Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: Thejackal on April 28, 2009, 02:06 PM

Title: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: Thejackal on April 28, 2009, 02:06 PM
How hard/ easy is it to fit a set of Flite cranks? Do I need any specialist equipment?

Or, am I as well, taking the frame and crank to a good, independent local bike shop and having them do the business?

Many thanks. :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: thecrooch on April 28, 2009, 02:11 PM
no pretty easy - but setting them up on the chain line can be a little bit of a pain - depends if you want to ride the bike or look at it.
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: Thejackal on April 28, 2009, 02:14 PM
Thanks Crooch

It is gonna be a carpet queen, but also (if this makes any sense) I would like it to work?! Just in case.........
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: thecrooch on April 28, 2009, 02:19 PM
The only issue ive ever had with them is getting the Chain ring in line - but it just needs a little bit time and patience and normally all fine...  though if i had a choice Profiles any day....
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: Thejackal on April 29, 2009, 07:24 AM
Thanks Crooch.

Does anyone have an installation guide, or is there one on here already?
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: snav69 on April 29, 2009, 08:03 AM

Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: pickle on April 29, 2009, 08:40 AM
forgive me for being stupid.....but the chainwheel alignment is all down to having a few spacers or not on the crank spindle.........surely this is an issue with whatever crank you fit, be it flights or Profile?   ???

never had a problem with my flights
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: Thejackal on April 29, 2009, 01:30 PM
Thanks Snav

Had checked out the link and have pm'd Ratty to send me a pdf of a fittings manual he has.  :coolsmiley:
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: pkradman on April 29, 2009, 09:17 PM
have a play its not rocket science .. plus its part of the fun  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Flite cranks fitting - is it difficult?
Post by: Thejackal on April 30, 2009, 01:06 PM

Any joy with the pdf? I'm looking for something to do over the weekend......... :coolsmiley:
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