BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: dj B silverlite on August 08, 2008, 09:27 PM

Title: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dj B silverlite on August 08, 2008, 09:27 PM
Right i bought this haro on behalf of a friend. It arrived today check the listing first


ok read that now check the pics on this "98% mint bike"

Seat post crack wont show on pics so left it off

My mate doesn't want to pay for it so at the moment im about £670.00 out of pocket. fair enough i said ill just return it and get my money back.Its been on a wanted post for a while so ill get one from rad eventually i told him. So i emailed him and he reckons it was fine when it left him and it must have happened in transit ???  :wtf: the box is unmarked and the stickers were clearly put on after the dent as there is a bubble. if it was done i transit surely the sticker would be knackered as well  8)
There is worse to come....

There is a crack on the seat post weld so that is also fuct and the rear stander (left) is bent inwards.
 The crank is bent   :2gunsfiring_v1:
as is the spider  :2gunsfiring_v1:

 Here is what he da to say............

fook it here's all the emails  :Aresehole:

Dear 01325jason,

Hi there it arrived today, but you must be having a laugh mate its cracked at the seat post and bent on the back stander. The crank spider is bent also. Im not happy at all. i could have got one in this condition for half the price. Id like a refund of £200.00 or i will send it back to you. This is nothing like advertised.


Dear bogustwixitch,

ive just got in from work and seen your message i cant bellieve it the bike was fine when it left here what crack there was nothing wrong with that bike when it left here i must admit i never rode the bike as it never had a chain but there bike is how i got it and i swear it was fine when i last saw it

 my reply.............

Dear 01325jason,

I havnt even told you about the big dents in the down tube. I
can't believe you could think I wouldn't notice! Seriously mate
this is a proper dodgy BMX.

No reply so emailed again.........

Dear 01325jason,

Im sorry mate but this just isn't right ive checked it over and it is not %98 mint. The only thing i can do is ask you to refund me as the condition is nothing like your ad. The dents were never mentioned nor were the cracks or the bent rear drop outs. I would like you to send me the money for the retun as well which should be £35. I dont know what it cost's but you charged me that so i presume thats what it will be. Please let me know whats happening asap as im sitting here out of pocket. Thanks

Then e mailed again ......

Dear 01325jason,

By the way the box was undamaged so it cant have been caused in transit.


Dear bogustwixitch,

that bike was fine when it left me its your bike now im not gonna take a bike that left me ok to be returned dammaged its not happening sorry jason

What a noo-noo  :2gunsfiring_v1: ( sorry but pissed off ) Im gonna put in a paypal claim soon as im allowed. I got his number but he wont answer it. What a joke if paypal dont rule in my favour im gonna get his address and take a drive down with the boys  :knuppel2:

Also skint now  :'(

Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: PHIPPSIO on August 08, 2008, 09:37 PM
the down tube dents look bad. Why cant people just be honest about condition  :(
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: JT Smooth on August 08, 2008, 09:47 PM
You got his address yet?

He has a few other bits on gaybay now, I can ask if I
go look at a item to get addy if you want.
Just across the A66 from me!!
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Swivel on August 08, 2008, 09:47 PM
Sorry to read this, fooking ebay cnuts just fook me off arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: have you got this cnuts address? if so, take a visit with a baseball bat and do the cnut in!  :knuppel2:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: bmx xxx on August 08, 2008, 09:50 PM
when ever i spend proper money on a bike i alwayas collect it,
saves all the hag you are having,
you must have his adress, go and see him  :knuppel2:
what did he think you was blind.
what a wankeer,
makes ebay a nightmare of a place,
good luck :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Jt on August 08, 2008, 09:53 PM
this fooker needs a slap.
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Steve P on August 08, 2008, 09:57 PM
Sorry to hear your bads news mate ... that toss-pot seller needs a visit  :knuppel2:

I'm sure you can file your PayPal claim immediately if the goods are "not as described" ... defo worth making some enquires now !!!

