So ….. Anyhow…..
Adam (A.K.Gruff) turns up with a box of trick bits for me to put on the pink Trickstar
Amongst others is a SST layback Command Post that has just come back from the chromers.
I look at it..“Very Nice indeed but this could be any old post!”
I dig out a post from my parts pile and hand to him.
“So what’s the difference to this one then”
He looks at it.
Silence………………………………… We both ponder……………………….
Not a Lot!!
“So how can you tell what you have is the real thingy”
The internal web/stiffener inside the seat tubing…
I look inside my one……………….
BMX Museum/EBAY/U.S.A.
HERE I COME $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Of course I’m open to sensible offers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!