Events => Events => Topic started by: Stodgy on September 10, 2008, 03:02 PM
MK08 is now just a lovely memory, and Christmas is coming!
So, the RADBMX team are pleased to bring you:
This year we've teamed up with our friends at JT71's Bike Bits and of course our own RADBMX Shop to bring you an event with a difference...check this for a line up:
- For this year's theme, we're focussing on accessible builds, not money machines.
- So, grab yourself a cheap Aero Reflex F&F and get building!
- There are no rules, just build the coolest Reflex you can.
- BIG prizes for the winners!
This event will sort the men from the boys...let's see who is the best at polishing a turd. Will it be you?
- In addition to the Aero Reflex Build-off, there will also be the following classes:
- Old School Race
- Old School Freestyle
- Mid School
- Masses of prizes for all places!
-- Folks will go home with goodies for turning up! Every single ticket holder will be entered into prize draw!
-- The owner of the best Aero Reflex build in the show n shine will also need room to take a box of goodies home with them!
-- Dozens of DC t-shirts, caps and other bike bit prizes to be won for riding and showing!
- The full newly revised park will be at the disposal of the 40 lucky riders who get tickets (yep, we've kept the numbers low so there is no bun-fight!)
- This'll be the last opportunity to all get together before the end of the year, so take the chance to see all your mates before 2009 rears it's ugly head!
A big thanks to JT71 for his support with this event. And, as always, the lovely DC Shoe Co for their continued support with even more prizes - thanks guys we couldn't do it without you.
The event will be a closed private session and no tickets will be available at the door. Basically, if your name isn't on the list you're not coming in!
So, make sure you book and pay in advance - details are below.
And you'll be supporting the running of RADBMX - we've got new servers and bandwidth to pay for!
Riding = £15 (includes show n shine, party and raffle ticket)
Show n Shine = £10 (includes party and raffle ticket)
Party = £5 (Includes raffle ticket)
Paypal the relevant amount to radbmxfund@hotmail.com and then PM ME to let me know your: Name, Username and what you have paid for.
More details, maps, etc. will be posted as the time gets closer, so keep checking back to this first post.
A big thanks again to Joe and DC. And lastly a MAAAAHHOOOOSIVE thank you to all the RADBMX members for making this the best community on the Internet.
Thank you in advance for your support for this event. We look forward to seeing the whole RAD family at Creation!
Stay rad.
Below is a list of attendees; Riders, Show'ers and Party Monkeys.
Remember if your name isn't on the list - you ain't coming in - this is a ticket only event!
Wooo Hoooo!
Can the riders be novices :-[ ?
Where's Creation by the way? Never been there :(
aero reflex build off ! bloody typical, mine will be sold in a couple of days :'(
Can the riders be novices :-[ ?
of course! anyone can ride....just have to buy the ticket :daumenhoch:
Where's Creation by the way? Never been there :(
Matt it's up in Birmingham.......easy to get to :daumenhoch:
I'm in please
I have no idea what I will be doing as new baby due on 25th November but put me down even if its on reserve list. Might even have my Haro Sport built in time.
Many thanks Kendo - first man in.
Good lad.
I'm in please
Get paid up then fella - instructions above.
too lazy to build a reflex? a very suitable bike can be bought on ebay...ps it's black.
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
sounds good, I'll have a crack in show n shine, why the devil not, and not sure If I'll ride yet...maybe maybe not.
what is it Jedi says? I don't get dressed up for watching. or summat like that.
I'll decide as the list fills up.
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Paid :daumenhoch:
Done, s+shine and reflex build off please :daumenhoch:
Im in :daumenhoch:
I have a relex too :daumenhoch:
Woo hoo Number 1 :D
I will be back from my trip to the states a few days before :-X.... so should fine ;)
As long as its a run and not bike riding :LolLolLolLol:
i'm in for riding! just paid
Im in :daumenhoch:
I have a relex too :daumenhoch:
am i coming
You can drive home :daumenhoch: I'll have a few ciders :-*
ill take that as a yes! :daumenhoch:
cheers big ears! ;D
Woo hoo Number 1 :D
Show off :)
Woo hoo Number 1 :D
1st on the list has to do a 15 minute freestyle run that we all watch & mark.. hope ur up to it?
Bru :daumenhoch:
Trust me, thats a really bad idea and you really don't want that to happen :):)
Put my name down please i am just about to pay mi dosh. Will santa be there riding a bmx :D
I'm in and paid.
I'm in for riding, but can I pay in a couple of weeks once I get paid. This month is a bit of a nightmare with cash.
I'm in, but can I pay in a couple of weeks once I get paid. This month is a bit of a nightmare with cash.
