Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: The-flying-banana on July 19, 2005, 07:21 PM
My lttle brother has no prefrence for which side he does airs ie from the left or the right ??? can anyone else do this ???as i find it weird to say the least!
its what they call switch or opposite.....hes very gifted i think....bestwick rides vert both ways and favours no particular side to pull whatever he wants out of his trick bag....
i swing both ways....
does that count
Yep, a gift if ya ask me, not weird,I can only drop in the oppisite way to which i air , now thats weird.
and no one as noticed dave is gay lmao
i can do airs opposite equally as bad as the normal way. goofy footed feels weird!
The last time i got any type of big-air was thanks to british airways and one of their very large planes'? ::)
i've been learning to do the hips at my local park opposite. feels really wierd but you get used to it.
??? Well was at dumbarton with him the other day and he,s just really been on a bike for a couple of months but can now get around two feet out of the pipes, he decided to try these ramps there is three in formation then you hit a massive wall ride and go back the way.
So he hits the wall ride around 30ft up then comes back clears every jump and has to hit the pipe the opposite way ie from the left and he still gets two feet first try :o fecking amazes me as i,ve tried it to no avail :-[
Oh heres a link to dumbarton click on ramps the hall 2 and you,ll see what i mean its an old pick of the wall ride thing as its double this size now.
i must admit i can 180 the other way on a ramp but not air it but does feel real sketchy tho
if im dropping in i go one way but aerial the other.i tried it dropping in the same way as i aerial and nearly killed myself at worcester.hense the dent in my leg and my calf looking like i've coloured it in with a black marker pen :-[.
I think its possible to learn, but one side will always feel more natural than the other with me. When I put pegs on my new school bike I purposly put them on my opposite side so that I could learn to do things that way, and to some extent it has worked as I can now roll in both ways in to a pipe, or air both ways over a hip, but I`ve not had the convidence to try and ariel the opposite way yet :(
When I first went to Charlton ramp, I had no idea which way to drop in or carve, so I tried both and can go both ways and drop in equally badly. I guess I should be lead by my leading foot, but after repeatedly doing a hip at the heath goofy I feel comfortable doing that. So that leaves me in an odd situation, carving one way, and wanting to air another. LOL. Will try and get it sorted when I get a park bike.
must admit I struggle like feck with it, I started riding in the wrong way to I air and had to alioop to return but now ride in the way I air, nana thats some park, were was it nicked from?
:)I like the panoramic viewing cameras :) its an alritey park but not that great!
I prefer left to right, however I prefer alleyooping all the time. Just feels the right way to do things. Mind you for those of you that have seen me at Rom will know I'm still in my infancy at ramps, so it's still all so new.
Yes bro I do have a prefrence, but when I go over them jumps I have no option. Though now I have been doin it, it feel"s ok. But just to let you guys know how good I"m getting, ::)last night at dumbarton I took a bad spill early doors :( I felt ok, but thumb was a bit sore :'(well today the f****r is twice the size :o but I feel great because last night I done some of my best riding yet!!!! One thumbed!!!! is there a name for this new trick? ;D
:) Ah shaggy you been at them eighties toons again :D oh well better than scotch stevie ;D