Hi All,
I`m fairly new to this Forum, so apologies if I`ve posted in wrong place or upset anyone.
Basically looking for some help, I am currently organising an Extreme Week at a theme park in Staffordshire. The idea was to have a large area for all the local groups/teams to come over and basically perform tricks throughout the day. I am struggling to get any contact from groups and most of the ones I have found their websites all seem to be under construction....
In a nutshell, anyone that can forward any information on display teams, for a flatland show. Or if there is a way of getting a couple of groups together to do 3 0r 4 shows throughout the day. Obviously there are free tickets to everyone involved, but our budget is fairly tight (as Always).
The dates are 16th -22nd August.
Thanks for reading this and if anyone can help me out in anyway I would really appreciate it.