Riding? Showing? Party?
One for riding please dudes :daumenhoch:
please can i ride uncle dave :daumenhoch:
ill bring 15 pound! :daumenhoch:
Where abouts is creation again?
And where can you get Aero Reflex's from?
Where abouts is creation again?
And where can you get Aero Reflex's from?
Where abouts is creation again?
And where can you get Aero Reflex's from?
FFS Si. Birmingham.
I have two reflex F&F left. £50 posted each.
Bit far from me I'm afraid. :(
Be quicker for me if it was held in Paris. :LolLolLolLol:
Bit far from me I'm afraid. :(
Be quicker for me if it was held in Paris. :LolLolLolLol:
Not today it would'nt!! :LolLolLolLol:
Yeah, maybe not today. :LolLolLolLol:
Ah, well. We can never win.
It's the most central location we can find.
Sorry if it doesn't suit.
Have fun in Paris.
I am actually off to Paris on the 8th. ;D
i'll be away on my honeymoon......so instead of riding around on my bike getting fooked.........i'll be in Lapland getting .............
Money for 2 sent!
ROX & clowntype
I'll bring me big tin of Choccy's to share again :)
dave i need places for .
glenn and luke
and me boys james and jamie
Me and Harrison please for riding and me for Aero build aswell please. Shall I bring my bunny hop bar???
You can drive home :daumenhoch: I'll have a few ciders :-*
i'll drive you home Nick... ::)
are you coming zak?
paid for me and stoff1972 to ride ... ohh yeah
Can you put "Young" down for a rider place please and He'll sort out payment soon (he was to drunk lastnight to contemplate it :LolLolLolLol:
No I wasn't Andy .................well maybe just a little bit ::) I had been to the Falcons game you know ;D
List updated.
All those unpaid - please pay up NOW. Otherwise you'll be removed in one week.
I'm in please
I'm in please
REsult! :daumenhoch:
I'm in, I'll practise my best falling off excuses...
I have an Aero Reflex, and I can party!
are you coming zak?
Wish I Could Mate. Sadly Dads Working And Dont Think Mum Will Drive Me Up There :LolLolLolLol:
I can't keep missing out on these events. I'm seeing my brother Simon in half an hour - put us down as Spen69 plus 1 (he trades as Hootski70) please and I will talk him into it the miserable fecker. The places are running out and I reeeeeally want come. Got to have a laugh as I make myself look like a fool on bikes that should be in museums, not on quaterpipes.......
Can't gaurentee I'll be show 'n' shine though, as all my bikes are riders, not show-pieces :LolLolLolLol:
Be good to meet up with a few more of you that I've been chatting with over the last year :daumenhoch:
Spen :crazy2:
I can't keep missing out on these events. I'm seeing my brother Simon in half an hour - put us down as Spen69 plus 1 (he trades as Hootski70) please and I will talk him into it the miserable fecker. The places are running out and I reeeeeally want come. Got to have a laugh as I make myself look like a fool on bikes that should be in museums, not on quaterpipes.......
Can't gaurentee I'll be show 'n' shine though, as all my bikes are riders, not show-pieces :LolLolLolLol:
Be good to meet up with a few more of you that I've been chatting with over the last year :daumenhoch:
Spen :crazy2:
Cool Spen
If you could make payment and I'll put you on the list.
No worries Dave - can't get to paypal from work right this very minute, but will send it in an hour or so when I get home cheers :daumenhoch:
I'm in and I'm mooching!! :daumenhoch:
I'm in please
REsult! :daumenhoch:
second that :daumenhoch: Banbury boi's in effect!!
Cool Spen
If you could make payment and I'll put you on the list.
Dave - £30 sent mate :daumenhoch:
Please put us down as Spen69 and Hootski70 bud to ride. Good grief we are crap, so do we have to wear "L" plates? :2funny:
Will there be a prize for "most battered daily rider" in the show and shine, 'cause if there is, you can all pack up now, I'll win hands down :LolLolLolLol:
put me down if poss please
Done stinker.
im in..... Not riding though will take piccys..... - Crooch will Mooch...
mooching and paid... :daumenhoch:
mooching and paid... :daumenhoch:
Me too :daumenhoch:
put me down for one of those rider spaces :daumenhoch:
paypal on its way
Hello all. Never been to one of these things.. what goes on there exactly? Don't leave out any gory details on my account :bondage:
I happen to have an Aero Reflex recently built too
really wanted to come this year as I missed last year.
however, its my kid brothers 21st on the 6th. aaargh!!!! and would never hear the end of it from my mother if I wasn't there.
sorry guys. have a good one anyway.
marc :daumenhoch:
Hello all. Never been to one of these things.. what goes on there exactly? Don't leave out any gory details on my account
Its like a mix between:
a load of old blokes standing round a bar (is the bar still there?), drink in hand, talking about BMXs ...
and a load of old blokes in a skatepark, sat on bikes, talking about BMXs.
