Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: holwuff on February 07, 2009, 04:03 PM
I got myself an 84 haro sport last week, some of you may have seen it, and am thinking of decals, so before i get that far i thought id let you guys in on it to see if you can help id it.
i posted the sellers pics on the museum and someone said it was a 3rd gen sport, the seller told me the serial is - 84087568 but after stripping the primer off it it looks to me as - 84187568.
he forgot to pack the forks, so i dont have them yet, they are in postman pats tea room somewhere at the moment, but have included the only pic of the forks from the listing!
its at me mates work now being sandblasted!
what ya know guys?
Like you have said ,its a 3rd gen 84 taiwan made sport.
is the number under the b/bracket?
yeah! really small stamping though!
sure its a gen 3 torker built
thought 85 onwards werent torker
dunno mate, thats why im asking you guys! :2funny:
Like you have said ,its a 3rd gen 84 taiwan made sport.
Here's your answer, if Jay doesn't get it right I doubt anyone else will :daumenhoch:
I was bidding against you on that, wondered if anyone on ere eneded up with it
Nice score... :daumenhoch:
Cheers for your help guys, does anyone know the original decals for this model? the seller said he has some pics of it from bitd but im still waiting on them!
nice one betty, was a bit of a bidding war in the last couple of mins, chuffed i got it, the parts that came with it were better than i expected too! :D
This is what you have,the correct decals have a full grey stripe that sits behind the head tube gusset(the incorrect decals look the same but have the grey on the frame decal cut to go around the headtibe gusset).
The decals on the sports below are the wrong ones as the grey section on the frame decal is cut around the gusset,these came on the Torker models.....