I thought it might be a good idea to do a thread for anyone who's thinking of coming to MK14 and wondered what was happening over the weekend

RADBMX MK14 starts on Saturday morning (NOT FRIDAY) the gates to the track/site will be unlocked around 7am (when Ed and myself can drag ourselves out of our beds and unlock it)
SaturdayArrive and pick your camping spot down around the Helipad area (please keep the helipad clear just in case)
Chill out and talk rollox with other middle aged men you may not have seen in 12 months
The track will be open and free to practice on (Helmets must be worn and i would advise gloves as well)
Marvel at all the old/mid and NS BMX porn on show
Pick up your MK14 Mug/race plate or T shirt from Joff and JT Racing at their emporium of BMX

have a drink or three
Talk more rollox with old and new mates
The annual lake ride will set off at 6pm (you need to make sure you're a part of this, last year we must've had 200 riders so lets smash that this year)
There will be a few bevvies in the main arena saturday evening
SundayShow n shine registration opens up around 9am in the main show tent (or when one of the admin get up and have finished clearing up from Saturday evening)
Registration for racing will be open from around 9am through the MK club (categories for all ages) Old school 20" (1" headset and caliper brake) run what you brung (1 1/8th V brake) , cruiser class
Show n shine reg closes around 11am

Track open for practice
Racing starts around midday (ish)
Racing finishes around 3pm
Raffle draw and show n shine trophies awarded
clean up and go home
Show n Shine charges are as follows for Sunday
£10 up to 2 bikes
£15 3-5 bikes
£20 6 upwards

A few do's and don'ts
There will be around half a dozen fire drums (donated by Steve69)

dotted about the Helipad and main arena area for Saturday night. Please use these and do not light fires on the ground as we got in a lot of trouble last year with the owners.
We have supplied you with some porta loos (3 or 4) please try your best to keep them clean as they are for everyone (bring your own paper as it runs out quickly)
We have supplied you with a huge skip, please bag up your own rubbish and put it in the skip. It's a huge help to us as we have to stay once everyone has gone home and make sure the place is clean........so every little helps

We will put up bin bags around the place, please put your empty bottles/cans/wrappers in them for us. If one is full just let one of the Admin guys know and we will replace it with a nice fresh empty one

It's our 10th anniversary so please bring all your bikes along and help us have the best Old School weekend ever!
I've probably forgotten loads as normal but feel free to add anything to this thread as there will be quite a lot of people who've never been to an MK event and won't know what goes on
How to find the trackComing up or down the M1 leave at Junction 14 (turn left int Milton Keynes if you are coming up from London) come off the M1 and go round the roundabout into Milton Keynes)
Come into Milton Keynes and turn right at the next roundabout (about 200 yards) onto dual carriageway
Turn right at the next roundabout (you will see willen lakes on your left)
The BMX Track entrance will be on your left about half a mile down the road.