A bit of riding goes on too
Stodgy you pm a few days ago, I want to ride the night- looks like you have 2 spaces clear...
Can you send me pm details to send a cheque...
Stodgy you pm a few days ago, I want to ride the night- looks like you have 2 spaces clear...
Can you send me pm details to send a cheque...
It's paypal only Shings...can you get someone to pp for you?
If you can stick me down provisionally I'll get some one off here to do it- but prob wont see anyone till maybe thurs or sunday morning.
Is that ok?
I can pay for Jake, he can owe me.
would it be alright to put me down as a reserve on the riders list if a space becomes available?cheers
You're a star Joe...
Will sort it with you in due course... either a sunday, thursday or I'll swing by for a beer...
You're a star Joe...
Will sort it with you in due course... either a sunday, thursday or I'll swing by for a beer...
yeah when ever dude...would like to try Creation tonight, but it's gonna be heaving I reckon.
but no hurry mate, sort it out when i see ya.
ps: my fridge is full. :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
This is a 5 hour session (not 4) and we are making a loss on the rider places. Please respect this and pay up.
My names not down, so i guess im not getting in? :-\
Hey Lola - have you paid? Did you let me know?
I can't seem to see a payment here for you? Drop me a PM and I'll get it sorted.
Payment sent; PM about to be sent :daumenhoch:
Stodgy - I've sent payment and a PM but my name isn't down as paid - I'm assuming this is just an oversight
i really want to go to go is anyone from the kent/london area going?
just finished my reflex an will be my 1st time 2 something like this just a bit far 2 travel on my own!
your have a good one lads weve been there the funbox is ace ;)
my 11 yr old :) a little more vert than we are use to but it was a brill night at epic
is that a moto x bike
you been photoshopping that in :LolLolLolLol:
its something diane and keith (previous owners) tried to implament to try and draw more money into the skatepark!
nice photo of your nipper though dix :daumenhoch:
cheers ;)
its called creation now i think its about 45 mile from us
bet that was mental riding a motox bike in a skate park
he looks like he knows what hes doin dix nice one
do you know these guys thay were prity good ;) fair play
Paypal done and pm sent ;)
Someone mention Reflex :coolsmiley: :daumenhoch:
Paypal done and pm sent ;)
Someone mention Reflex :coolsmiley: :daumenhoch:
My names not down, so i guess im not getting in? :-\
You're in chicky.
Please put "Aero build off" next to mine and clowntypes name, we're doing a joint entry. ;)
.................we're doing a joint entry. ;)
I said joint entry, not double entry! :police: :police:
I said joint entry, not double entry! :police: :police:
Don't worry , some ladies like that if the guys are ok with it ! :LolLolLolLol:
My 1st build just so happens to be an aero an I think it's worth a shot in the build off but its a long way to travel from london on my tod.
Is anyone from the kent/london area goin to the event? Will be my 1st meet an im itching to go! :)
My christmas works do is on the 5th!!
I'm gonna feel like sh!te on the Saturday!! :buck2:
Thank the lord its starts at 6pm!!
take me off list can`t go sorry
HiYa Gang
If I turn up will I be able to pay on the door for the party?
If I pay before and book - is there a 'Survivor Class' - that's why I haven't been around much ;)
You know me, Jem is Flatland and Ramps (I don't pay to ride) and 'Survivors' is where i'm at, but am also up for a catch up and chat with the Old Rad Crew.
any one know if the brighton hotel in ladypool rd is any good
as still looking for some were close to creation for me and bailee to kip over on the
xmas doo
I dunno about the brighton hotel but there are some great places for a curry down ladypool road. Giant nan bread anyone?
I dunno about the brighton hotel but there are some great places for a curry down ladypool road. Giant nan bread anyone?
will the naan bread sleep two peeps and 3 bikes lol
HiYa Gang
If I turn up will I be able to pay on the door for the party?
If I pay before and book - is there a 'Survivor Class' - that's why I haven't been around much ;)
You know me, Jem is Flatland and Ramps (I don't pay to ride) and 'Survivors' is where i'm at, but am also up for a catch up and chat with the Old Rad Crew.
No dude, it's a ticket only event - no entry at the door unless your name is on the list.
