BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: meticulous on March 04, 2009, 07:22 PM
its been there about 3 years but didnt want to look a gimp and push past everyone to take some pictures, but last weekend thought phuck it!!!!
its a freeagent with araya 7x.....
maxi cross cranks....
screwed to the wall...
a pair of perfectly good 7x's ruined... :idiot2:
screwed through the rims? unreal.
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Poor Rims :D
Many moons a go a guy from TGIs decoration company bought a lot of old school bikes ,so there must be a few hanging up somewhere
I think your right rich,im sure the tgis near me has a raleigh tuff burner,and a nice chopper hanging from its walls :-\
Yea he came on the old rad i think , or maybe vintage and was buying the cheaper stuff at the time ( lol ,hindsights eh its a wonderfull thing) and was saying that it was for TGIs walls
he was picking up free agents,burners and stuff
funny how it all gos really , at the time it was funny as there was a lot more availiable back then and you could pick up stuff for 30, 40 quid for a full bike from ebay
so it was all good , now lol well you know rthe score
The one in Coventry has a GT on the wall and tgi in leicester square has a GT- I might be wrong on the last one as I was seriously p!ssed at the time.I do remember trying to buy it off them.
I think your right rich,im sure the tgis near me has a raleigh tuff burner,and a nice chopper hanging from its walls :-\
The TGI's in Park Gate Matt definitely had a chopper pinned to the wall, don't know if its still there now though.
I didn't even notice it when I was in there a couple of years ago!!
Ram Raiding is local pastime in Prestwich.
Screwing it to the wall was the only option!! :LolLolLolLol:
nick it and just leave the rims ;D
I used to work in a top picture framer's and we had special boat jobs come in - the woman who we were doing it for was bringing in items and we had to chop them up to fit in the frames - the woman was just buying any thing she fancied - guitars - records - any thing - but the thing is money was not a problem and when she wanted some thing it was just bought - she didn't care if any body else wanted it or collected it - she just destroyed it - just like the bikes in TGI's - just for show in a crap place where they sell crap food ::)
screws through the rims :'(
...it's there to take your mind off the shit food ;D
i worked a the tgi's in Sale south Manchester when it opened in 1990 & i recall a chrome VDC on the wall with black tuffs, they had done the same trick and screwed through the tuffs :2funny:
T G I. The Gormless Idiots. i rest my case. >:(
T G I. The Gormless Idiots. i rest my case. >:(
;D ;D ;D never a truer word was spoken .... shower of :Aresehole:
lets rush the place and free the crucified bike :2funny: no realy lets get it back
go on then.
what a fag bro he could have sold that bike for some bills!!