Frame | Auburn XL (20.5 TT) | Cro-Moly Front (Chrome) & Aluminium Rear (Yellow) |
Forks | Auburn | NOS off SE-BMXER |
Bars | Auburn | Off Noespickben |
Stem | GT | Either Off MADD DOGG or OrgasmDonor |
Headset | GT Pro Series | Silver |
Grips | AME | Yellow |
Cranks | GT Profiles 175's | Titanium Spindle and Bolts + Hop up Kit |
Chainwheel | GT 44t | Off Orgasmdonor |
Freewheel | ACS | 16t |
Pedals | Gusset Slim Jim | Yellow |
Wheels | Araya RB17 1.5 | Silver |
Tyres | Schwalbe | Mow Joes (R1.85 & F2.00) |
Brakes | Odyssey Pitbull | Silver |
Brake Cable | Slick Cable | Pale Yellow |
Brake Lever | Odyssey Monolever | Yellow |
Seat/Seatpost Combo | Cougar 300 | Yellow |
Seat Clamp | GT Double Bolt | Chrome |
Padset | Repro by Firebird | Yellow |
Plate | Haro Tech (Insert only) | Yellow |
Weight | Complete Bike + Pads + Plate | 24.7 lbs |
Might as well enter my Lengthy while i'm here....
so long as there's no nob head indepent judge who knows fook all about mid school!
nice 97 rims there on a 92 haro joe!
all of us i would think phil
sweeeet pair them steve sweet
i put 2 on joe
it seemed a little unethical to enter as i'd taken the liberty of organizing it :-\
i said burgle. :shocked:
i said burgle. :shocked:
Of course you did ;) >:D
i'll get to work on a poll thread now,
should be up by tonight if i can get my idiot brain to work it out, :daumenhoch:
thanks for all the entries(ooh sailor!)
and for representing the oft overlooked mid school era,
we kept bmx alive ;)