And I'm afraid with the cost of hiring the venue you would have to pay to ride, but there are no rider spaces left now.
No survivor class in the s&s as it's too difficult to judge (people have too many different views on just what a survivor is and it's open to abuse).
ill be doing the aero build off dave :daumenhoch:
not dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get back to school! ;)
half term :daumenhoch:
Not long now and the prizes for the Reflex build off are:
1st Prize - £60 voucher for RAD bmx shop + a goodie bag
2nd Prize - NOS Suntour Silver Powerstem + a goodie bag
3rd Prize - Haro Flo Panel + a goodie bag
loads of other prizes including on the spot riding prizes and obviously the show n shine.
so If you ain't got your name on the list yet, get your reflexes dusted down and get your name on the list.
As we are only a few weeks away.... can someone advise what time it all kicks off?
i think you can get in there about 6pm Si but maybe wrong? normally from 7pm onwards
Can you enter a BOTM entry in the show and shine?
Can you enter a BOTM entry in the show and shine?
I think bike can go in the show n shine as long as it hasn't previously won 1st place in a show n shine.
however, I'm sure a moderator/admin will clear this up. :daumenhoch:
My rider place is available now folks.
gutted i cant make it, but bill asked me to get him some special music for the night, so have a good un boys...
and remember, if you cant be good, be careful :daumenhoch:
will there be ferret racing this year ?
My rider place is available now folks.
Ross - I have a waiting list the length of my arm dude, I'll put the next person on.
Put me down for Show & Shine Dave :daumenhoch:
Soz boys as i'll be on the Brechin Mountains all weekend for WRC Rally Wales GB.. with 8 other poor fools freezing our nuts off !! :Great_Britain:
Have a good un :daumenhoch:
soon loons
Ade :crazy2:
i finished touching up the reflex today :4_17_5:
can't wait to come and ride that big vert agian though!!
3rd year running staying in luxury at the Formula One Hotel £28 a room :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: me and steve 'bish' are sharing a room :smitten:
we are going to corby during the day for a resi vert sesh, hopefuly still be fit to ride in the evening, anyone else fancy it :daumenhoch:
yo rich
i will see if the likely fancies a sesh there first, will let ya know
steve :daumenhoch:
Can i show the bike i showed at MK? It's been tweaked quite a lot.... :-\
Can i show the bike i showed at MK? It's been tweaked quite a lot.... :-\
I think there's no reason why not mate....can't wait to see it. :daumenhoch:
My name isn't on the list.... :-\
talk to Stodgy then.
I'm not on the list for show n shine either. but i'm in it. :daumenhoch:
Arse, I've got a very sick parent, the old man has just had a quadruple bypass and now he has some kind of infection, dunno if its the bad one yet..
So anyway I cant come despite having my reflex and all the parts just waiting for my attention. Please donate my entry fee to the radbmx fund and flog my space to another.
Now I've got an aero reflex I dunno what to do with..
Check this out chaps:
Oh yes!
just spotted ole dan not on the list :shocked:
did i miss something :)
Can you update the moocher list please.
I feel all left out :D
I'm going to have to ask the dumb questions as I am daft at the best of times, but as a paid-up rider at the event, I am automatically allowed to enter the show 'n' shine with an old school race bike? I've never entered one before (ever!) :-[
If it's not automatic, who do I need to tell and what do I need to do? My brother (Hootski70) is in the same boat and wants to enter his bike against mine in the same class to see which one you all think is better :knuppel2:
Looking forward to meeting up with you all again after meeting some of you at MK08 and flogging and buying bits off each other for a few years now :2funny:
Yep as a rider you are paid up for the show n shine!
Yep as a rider you are paid up for the show n shine!
Brilliant! The competition is on then fellas - my re-coated but totally abused Pro-Class Mongoose vs my bro's ORIGINAL owned from brand new in 1983 (lucky twat - my dad kept it in pieces in his shed for 20 years!) Tange fully spec'd Chromo Burner :knuppel2: :knuppel2:
See you all Saturday :daumenhoch:
Picked up my reflex this morning, just waiting now to finish work and then go home and mash those bearing cups in with a big hammer :daumenhoch:
I'm down as a moocher, i'm in the S&S :-\
Hey Stodge, can you take me off the list please fella, let someone else who wants to ride have it.
Hey Stodge, can you take me off the list please fella, let someone else who wants to ride have it.
I will take this if there is no one in a reserve list (unlikely I know but hey).
Hey Stodge, can you take me off the list please fella, let someone else who wants to ride have it.
I will take this if there is no one in a reserve list (unlikely I know but hey).
i think there's a big list dude, but good hear you're fit to ride again.
corby next tues?
