Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: motomagII on October 31, 2009, 02:33 PM
basically this was my brothers first bmx bike bitd,he passed away last year at 36 years old and i have been asking for one of these for while and finally got this one .it is all original except the wheels my brothers had chrome spoked wheels on it ,so i will change those.gonna be restored to mint perfect and hung up with a picture of my brother on it.im nearly crying just writing this but the bike will be a constant memory of our childhood together and remind me of the goods times we had .rip darren michael brooke
thses are the bits i need to replace with new parts
fuan f1 grips yellow and red
chrome v bars (POSSIBLY SORTED)
red 1020 copy brakeset with tech 2 levers red
red cables front and rear (SORTED)
set chrome wheels (like the ones on the lower end burner range )
red rat trap pedals 1/2 inch for one piece cranks (SORTED)
red comp 3 type tyres
chrome 22.2 seat post (SORTED)
yellow velo made seat with bmx on side in gold (mAY BE ABLE TO RESTO THIS NOT SURE)
all must be new please
Greg, loosing someone isnt easy mate but just think how much your brother will appreciate it, he'll be looking down on you mate :daumenhoch: keep your head high :daumenhoch: Good luck with this resto. I'll have a look on your wanted thread and see if i have anything for you :daumenhoch:
Lovely greg, truly lovely thing to do for your brothers memory, he will be touched I'm sure and looking down with a massive smile and a thumbs up! :daumenhoch: If you're after some parts for this let me know, if i've got them spare, you have' em mate. Chin up fella and keep us posted on this build ;)
Hey Greg, a fitting tribute :daumenhoch:
cheers guys check my wanted ad as they are all no name parts which can sometimes be harder to get lol
Look forward to seeing it built Greg
Its a nice thing your doing 8)
this will be a great way to remember your kid, i will have a dig around for some bits for ya. :daumenhoch:
nice touch, in what can only be a horrible time... think the world of my brother so I can imagine your pain. :'(
Good luck with this project, a nice way to commemorate your bro.
Im sure your brother will be looking down on you with a big grin on his face mate ;)
Nice tribute to him :daumenhoch:
real nice that greg... i'm fillin up myself....
good luck with the resto greg, do your bro proud :daumenhoch:
Great tribute Greg :daumenhoch:
Keep an eye on ebay.com for chrome steel CMC rims , or the wheels lower end Pro Star's used to have were steel with a plastic kinda red or blue coating . Strip the coloured coating and sorted ;) .
bloody lovely idea
Nice one Greg!!! :daumenhoch:
List the parts you need (and any addtional info) and we'll keep an eye out for ya!! :)
respect to you mate ,,,,when done its goto be your most important build ,,,good look with it :daumenhoch:
Nice one Greg!!! :daumenhoch:
List the parts you need (and any addtional info) and we'll keep an eye out for ya!! :)
x 2
bit of update i was getting this sorted from memory but my mum has found a couple pics and sent them on to me .i have had to get another frame asit was different to the one in the first pic although the parts and colour were identical .my memory was close considering it was 27 ish years ago lol
heres the correct frame now ready for painting
this is the pics i just got sent .my brother and sister and his new bike .
awesome dude :daumenhoch: good luck with it :)
Top stuff Greg, great photos also, good times mate. Looking forward to seeing this build done :daumenhoch:
top work greg and a fitting tribute to your brother ;)
Great photo's mate :daumenhoch:
Good luck with the build :)
hi greg, fair play for doing a bike in your bro's honour. i was about to say that i have the exact same model but in blue. "falcon pro alpha" but i just saw the different frame so i guess its not the same bike. i had a one off set of stickers made for a very similar falcon pro kappa. the graphics were the same except the alpha/kappa bit. if you need i'll send you the art work. i have a few falcon pro's and none have that slotted gusset. are you sure it's not something else with a falcon pro padset on it? if you still have the original one in the first pics i'll buy it off you if you dont need it.
no its def falcon pro i remember it ,was just slightly out on detail.i know someone with complete one now too under different name so they were random frames used for few bike names made by akisu .i seriously need arwork for the beta part on downtube cant get that nowhere
check my for sale for the original frame and forks which is alpha one ,but was also sold as beta at some point ?
i just had a look at your for sale thread hoping all the way that you hadn't stripped it. i would have had it if you hadn't. the stickers on the bro's bike are nothing like what i have. the stickers i have art work for are the same as the ones you peeled of the red frame except the seat tube one says kappa. i can see in your old pic that the down tube has a large BETA on it.
i stripped it ready for repaint and left the chainguard unstrippedto get exact match on the paint colour .was gonna have total resto as is the chrome one i now have .it will be painted exact match colur in week or so pics willbe up once painted
just got the frame forks bars and chainguard back from sam (meticus)he has done superb job of painting this for me and really good colour match too .well happy .
also wanna say sam did this and wouldnt even take drink off me for nothing because of why im building this .i can thank him enough for the superb job .
just waiting on wheel rims and delcals and ill start putting it together should be finished in time for xmas when my mum and dad come over to see me .they hopefully will ove that ive found and restored my brothers first bmx and it will look the identical to the pictures my mum found and sent over to me .
very happy tonight now its coming together
nice on Greg, Sam's a good un.
I expect to be seeing you round mine soon then?
