BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: munners on August 03, 2008, 02:56 PM

Title: Just back from MK.
Post by: munners on August 03, 2008, 02:56 PM
Just got bck from  MK with my eldest son. Had a fantastic 2 days, met some really great people that i have always wanted to meet and also saw some ridiculously good builds! :smitten:

I would like to thank all of the Northern Monkeys for making my son and i very welcome. They leant me a jacket, and fed us and gave us drink last night. Top top top top blokes!  :daumenhoch:

Had to leave a bit sudden so i am sorry i didnt get to say goodbye to everyone.

Well done Rad. :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: johnny bluff on August 03, 2008, 04:02 PM
Just got back myself....met up with LOS1969 and a few of the boys....amazing bikes on show...i wouldnt know where to start.......but i had my faves....the mrd race bike was off the hook,and also the white pk ripper with those orange z rims....the skyway with red tuffs on slick tyres....and of course the white and green haro....

also loved the gt old skool black cruiser.....( i want this bike) :LolLolLolLol:

will be interested to see who won......

fi its back next year,im there for the full weekend....

johnny bluff...

.......and you cant beat that with a stickball bat..........

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Swivel on August 03, 2008, 05:08 PM
Just got back myself Nick, shame we never got to meet up. I did get to meet Joe (jt71), Steve (general lee), Dom & Jay at the Haro stand (fooking awesome turn out there!!!!), Rob (rarman) and Rob (pickle), Motomag (greg), Flatcap (daz) plus many others, shame that I didn't get to speak with Mark J, Marc, JT or Wardy. I enjoyed it, never got any bargains as such as everything had gone but the show and shine was amazing but I got my Shimano DX seat post (thanks Martin). Will deffo get there around mid-day next year with a blanket, a ton of food and wine and enjoy it more and chill. Thanks to everyone that made it possible, I really enjoyed it and it was great to meet so many people that I speak to on here.

Matt  :4_17_5:

P.S. Will post up some photos soon!  :D
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: crazycraig on August 03, 2008, 05:32 PM
Just got back myself ........top show .Im still messy tho  :crazy2:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: munners on August 03, 2008, 05:35 PM
Just got back myself ........top show .Im still messy tho  :crazy2:

NOT SUPRISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You boys were waknered!!

Absolutely thanks very much Craig for looking after me and me boy.

Loved ya company. Top blokes and an essential part of RAD. ;)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: fouronethreeoh! on August 03, 2008, 05:39 PM
Just got back from my first MK, and first race meet in nearly 20 years.

I just gotta say that watching free practice on the track brought back a lot of memories.

And i've not seen that many sh1t hot bikes in a long time.

Hats off to all the organisers, they deserve a nice cold beer....
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: downhill3375 on August 03, 2008, 05:44 PM
what a good doo  :4_17_5:

still feel bolloxed  :crazy2:

ya welcome nick  :coolsmiley:

wait till the radchester doo mate ya need to get on it  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Lee Shurey on August 03, 2008, 07:10 PM
It was awesome had my first race in 25yrs will defo do some more os racing
there were loads of quility bikes on show my pick was the os freestyle freeagent  :smitten:
well done to all the rad mods for putting on such a superb event role on MK09
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: dannywhiteley on August 03, 2008, 07:19 PM
Was also my first Rad and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Got there about 11.00 am this morning and left around 2.30pm.

Met a few faces, watched a bit of racing, bought a few bargains (Kashi Aero for a fiver anyone), and stood in amazement at some of the builds.

Highlights for me included the Haro stand (gobsmacked), the white Hutch XL24 hidden near the back, the Nomura, TRM and my fave of the day was Sawzalls white Rebel race frame.  Nice meeting you too Sawzall, glad I found out who's it was...  :daumenhoch:

Finally, I will defo be going next year, hopefully with my bro and my Rebel Freestyler in tow.
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: JT71 on August 03, 2008, 07:29 PM
I met tons of people, cheers to all those who bought from me.

