Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: southern andy on June 17, 2009, 03:57 PM
All finished within reason then. Not going to win any prizes but i thought you'd all like to see this baby.
Remember it's a survivor apart from the pads and the NOS pedals, everything else is either original to the bike or second hand used stuff i've picked up. Stickers and chrome also original. Even then the pads and pedals are second hand in all honesty. :LolLolLolLol:
A massive massive thanks have to go to Ian ( bodamus) for all his input on this and i hope i haven't let him down with this build. Tried to keep it as original as possible, tyres were always going to be a problem and the original seats on them i just do not like hence the flyte tech. :4_17_5:
It's Kuwahara made aswell rather than a Tange one.
Parts rundown
1984 Kuwahara made Nova looptail frame and forks.
Elina flyte tech saddle.
Stamped Kuwahara Laser bars.
Stamped Kuwahara Laser post.
Haro Tech plate.
Dia Compe 890 Rear brake.
Dia Compe tech 3 lever.
Suntour arrow seat clamp.
Araya 7x rims.
Suzue sealed hubs.
2nd Gen Mitsubishi silver star Comp 3 tyres.
suntour power stem
Takagi crank
Takagi chainring
Takagi Bottom bracket.
Kuwahara grips.
Repro pad set
NOS KKT pedals.
I think thats it. ::)
sorry, slightly picture heavy. :-[ :-[
Try and enjoy. Its a survivor, not everyone's cup of tea.
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Top Job! :4_17_5:
Quality Andy !
reads like your opologiseing, no need v nice build :4_17_5:
Nice job that Andy, look very nice :coolsmiley:
reads like your opologiseing, no need v nice build :4_17_5:
It does really don't it. Just i assume there are a few fans of brand new blingy out there and survivor builds are not on there most wanted lists.
It's taken me about 4 months to do, was supposed to be a years project. ::) but things appeared quicker than i'd expected.
I know I said it before, but that's one sweet build Andy m8 :daumenhoch: G.
love the red padset on that Andy.
nice work mate :daumenhoch:
Reading that first Andy i was expecting a proper used rider, look cool as fook mate, mint
Reading that first Andy i was expecting a proper used rider, look cool as fook mate, mint
It was Paul, but it was in very very good condition when i bought her mate. I've polished until my fingers started falling off :LolLolLolLol:
Every single thing on there has been on a bike and used elsewhere apart from the pedals and spokes.
Cheers for all you comments guys. I'm proud of this one. :4_17_5:
Yum Yum..really liking that indeed. :smitten:
awesome,red pads against black always a winner,beautiful survivor :4_17_5:
Nicely done Andy :daumenhoch: do you have any before pix of what it looked like in it's original survivor condition :)
I had a sneeky peek before but it looks even better now, nice one Andy, one of the best i've seen :daumenhoch:
Nicely done Andy :daumenhoch: do you have any before pix of what it looked like in it's original survivor condition :)
These are the earliest one's i have Steve, probably the day i received it from Ian. As you can see, it was in superb condition then.
All i've done is polish it up with Autosol, it didn't need anything else. There is slight pitting to the top tube but it's coered by the pad.
That'a a lovely looking survivor (if you can call it that :shocked: ) - nice work andy :daumenhoch:
Are you gonna ride it at all mate ? :-\
I think thats spot on mate :4_17_5:
You should be proud of her :daumenhoch:
lovely! :coolsmiley:
One more to be proud of Andy :4_17_5:
Very very nice !
Mate, you've undersold yourself!!! :-\ :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
That's a lovely build :4_17_5:
Lookin' good Andy :daumenhoch:
Not a fan of shiny tyres but lookin' good all the same .
Not a fan of shiny tyres but lookin' good all the same .
They needed something doing to them Matt, the sparkle has since left them though and i'm hoping the stuff i've sprayed them with has penetrated the rubber to prolong their life mate. :daumenhoch:
That's lovely that is!
See, my input is that "survivors" get ridden, and capret queens get hung up on walls.
and I reckon Mr Kuwahara would be spinning a 360 backflip nohander in his grave if he thought his bikes were being looked at not ridden as the functional, fun kids toys they are.
Only this weekend I was out at that Doking trail site with my DB SS, and the pride at actually "riding" the funkiest bike there, (to me) jsut added 500% to the pleasure of being there.
Fair enough....
I just assumed as it was the original surviving chrome with original surviving stickers then this would be classed as a survivor. Not a thing on this bike has been re-chromed or powder coated to look like new. Even the BB, headset, spider and crank are original to the bike.
This is also ridden mate, it's certainly no "carpet queen".
It looks a little blingy there as i tarted it up for it's photo's. :-[
Lol, I fear you misunderstand..
I was saying I like it!
Its great not to have a rechromed, powdered fluffy new looking bike, somehow something with a few age scars can be "ridden" which is what they were built for.
To be honest, idea of a 100% complete as purchased bike survivor is a bit odd. I dont know anyone who didnt start upgrading as the pocket money flowed in, whether just grips, pads, seatpost, then brakes, wheels whatever... and rthats not including the bits you broke like chainrings, chains ect.
I know I spent literally several pounds on my first bike a Pirahana, which was nearly as shit when I finished as it was fromt he factory...
Crank, spyder, headset, f&f, original finish and decal,s thats "survivor" to me.
Whoops, sorry :-[