Awesome job Sam , and a top man for your generosity :daumenhoch:
looking good that greg , props to meticus :daumenhoch:
Great stuff Greg :daumenhoch: look forward to seeing that finished,bud :daumenhoch:
RIP Darren
This is the first time I've read this thread and it completely floored me.
I think it's a really beautiful gesture and it could be a completely cathartic process for you.
To have something physical that supports the memories you have is a great idea.
All the very best with the build and thanks for sharing it with us :daumenhoch:
This is the first time I've read this thread and it completely floored me.
I think it's a really beautiful gesture and it could be a completely cathartic process for you.
To have something physical that supports the memories you have is a great idea.
All the very best with the build and thanks for sharing it with us :daumenhoch:
x2 all the very best mate.
Brilliant job so far and a nice tribute.
Is the Falcon Pro pretty much the same as a Cycle Pro ? There is a test on one in a BMX Plus magazine I have and it loos pretty similar. I will do a scan of the article if it helps in any way. The one in the test is red with yellow Tuffs on it.
Yep just read this thread for the first time to, what an amazing thing to do Greg, wish you all the best iof luck :daumenhoch:
What a lovely tribute Greg, you should be proud. :daumenhoch:
Which style CMC steel do you need, the 7x or 7c?
Im not 100% sure but i think my big bro had the very same bike, I saw him race it at our local track when I was tiny and its my earliest memory of bmx...
When im down in wales later I will ask him, his had spokes aswell.
Awesome build Greg and fair play to Sam.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Nice one Sam you're a gentleman :daumenhoch:
Greg, how is the resto coming along mate? ;)
Nice one Sam you're a gentleman :daumenhoch:
Greg, how is the resto coming along mate? ;)
nearly there mate got 99 percent of bits either here on on way and wheels are nearly ready .in theory i may have it buolt in next week/2 weeks.
also managed to get every single part original as per stock bike and the pictures with me brother in too
:daumenhoch: Greg that does look super fresh now its all painted.
Meticus your an absolute diamond for your kindness ;)
I just love a build with some deep meaning to it.
it was my pleasure to be involved with it, cannot wait to see it finished.... ;)
originasl bike
couldnt wait to built it up should have waited for decals/wheels/brakes but wanted to get it going so here we are so far
will udate agin next week if the wheels ever turn up lol
Awsome :daumenhoch:
lookin good :daumenhoch:
this is a real heart tugging story , what a nice thing to do . can i ask what you doing with your brothers bike when its all done , are you making like a shrine or summit ?
this is a real heart tugging story , what a nice thing to do . can i ask what you doing with your brothers bike when its all done , are you making like a shrine or summit ?
yes mate its gonna sit in the conservatory with pic of him next to it
this is a real heart tugging story , what a nice thing to do . can i ask what you doing with your brothers bike when its all done , are you making like a shrine or summit ?
yes mate its gonna sit in the conservatory with pic of him next to it
well to me i think you are doing a very special thing there matey , i bet it turns out amazing , and i bet your bro is watching you every minute you are working on that build top class mate keep it up neil :4_17_5:
finally finished and well happy with the results .it would have been my brothers birthday in few days so was rushing to get it done before that day
one word,priceless
one word,priceless
+1 that came out well sweet mate :daumenhoch:
Very special, sure you've done your bro proud :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
well done mate :daumenhoch:
fantastic Greg :4_17_5:
cant think of a better tribute :daumenhoch:
i see the wheels turned up in time then Greg :daumenhoch:
Fantastic mate, glad to have helped with this in some way
Great tribute :daumenhoch:
Brilliant Greg :daumenhoch:
Bet your bro's looking down on you with a very big smile on his face ;)
Very fitting tribute and a great build :4_17_5:
great work greg, and a fitting tribute to your brother :daumenhoch:
what an awesome way to remember your brother.thats one build to hang on to forever. :daumenhoch:
Thats ace Greg... :daumenhoch:
Your brother would be proud... :4_17_5:
Well done Greg, hope the memories will bring some happiness to help you through it :)
Great work Greg :daumenhoch: what a wonderful tribute to you're brother.
Its great that some other RAD members have been able to help you out with this restoration....... BMX has always been like that, great sport, great people, great friendships, great times :)
A great tribute to your brother mate :4_17_5:
Great work Greg :daumenhoch: what a wonderful tribute to you're brother.
Its great that some other RAD members have been able to help you out with this restoration....... BMX has always been like that, great sport, great people, great friendships, great times :)
too right john i have had loads help on here and burnerworld too and would have struggled without it .great community we have here :daumenhoch:
Great tribute Greg :daumenhoch: , fantastic work all round .
Glad to be involved in this Gregg, i've said it on BW and i'll say it again, a top tribute to your Bro, hope it bring back lots of happy memories for you... :daumenhoch:
Merry Crimbo
great result greg, nice one dude, looks the danglies :daumenhoch:
Awesome effort Greg and a fantastic bike that means a lot to you at the end of it :daumenhoch:
Greg, brilliant mate :4_17_5: Big respect to you for doing that :daumenhoch:
Cool Greg. :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
bloody fantastic Greg :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: well done buddy, your brother would be proud :daumenhoch:
Great work Greg :daumenhoch: what a wonderful tribute to you're brother.
Its great that some other RAD members have been able to help you out with this restoration....... BMX has always been like that, great sport, great people, great friendships, great times :)
Couldn't have put it better myself :daumenhoch: