Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: Deano on April 13, 2009, 02:39 AM
Well been collecting parts for some time now and thought easter holidays was a perfect time to start building. (the white crank is NOT going on this bike lol)
Some parts but more since picture and some in post atm
Here is how it stands atm
Waiting on the right pink tuffs to come along or till iv enough for new ones. Untill then iv these for now and looking for some pink/gum tyres for them.
Any feed back welcome. Cheers Deano
Btw i can get those Zmags for £45 a pair plus postage, If anyone is interested pm me ill try and sort them out for you.
This has been a slow build but nearly there now, Sholud have this finished by the weekend.
Im happy with how its looking so far.
Your views??
Seat post came today so the seat is now fitted :smitten: Loving this more every part i add.
Chainring and spider will make it complete. As soon as i can get the darn cups in ;D
LOL @Bru
It has a personal meaning behind the colour scheme dude. For the record Fruits doesnt apply :2funny:
Tarrr very much though i like bright
it's diferent that's for sure :daumenhoch:
would like to see it with the Z mags as well though.....nice and black :daumenhoch:
Pickle, i cant see that happening dude. The ACS zmags will no doubt be going on my DP or GT.
Different is good in my eyes, im not a stock kind of guy im a custom dude 8) (mostly)
tarr very much
Looks great, but just one comment .. you dont usually fit wheel nuts along with the pegs !
^^Really :-[ i did wonder.
This is only a mok-up and they are only slightly on :daumenhoch:
Seriously strugglin to get the BB cups in though. Iv taken most of the paint off inside the BB.
i like the black and pink combo :)
always remeber a black and pink pk ripper on ebay years ago,could have had the whole bike for £300 :idiot2:
nice scheme 8)
Thanks Thebigdog, i have a Tioga pink cd chainring and black Tioga spider. And pink Tioga kkt plastic pedals.
So should look good when i get over this small annoying hurdle >:(
This is getting closer to the finish line. I had the BB cups pressed in today so i managed to fit this:
Just need a black chain, fit my grips/blocks. Take it apart again and give it a fully good clean down for the application of my custom decals for Del :daumenhoch: :smitten:
Everybody loves a bit ov pink ;)
Thanks to Del for being the great custom decal maker and perfect guy to deal with. I will be finishing this today, this is a snippet of what iv done so far.
Started off small and now just the 2 big ones to do now :-\
I think thats the first Black Streetbeat I'v ever seen ???
I quite like it :)
The BB cups will go in, lube them up, they are meant to be tight, just put them in a vice, or get a block of wood & hammer :daumenhoch:
Thanks WIKTTA^^ :) Cups were pressed in at my lbs. Id not seen an all black Streetbeat either but im sure there is some out there.
Finished the decals and had a struggle with the top bar 1 which i left till last, slightly wonky and i will replace it later on.
Im pleased how its turned out tbf. Now i can put the grips/chain and cables on.
Thanks Del again for the perfect decals :daumenhoch: :smitten: love them!!!!
Thats awesome. fookin crazy, but awesome nonetheless.
I'm liking that, nice :daumenhoch:
Knew i,d seen a black one some where before. This was from back in 2006, some canny eye candy on this thread over at vintage.
Thanks Oberonspacefruit and Elliot (Ron Burgundy) :daumenhoch:
It was my firsy :daumenhocht ever attempt at doing decals and i done them dry >:( not easy but im sure ill get used to it.
Suts, Thanks for the picture of some other black 1's. That link has some fancy Streetbeat for sure.
Good thread and Great Job on the Streebeat .. :daumenhoch:
Black & Pink goes together very well ( i should know , spending the holiday weekend painting daughter`s bedroom in similar scheme), you`ve got it just about right i reckon!!
Wasn`t sure about Streetbeats at first, but, with yours and the other ones i`ve seen on here , they`re growing on me :)
Top Work !
top job mate :daumenhoch:
nice :4_17_5: great thread , nice colour , del done a great job again, june botm entry i think,chrome chain?
Looks cool :daumenhoch: A pink stem would look pretty cool on there - it would match the seat clamp and break up the black bars, black stem and frame combo.
Del's decals look great :daumenhoch:
WOW im stunned by the kind words thats been said about this bike :shocked:
Rollin, Thankyou mate
Oldtired, i was thinking Black chain really?? as for botm im honoured just for someone to like my hard work really :)
Ozone, i watched about 4 pink headset come and go for cash i couldnt afford so maybe a painted pink stem is a good idea ;) also cheers for the good feedback dude :daumenhoch:
Dave, your daughter has great taste in colour schemes ;D (unless she is too young to choose then you have great taste)
The story behind my chioce in colours will be revieled when iv fitted the final few bits. Oh and swapped the calipers round as iv been informed they are front to back :-\ ::)
Ok been through a couple of little additions to the bike, i gave up on looking for a black chain and bought a pink one just for now so its ready for MK.
Also added the bar decals and swapped the cable guides top to bottom so the cable runs downwards now.
Just needs 1 litttle decal from Del and cables cut/crimped. :daumenhoch:
Look forward to meeting a few more faces at the show ;)
Lovin' it....cheeky colour combo :daumenhoch:
Keep Rockin Fella ;)
Seriously loving that. Best use of pink on a BMX ive seen.
Agree that a pink stem would complete it and break up the black at the front end.
Lovely job though, well done mate. :daumenhoch:
Seriously loving that. Best use of pink on a BMX ive seen.
Agree that a pink stem would complete it and break up the black at the front end.
Lovely job though, well done mate. :daumenhoch:
I like the stem Black...looks more mean...I would pull the bars back a tiny bit though ;)
Cheers Danny, that very nice of you to say that mate :daumenhoch:
Sweetbeat, im sure the bars crept forwards as they were only loosely done up ::) i looked at the photo's i posted lastnight and thought"im guna get told ::) to move t ::)hem back :LolLolLolLol: Doing it now!
Then outside for sunshine shot me thinks
Cheers Danny, that very nice of you to say that mate :daumenhoch:
Sweetbeat, im sure the bars crept forwards as they were only loosely done up ::) i looked at the photo's i posted lastnight and thought"im guna get told ::) to move t ::)hem back :LolLolLolLol: Doing it now!
Then outside for sunshine shot me thinks
Set of pink repop pads would look great, and solve the whole black stem / pink stem debate?
I'd really like to get a MKIII with the AD mounts on the rear, chrome and blue ones.
anyone got one going cheap?? :daumenhoch:
Not my cup of tea but i think the colours look awesome!!
Proper retro. :4_17_5:
looking good all finshed .....Superb job Deano , great news that you got your 12 months clear ... the bike`s a great tribute to you for coming through the tough times
:) 8) :daumenhoch:
Thanks Dave for the praise and the kind words ;)
Munners, i know poeple wont like everything and im cool with honest and polite criticism :daumenhoch:. Im all about retro also 8) so cheers bud.
Black stem is staying and a repro pink skyway padset will be on the cards very soon :smiley6600: ;D
Thanks very much everyone as its not been an easy 18months for me and this place and BW have helped me more than you probably could imagine.
Cool thread and build Deano. Glad you made it thru all the muck and got to enjoy your new ride.
Just read the whole thread - nice one fella, looks the dog's cogs :daumenhoch:
Thanks very much Cherrypicker :daumenhoch:
Few shots from outside yesterday
been watching the thread, sweet that, :smitten: was unsure early on in the build but its come tegether real nice :4_17_5:
Thanks Oldtired, its not as good as the standard on here but im happy for now till i can afford a Tange headset and some nice cranks/ padset
funky looking build dude ,,,brings back memories of shell suits and dodgy looking ski gear
glad your all clear mate ,,,get some pads to keep those nads safe mate :daumenhoch:
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:the gay pensioner, that would be nad now ::) :2funny:
Thanks my man nice of you to think of my safety also;)
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:the gay pensioner, that would be nad now ::) :2funny:
Thanks my man nice of you to think of my safety also;)
:LolLolLolLol: so you now live on wimbeldon common ,,,,all the more reason for some pads mate ;)
good to see you can laugh about it now ;D
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:Yes womble now the gay pensioner so its like a poolball in a sock ;D
Padset for sure matey, laughter is easier than worryin and making myself worse plus its a waste of time.
bmx saved my sanity 8)
i quite like this but i think the stem needs to got to SBD to get powdered pink also :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Thanks harorider, i bought the black one so its all black upfront. I will be buying a pink custom skyway padset which will brighten up the whole bike more :daumenhoch:
I am unemployed and this bike+ my other build has not been easy to do on my tight budget. The reason behind the build brightens me up enough :) ;)
Cant even afford dust caps to finish it off fully :-[
Amazing Street Beat 8)
Awesome color scheme and superb decals from Del.
Congrats :daumenhoch:
:daumenhoch:Thanks very much Freshman, it does look nice in the sunshine :)
Iv entered it into bike of the month, just because the build got me though a real tough time and its my 1st full build.
LIKE THAT MATE.I have a black one it's in the museum mate,it was my first build.
when i got back into bmx.
LOVE THE PINK.... :LolLolLolLol:
NIce1 Donkeybambam, as you probably read the pink is for the cancer i had :daumenhoch:
sorry to bump an old build thread people. I just want to keep it all together :)
Finally got a plate to match my white 1 on my white Streetbeat
Bought some tamers at BB09
And found some dice caps to finish off the theme :grin:
I just need sunshine now for full finished outdoor pictures :P
18 months all clear from my set back and this bmx makes me remember to have fun and stay happy :wink: :cool:
Thanks to Alans for the brake set and the kind words!!
Del for a fantastic custom decal set!!
USA Ebay for Skyway pegs x4, Landar plate, AME grips, Tuff blocks, Seat+post and pedals etc
Colured Tuffs for the odd coloured wheels :roll: :lol:
Rad bmx+members, for the great feedback at MK09 and the medal which this somehow won :oops: :cool:
Thanks guys its been emotional :grin:
Looks great Deano :daumenhoch:
Love the PINK :-* As you know I am all pinked out with my surprise xmas build for my youngest :D
18 months all clear too , that's even better news :daumenhoch: Stay positive mate .
Just added 'Pink' dice caps to my build list :LolLolLolLol:
Sweet as a nut Deano, well done to keep it so long being unemployed and all mate, i know how hard that is :daumenhoch: get it in BOTM mate as your effort deserves it alone :daumenhoch:
Super cool build that! :)
saw this on the bay, pity I don't have a bike to put it on.
Sweet as a nut Deano, well done to keep it so long being unemployed and all mate, i know how hard that is :daumenhoch: get it in BOTM mate as your effort deserves it alone :daumenhoch:
It has been real hard trying not to sell all my bmx's lately mate. I will have to sell 1 of my cars soon probs tho :(
I thought you can only enter a bike once into botm? Iv only added them small final parts :-\
Thanks very much and hope to have some work before MK10 :)
BMX1973, thanks buddy ;)
I wont tell anyone Deano :-X
deano i think i owe you a little favour send the stem up mate and i will sort the colour out for you foc .......... b t w loving the bike mind :4_17_5:
N2 cus, your offer is a :4_17_5: offer :)
I dont have the Suntour one on there if you remember from mk i had the Skyway type with the decal on.
I shall call you over the weekend about something, and you dont owe me anything brother :daumenhoch:
Missed this first time around but that looks absolutely fantastic . . . love it! 8) . . . and your all clear news makes it a double positive :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
mamadirt, thanks for that nice words and props on the bmx :daumenhoch:
This is going on the wall so will be a wall queen rather than the common carpet queen ;D
Love your Shnizz Deano...top drawer squire :D
Sweetbeats :coolsmiley:
Thats my kind of lingo :daumenhoch:
I just need some funds for a pink essy padset and its finished, i hate bumping this thread for small additions :D
Sweetbeats :coolsmiley:
Thats my kind of lingo :daumenhoch:
I just need some funds for a pink essy padset and its finished, i hate bumping this thread for small additions :D
8) :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Another shamefull bump for new tyres added :-[
Had to get some street tyres for my freestyle bmx's and a guy i know came across some vee hubbers, which i think look much better than comp's :coolsmiley:
Love it :daumenhoch:
awesome deano and a great story behind the colour scheme mate :) love them tyres by the way, see if your mate can get me some ;)
telelogic very nice of you to say so buddy :)
Brummie- your too kind sir ;) and you have pm about rubber hoops :buck2:
Ok here i go again with more tyre swapping and dust caps ;D also using my ally hub black tuffs now as this is being erected onto a wall next week. If i ever ride it again ill used the pink tuffs/vee rubber combo.
I put my birth year on the bars too :P
Only the padset to get now :-[ and a new seat as this one snapped at the rail ends ::)
When did you buy Graham Norton's BMX...??!!!!!! ;D
A few years after you bought Barry Normans joke book :2funny:
You obviously didnt read the whole thread, this was a Big daddy Rooster rep my alltime favourite bmx from way back :LolLolLolLol:
Awesome build matey :4_17_5: I dO love a beat and that is lush. Top job dude, take it easy :)
looks better with black tuffs/pink tyres 8)
Looks great mate, but you already know my feelings on this :daumenhoch:
Top work mate.
Jaypeg- Thanks very much mate, it was seeing your pics of your beat that reminded me i had to update this thread :daumenhoch:
Dordy- Nice one dude ;) i think its a better balance and i never was happy with those faded pink skyways that coloured tuffs sent me ::)
Tom- Now i need to pick a wall while the mrs is away :P ;D safe geeza :daumenhoch: black padset with pink or pink with black? Im thinking black with pink lettering so its a bit more mean, more than pink fanny padset :LolLolLolLol:
Thaks all.
Wow Deano - this is an old thread ! :shocked: I remember it well :LolLolLolLol:
Good to see you are still tinkering with it - got to say I prefer it with the new changes - nice one :daumenhoch: