Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: lloydieboy on October 12, 2008, 12:49 AM
This has been my latest ride this summer. '85 Streetbeat modded up to nuskool spec. Running 990 brake on the back, gyro mounts on the frame, cable guide on the bottom tube.. 1 1/8th Odyssey pro flatland forks. This bike baby rides like an F'ing dream! Gonna get it painted up real good at somepoint but for now it just rides......
Really good, like this a lot. Good concept, can't believe you went to the trouble of building it up without painting the welds tho.. :'(
White is good, a great looking bike just can't dig those pegs! too flatland for me, nice one tho, glad she's good to ride.
Nice one. :daumenhoch:
Cool mate....I love to see an old new hybrid!
There's a great Gt Performer on www.bmxmuseum.com that has a perfect mix of old, mid and new!
Can't wait to see it painted but I do agree on those pegs, not a fan.
Daz. :daumenhoch:
That looks like it would rock for riding flatland, great to see an old/new hybrid :daumenhoch:
What headset are you running, 1" cups with looseball bearings?
like that. looks like a good flat set up. how did you set it up to use those forks on that frame as i fancy doing something like that with a 92 master.
I know what u mean about it being built without finishing the paint. I was only gonna build it up to see if i could get it to work, but then it all worked out and i just started riding it and didn't want to break it up cos i wanted to keep on riding it. I will get it painted over the winter tho. Gonna give it to SBD, may go with a candy red on this one or good old Streetbeat orange...
As for the pegs, they're an acquired taste i agree. This was always primarily a flatland bike so they work for that very well.
Really good, like this a lot. Good concept, can't believe you went to the trouble of building it up without painting the welds tho.. :'(
White is good, a great looking bike just can't dig those pegs! too flatland for me, nice one tho, glad she's good to ride.
Right, tried a few sets of cups but found that most were too small to get over the fork. HOWEVER, Tioga Beartrap headset cups work a treat. So it's the shim that sits at the bottom of the forks, then Beartrap bottom cup full of grease and 1 1/8th bearings loose in the cup. Top Beartrap cup again full of grease with loose bearings then use the rest of a 1 /8th headset to put it all together. It really works well now...
If you have any further questions give me a shout but i think you'll find it real easy.
like that. looks like a good flat set up. how did you set it up to use those forks on that frame as i fancy doing something like that with a 92 master.
cheers, i'll give that a go. what did you use as a shim? also out of interest where did you get the AD mounts and cable guides done?
Sorry, shim is not the right word. Just meant the bit that you get with a headset that slides over the forks and sits at the base of the headset. Does that make more sense.
A couple of friends helped me out with the welded parts. Did a great job on it too.
cheers, i'll give that a go. what did you use as a shim? also out of interest where did you get the AD mounts and cable guides done?
will give it a go and see what happens.
that`ll look the business when its painted ...very good mix of new and old school ...i`m doing something similar with my zippo/master ...top job Lloyd!
nice take on an old school frame :daumenhoch:did a similar build with a green beat ,nice n light for flat. 8)
where did you get those oddy forks from?
what gearing have yoou got on that? are you running a freecoaster?
Cheers, i got the forks from
Really good guys, nice quick delivery. Shit hot forks too!
nice take on an old school frame :daumenhoch:did a similar build with a green beat ,nice n light for flat. 8)
where did you get those oddy forks from?
Gearing is 39/13, just a cassette on the back at the mo...
what gearing have yoou got on that? are you running a freecoaster?
cheers lloyd will have a look :daumenhoch:
don't suppose you know the lowest gearing you could run on this do you. i'm hoping to run a 33-12 on a 92 master but not sure if it would work. sorry for all the questions. lol.
Well on this frame and how the brake mounts have been welded on this was about as low as i could go. I did try a lower config (alot lower!) and the chain just rattled along the brake. I suppose it all depends on the angles of the frame aswell... That's about as much help as i can be on that one!
don't suppose you know the lowest gearing you could run on this do you. i'm hoping to run a 33-12 on a 92 master but not sure if it would work. sorry for all the questions. lol.
cheers anyway. don't think i'm going to be able to go too low as the mounts are quite high but will just have to find out when i do it.
Realy like that!!!!
And you've just answered a question about headsets [old frames/new forks] :daumenhoch:
lets see it painted next!!!
Yeah, i used a Beartrap2. only bits i used were the cups. They give you enough room to get the forks through. I then filled the cups up with grease and used all the bearings from the 1 1/8 headset, taking them out of the race. They are loose in the grease. The rest of the headset is the 1 1/8 set.
It's worked very well.
Have fun!
Would tioga bear trap 2 head set work? I want to do this too but at the moment ive just got a normal 1" threaded head set.
So would I need to get a 1 1/18" head set and a 1" tioga bear trap 2 head set? Use the cups and race from the tioga set and the loose balls and rest from the 1 1/18th set?
thanks :)
have tried this and it works great. :daumenhoch:
Cool! Get a picture up so we can have a look then!
95 morales pro flat with suelo forks and new/mid bits.
yeh the colour is awesome up close. its a translucent purple or something. the seat post diameter is 31.6mm, not sure why they did that. :idiot2: lol
don't suppose you know the lowest gearing you could run on this do you. i'm hoping to run a 33-12 on a 92 master but not sure if it would work. sorry for all the questions. lol.
Put your lugs on S/S and you can run as low as you like dude.
don't suppose you know the lowest gearing you could run on this do you. i'm hoping to run a 33-12 on a 92 master but not sure if it would work. sorry for all the questions. lol.
i've got 34/13 on my big daddy , the brake is a hombre and i've got plenty of clearance with the chain on that
i've managed to go 33-11 on the morales, can't go any lower as the wishbone for the chainstays is too steep on this version.
yeh the colour is awesome up close. its a translucent purple or something. the seat post diameter is 31.6mm, not sure why they did that. :idiot2: lol
good job with that morales-and the colour is amazing 8)
That's the nuts mate. Superb.
95 morales pro flat with suelo forks and new/mid bits.
cheers. :daumenhoch:
It looked like this...
And now, after Dan has worked his magic...
Top job Dan, thanks mate.
that looks mint as mate.
have ya done anything to your badlander yet? :daumenhoch:
That's fooking sweet that dude! :4_17_5:
Individuality - love it 8)
very nice,bet that colour is even better in the flesh- pics outside would be :smitten:
that looks mint as mate.
have ya done anything to your badlander yet? :daumenhoch:
Cheers mate.
The Badlander is currently in the loft. I've got most of the parts for it now though so I'll be working on that soon... :daumenhoch:
that is very nice. 8)
Cheers guys.
I'm really pleased how this turned out. Made a couple of parts changes to it but mainly stuck with the same set up.
Bits changed were...
KHE Watanabe seat
Odyssey Slim by Four brake pads
ODI Longneck grips
Seventies front cable
Hope Headset Spacers in Red
Odyssey Monolevers
Now just waiting for the snow to sod off so I can try it out!
That is very very cool, love the street beat and i did own a Street best-the old frame with 990 lugs allready on.
:4_17_5: Like the new paintwork :daumenhoch:
Old and new school merge awesome