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Bessecar BMX track - Ascot Avenue, Cantley
Quote from: mcbain70 on August 04, 2010, 12:14 PMBessecar BMX track - Ascot Avenue, CantleyI remember Tim March doing a masterclass at that track BITD. Its gone now apparently
Hi Paul the smaller track at wheels was there first track which was built in 82 and yes it was raced i raced there to race the 83 euro"s i raced there a lot in 82 and a bit in 83 but most of the racing was on the NEW track desigend by ALAN WOODS for the euro"s in 83 and 84 they were both very good tracks But like you said the first track did have great berm"s WOODY
wycombe wasps, still all there but overgrown. right next to john lewis .http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=john+lewis+high+wycombe&sll=51.779653,-0.455884&sspn=0.001265,0.003428&ie=UTF8&hq=john+lewis&hnear=High+Wycombe,+Buckinghamshire,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.611138,-0.785522&spn=0.000593,0.001714&t=h&z=19