BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: QuadPaul on November 07, 2009, 12:47 AM
Have you been back into BMX? & How long was you in it 1st time arounf
Was just thinking about this last night, I bought my 1st OS ride for xmas 04 and did my 1st OS race back at a very wet and muddy braintree in early Jan 05. So I was thinking I've been back into BMX nearly 5 years.
!st time round I started racing aged 6 in 1984 and raced until mid 87, so I've actually been involved longer this time around than my 1st stint, and I still can't jump :LolLolLolLol:
i raced from 84 till 87 and i hope to be racing for longer than that....
you back on the bike yet paul?
I've had 3 cracks at riding;
04-present, although the last two years don't really count for shit as my body hasn't really worked properly since Now 07...
Really riding bmx ???
But there's only been a couple of years in that time i didn't have a 20" bike i couldn't jump straight onto, even if it was just down the pub :daumenhoch:
Same as^^^^
07- now
first time round 80-85/6
7 weeks in 93 ::)
this time round 01 til present
1982 - 1985. No Racing, just larking about!!
Aug 2007 onwards
7 weeks in 93 ::)
What happened for those 7 weeks?
i've not been without at least 1 BMX in my possession since 1980.
i raced from 84 till 87 and i hope to be racing for longer than that....
you back on the bike yet paul?
Not yet mate, Physio reckon 2 weeks and I should be OK to ride again, I can't wait!!
80-86 (quit when I left school and nobody else in my area was riding anymore)
1991-1992 (smashed 4 teeth out at Alvaston national so called it a day)
1995-1998 (broke my collarbone and almost scalped myself (no lid on :uglystupid2:) at Chesterfield so called it a day again)
2000-2002 (was more into mountain biking during these years)
2005-present (raced at a Peckham fun day in 2005, started racing regionals in 2006, started racing nationals in 2008)
Always kept up with what was happening in BMX since Xmas 1991 either through mags or the internet, even when I wasn't riding BMX at the time.
92 to 98 then 2004 to present :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
1982-92 Riding.
1995 for about 4 months riding.
Back into BMX since 2000 collecting and riding on and off.
bodamus :)
Oct 1979 to Dec 1984 first time around, Aug 2004 - till I`m 50 at least I recon, which will be in 2015 :daumenhoch:
as a kid 1981 till whenever the raleigh lizard came out :LolLolLolLol: Then 90 - 99 . Then 2007 to present day
83-87 paper rounds and local jumps/tracks/trails....( a burner and two kuwies)
90-92 mooching about making drops/gettting me to and from work ( another kuwie and a mongoose)
2003 till now, bought a streetbeat off ebay, then a torker, then it went tits up and i reckon i've been through about 20+ bikes since...
dont really ride...the first were bought for pub cruises etc...which i/we should do more off....mostly just get the buzz from the aqusition and the building...
some people think thats a bit shit...them thinking that it is, is the only shit thing about it.
each to their own :daumenhoch:
july 2009 to present
never raced before or owned a BMX as a kid. having fun catching up now as an adult tho!
April 1982
27 years and counting :daumenhoch:
82 - 86 Playing on the street + Racing 84-86, never did any freestyle tho :-\ apart from bunny hops and endo's
Then in 07 when into WH Smiths looked at a copy of Ride and wondered if they still published RAD
Came home googled it.......and found you lot :uglystupid2:
Never looked back
90(bmx made a comeback down our way,think mark noble and tabron had sommit to do with it living just up the road)
08~ just building them this time around,recreating bikes i dreamt about bitd!!!
81 -88 raced from 85-88, found bmx again late 03 been racing again on and of due to injuries since then.
81 - 88
92 - 99
07 - now
79 to 86/87
dabbled a little in the 90's but nothing serious
2003 to date :daumenhoch:
1983 - 1987
1983... Came home from school to find a spanking NEW Raleigh Extra Burner parked in the garden. "Happy Birthday Son" :) :)
Rode the living daylights out of that bike for 4 years, nothing 'serious', just ya usual street riding, paper round and jumping ya mates with a few house bricks and a length of wood.
I can clearly recall watching the 'Kelloggs' series on TV and then rushing out on my bike and riding up and down the estate singing "BMX Boys have alot of fun!" ;D Good Times... :daumenhoch:
I think it was bright yellow when I sold it, I wanted to be the The Flying Banana on a Burner... :D :D
Nov 2004 - Today
A casual conversation with a couple of mates regarding our fave bikes as a kid had me recalling my 'Extra Burner'... a week later I had brought an Extra Burner off eBay for £60(ish) quid...
My love affair with Burners was rekindled and I have not looked back. Started racing 3 years ago and have loved every minute of it, met some awesome lads on here and hope to
continue riding for a few years to come.