Good luck matey  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dj B silverlite on August 08, 2008, 10:49 PM
yeah all sent through ebay. I should have picked it up but havnt got the time. I can get his addy no problem. Thing is I'm covered up to £500 with paypal so really he stands to lose the most hopefully. :knuppel2:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: poolysheriff on August 08, 2008, 11:05 PM
Lives in Darlington i think

not too far from me at all  :2gunsfiring_v1:

Sorry to read this, fooking ebay cnuts just fook me off arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: have you got this cnuts address? if so, take a visit with a baseball bat and do the cnut in!  :knuppel2:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: electro808 on August 08, 2008, 11:14 PM
If the guy empties his Paypal account, Paypal will refund you £150 and 'make efforts to recover the rest'.  That's what they did when I claimed for something 'not as described'.  Maybe they've upped that figure, now, but that's how it went for me.  I hope it gets sorted, anyway >:(
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Arma on August 09, 2008, 12:48 AM
AND IF THAT AINT BAD ENOUGH  you got a hole in your sock bro.. !
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: LucyLastic on August 09, 2008, 04:17 AM
That is a real bummer, people p*ss me off like that, why can't they be honest?.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: bmxmatt1974 on August 09, 2008, 08:32 AM
AND IF THAT AINT BAD ENOUGH  you got a hole in your sock bro.. !

Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dikk1970 on August 09, 2008, 09:44 AM
sorry to hear you have been ripped off , look at discription and serial no im sure its your bike.
hope this helps.
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Why isnt this working on August 09, 2008, 10:48 AM
Mate his right. Serial number the same. EVIDENCE. The geeza is a f*uckin cu*t for that. Find where he lives and put another dent in the frame by wackin it round his head. Then get your money back.

Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: mark 2 on August 09, 2008, 11:04 AM
that seller back in may is rad member BevoBooby, pm him if you need any info he's a good guy, called Gareth. And he's a copper :police:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: DIRTBIKER250F on August 09, 2008, 11:10 AM
Can of worms selling and buying bmx, i sold a bike to a member of here. Personally delivered it to him, a month and a half later he wanted his money back. Made some bullshit comments told some lies started a post  :Aresehole

Good luck  :daumenhoch:

Paul :Great_Britain:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dikk1970 on August 09, 2008, 11:16 AM
i bid for this bike from rocks200 won it but needed money to fix car so pulled out
managed to get money couple of days later emailed rocks200 but he had sold it outside of ebay
to o1325 jason no doubt
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Rombloke on August 09, 2008, 12:52 PM
paypal claim....

Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: johhnyboyz on August 09, 2008, 01:03 PM
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: CD17 on August 09, 2008, 03:54 PM
I had a similar problem about a year ago, I won a Chrome 85 `master with Group 1 Cranks, it was described as original in every way, when I got it the chrome was really bad around the headtube & BB. When I looked closer, there were a lot of traces of Green paint, it had been stripped & new decals put on it. The chrome on the painted ones was always second rate.

I asked for a refund & gave the seller 48 hrs, it said returns accepted in the ad.

He never replied, so 5 filed a claim with paypal, then he said if I remove the dispute he will return my money.

I just left it with paypal & they returned my money in the end.

Good Luck   :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: darren34 on August 09, 2008, 06:28 PM
sorry to here about this mate  :'( its the same old story... it was not like it when it left me it was fine must of been in transport  :Aresehole:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: steve Beech TA on August 09, 2008, 07:36 PM

thats a poor poor do, there aint that many of us, so why try ripping each other of. :Aresehole: . really possess me of. good luck mate
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dj B silverlite on August 09, 2008, 08:45 PM
Thanks for all the comments :daumenhoch:. Arma you made me laugh mate i was at work in my work socks  :LolLolLolLol:  well spotted  :LolLolLolLol:   He's a cheecky fecker that Jason but i am hoping paypal backs me up but you never know.   :-\
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dj B silverlite on August 09, 2008, 08:48 PM
that seller back in may is rad member BevoBooby, pm him if you need any info he's a good guy, called Gareth. And he's a copper :police:

Might do. Thanks for that. And it does look like the same frame on that ebay link ( it is the same frame ) What a tosser  :Aresehole:
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: Linus27 on August 15, 2008, 05:19 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad luck.

Any updates on this?
Title: Re: Ripped off by ebay id 01325 jason. He on here???? ! !!
Post by: dj B silverlite on August 15, 2008, 08:58 PM
Little update. Ive started a paypal claim and have escalated it so just waiting to hear. Fingers crossed. Ive asked for a £200.00 refund which i think is fair. Ideally id return it but that aint gonna happen now  :Aresehole:
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