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BMX Plus - March 1986 .pdf - Now available for download at
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.

And Australasian BMX News - April 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at
With thanks to Peter M.
BMX Chat / Re: Pump Tracks Anyone?
« Last post by Mikku on November 23, 2024, 06:18 AM »
I’ve only been to two so far (one in Canada and one here in Japan) and they’ve been great fun! Different bikes, different ages, skateboards, scooters, but everyone enjoying themselves. I really wish there was one nearer me, as I’d be a regular. :daumenhoch:
BMX Chat / Re: Pump Tracks Anyone?
« Last post by hotdog on November 22, 2024, 04:39 PM »
I went and checked one out in South Manchester a few months ago at Wythenshawe Park. Really enjoyed it. Rode the '82 Floval and my mate was on his '82 Race Inc 24. Had a chat with a few of the lads on 'New School' bikes. Good vibes and all in it for the right reasons.... having fun.  :daumenhoch:
New School Racing / Re: 2024 Race Blog - Year 8 - It's Never Too Late!!
« Last post by Mikku on November 22, 2024, 01:42 AM »
Should be out again this weekend for Round 8 of the KBU series down in Osaka. Recently switched over stems between the Redline and GT, so the bars on the former are now a smidgen higher and further back than before. It may be all in the mind, but I thought I noticed the difference on test rides around my local rice fields, though the acid test will be on track this Sunday. Also with a view to making the Redline ride more to my liking, I'm planning to take a link out of the chain and move the rear wheel further forward in the dropouts, but one thing at a time, so I'll do that next month. :daumenhoch:
BMX Chat / Re: Pump Tracks Anyone?
« Last post by Mikku on November 22, 2024, 01:31 AM »
No-one?  :tumbleweed:

Great for bike skills and fitness, if nothing else. :daumenhoch:
BMX Chat / Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Last post by Midschoolfool on November 19, 2024, 06:51 PM »
Got the tyres to acceptable. That will do, I am tired of scrubbing. I also got these for the STA.

I wish they were 7.99  :LolLolLolLol:
BMX Chat / Re: Mk2025.
« Last post by brettypeeps on November 16, 2024, 01:41 PM »
It would be awesome. explosion  I am not privvy to any info though on this yet.
BMX Chat / Re: I am currently working on (shorts)
« Last post by Midschoolfool on November 14, 2024, 04:45 PM »
Well the tyres are half done. Will finish those tomorrow. I also had to file a nut for the pitbull 2 so it can be inverted. Hard to explain, but it will make setting it up far less of a twat.

Should be able to get the Standard finished. Wow. 8 years now......
BMX Chat / Re: Mk2025.
« Last post by Taipan on November 14, 2024, 02:01 PM »
I thought they could'nt return to MK even if something does go ahead? but I hope they do get a date and venue  :daumenhoch:
BMX Chat / Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Last post by Midschoolfool on November 13, 2024, 04:10 PM »
Covid has wiped me out for a month. Only just starting to feel a bit better ffs.

Round one achieved. Very hot soapy water. Round two is isoprop and a wire brush. I never realised they are 100 PSI folding, so now it makes sense. They smother them in powder and compound to stop them sticking together. It's an asshole to remove  !
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