Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Race (riders ready, pedals ready... GO!!) => Topic started by: Tony 1-4 on October 06, 2008, 01:04 PM
If you haven't already seen it, check out this guy's collection of OS bikes. If you have, it's gotta be worth another look!!
F**k me, and so near Christmas too. :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
Awsome bikes but he doesn't answer his emails. >:( >:( Sent him a couple now, neither have been replied to.
the birminham wheels one looks just like greg motomag's
Johan has some nice bikes, good lad too.
hes a member on here too!
nice collection there birmingham wheels isnt mine though mine had correct forks .im sure he offered me this frame and i turned it down because forks werent there