disastrously on the mini

dave rom bloke ready to drop into the bowl

phil holmetech on some 540 kickturn action

pink tyred youth was shredding everything all night

dave dordymush on a vert assualt

making a brew in the back of phil spacefruit's
a giant aboard a cruiser riding the mini ramp

phil homletech doing a cross up laydown at speed

. . . and paying the price

. . . then riding in the bowl

spacefruit in the fruit bowl

radhab in the bowl

davedordy on the mini.
quadrophenia in the bowl with a nice clean air

radhab again

this would have been a great picture of radhab had it not been blurry. light / camera quality / hands as steady as michael j fox hampered the pics

scary leary + dude on the jump box

dude making good use of the jumpbox on a really shiny clean bike
told me his name but i have forgotten (chowderhead

) was it sanderson?
big x on the sketchy bones jumpbox though