Hey Stodge, can you take me off the list please fella, let someone else who wants to ride have it.
I will take this if there is no one in a reserve list (unlikely I know but hey).
i think there's a big list dude, but good hear you're fit to ride again.
corby next tues?
Gota take it real easy but ye I'm well up for it :daumenhoch:
In case some of you haven't seen my other post
http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php'topic=76053.0 (http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php'topic=76053.0)
Was down Creation last night and took some photos of the Mini's progress..
are we allowed to mooch with beer in the park?
are we allowed to mooch with beer in the park?
It was ok last year ;) , there's a lidl or similar across the road for booze ( no longer licensed upstairs so nowt served ) .
Someone was telling me they weren't ever licenced!!! ???
Ishould be on that mods list too... see you all there!
i didn't know luvvies were allowed!
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
see you there Steve.
He is covering the event for 'This Morning' :LolLolLolLol:
Is there a curry house visit planned for afterwards like last time?
yeah, Philbert has requested we go to Kushi's which ain't licenced so BYOB.
Hi all i am sorry but i dont think i am going to be able to make it this time round >:( , just have not got the petrol money etc and pay day is not till the following week. so if any one wants a ticket mine will be up for any one who wants it as a Christmas present. :daumenhoch:
shame ,,i think jedi might want one.
Or Mark Atkins..
they could piggy back in together :)
yes it is a shame
Bit late notice but any spots available for this?
Bit late notice but any spots available for this?
Good to see you on here Kane. :daumenhoch:
All the tickets for this event went ages ago, and there is even a long waiting list. Havin said that, some people are dropping out so you might get lucky. It would be good to ride with you again.
yeah man im such a douche!
would be cool to ride with you guys
im happy to pay like
as a forfeit ill even do 100 hop tailwhips in a row! haha
as a forfeit ill even do 100 hop tailwhips in a row! haha
Hey, talk like that will get you banned from a RAD event :LolLolLolLol:
haha too new school?
i could stick some pegs on and do 100 pogo's? lol
haha too new school?
i could stick some pegs on and do 100 pogo's? lol
Now you are talking! But I think its more about number of riders in the park, unfortunatly.
im only little
and ill leave about nine anyways
let me know bro!
Just sent Jedi a pm stating he can have my ticket, so if he can make it its his :daumenhoch:
Can someone just confirm I am down as a moocher please.
I am not 100% better would have liked the opportunity to ride and expressed interest a couple of days ago. Was under the impression there is an official and very long reserve list.
Kane gets my vote if we are just throwing down names. Met him at Creation and he can ride. Someone should feed him up though cos his jeans are obviously too big for him and keep falling down but at least he wears colourful under wear. (If you do need feeding up come and see me :daumenhoch:)
As others can't join, and as I've met him at Corby and he's sound - Kane gets my vote too if there's no one else on the reserve list.
Midlife if you have paid as a Moocher then you are down as there wasn't a limit on moochers only riders.
I think the jedi and atkins etc are all off to mutjam, i think at Charlton, i could be wrong though.
Midlife if you have paid as a Moocher then you are down as there wasn't a limit on moochers only riders.
Ohhh right, thanks for that :) Ye paid weeks ago just no confirmation of any sort and not on the list on page 1.
Thanks again.
I've checked with Atkins and Jedi and neither can make it. :(
haha yeah im proper skinny, there the smallest jeans i could find but there way too baggy for me :(
let me know guys if a spot comes available...
ill probably be down creation from 3-4ish anyways, getting me sesh on!
read up looks like there are a couple going, best PM stodgy.....
read up looks like there are a couple going, best PM stodgy.....
done :)
Just got back to Essex, brilliant night, thanks to all that organised and took part, off to bed now as got to be at daggers for OS racing tomorrow, quick taster of pics to follow tomorrow pm (got about 120 to go through).
Dennis: Mental Front Flipping in the Jump Box Comp.
Was it just me or was it fookin' Freezing last night!!!
Mini-ramp and Vert action was top notch.
And I really enjoyed the Jump Box Competition!!
I'll stick some footage up in a bit!! :daumenhoch:
Which bikes the S&S and the Aero build off?
Cant wait to see the build off pics!!! :4_17_5:
reflex build off results 1st kendo, aero bubble. 2nd me, hotrod reflex. 3rd aerostylie, clean original build on red zytecs.
Yeah! The Aero Bubble one was always going to be hard to beat! :daumenhoch:
just sorting pics, will post under a seperate thread shortly...
Was it just me or was it fookin' Freezing last night!!!
must be you Moley
not used the cold coming down from tropical Cumbria