Which one were you Munners? and Danny Whitely?

I met so many great peeps but missed a few I wanted to meet.

thanks to my wife for coming along and putting up with me.

man it was AWESOME.

I can't remember the name of the chap in the hat with the pac man monsters t-shirt. who were you mate?
A very friendly chap indeed.

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: munners on August 03, 2008, 07:48 PM
I met tons of people, cheers to all those who bought from me.

Which one were you Munners? and Danny Whitely?

I met so many great peeps but missed a few I wanted to meet.

thanks to my wife for coming along and putting up with me.

man it was AWESOME.

I can't remember the name of the chap in the hat with the pac man monsters t-shirt. who were you mate?
A very friendly chap indeed.


I was the bloke with my son who had a CFC kit on with blonde hair. Im tall, bald and wear glasses!

Gutted i missed you mate too!
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: scary_leary on August 03, 2008, 08:04 PM

still feel bolloxed  :crazy2:

Im still getting over being called ginger!! (& i dont mean queer!)

ffs "long ginger curtains"!....  :wtf:  :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: downhill3375 on August 03, 2008, 08:14 PM
 :2funny: sorry mate  ::)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: keep it lit! on August 03, 2008, 08:39 PM

Good to meet you & your fine boy this weekend Nick :daumenhoch:

The pleasure was all ours mate 8)

Sorry for the dribbling state of us :D

Wicked micro-mini n all fella :smitten:


Ade :crazy2:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Dingobmxer on August 03, 2008, 08:42 PM
Brilliant day today  :daumenhoch:

got to meet old friends and many many hew ones, good to meet Munners,Longun,Harorider,General lee ect

great racing and awesome bikes on show

I am gonna hurt like fook in the morning after my crash though after the painkillers/Stella combination wears off  :LolLolLolLol:

 :) DINGO :)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: munners on August 03, 2008, 08:46 PM

Good to meet you & your fine boy this weekend Nick :daumenhoch:

The pleasure was all ours mate 8)

Sorry for the dribbling state of us :D

Wicked micro-mini n all fella :smitten:


Ade :crazy2:

Your bikes are lush too Ade. :smitten: :smitten:

We left early as my boy needed the loo again so i took him back to the hotel. When we left there it looked like it was gonna piss down so we decided to head home. He cried his eyes out bless. Great days and once again you boys can party!

You could so be the UK Jackass lads! :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: with JT being mr Johnny Knoxville! He will love that the old tart!!! :LolLolLolLol:

My boy loves ya dog by the way. ;)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: munners on August 03, 2008, 08:47 PM
Brilliant day today  :daumenhoch:

got to meet old friends and many many hew ones, good to meet Munners,Longun,Harorider,General lee ect

great racing and awesome bikes on show

I am gonna hurt like fook in the morning after my crash though after the painkillers/Stella combination wears off  :LolLolLolLol:

 :) DINGO :)

You too mate. ;)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: HARORIDER on August 03, 2008, 09:00 PM
I LOVED IT!!!!!! great bikes,great people what more can i say apart from thanks to all that have given me advice and thanks to all that voted for my green/white haro master and making it the peoples choice winner
thankyou,paul :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: LOS1969 on August 03, 2008, 09:03 PM
me and my 8yr old son along with pk retro/trm-85/kingkeef/as/skankymonkey sent about 30 great hrs at mk.loads of beer bikes & loads of top people,meet some more new faces:johnny bluff + mates/jt71/pickle/longgun/moley/jedi/orgasmdonor/and the guys on the haro stand. :daumenhoch:my son spent most of the time on the track his love in it,he also enjoyed camping .also would like to well done to harorider. :LolLolLolLol: ps:didnt meet ya munners next time :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Why isnt this working on August 03, 2008, 09:06 PM
F*ckin hell boys and girls me and Mick had a blinding day even though we didnt get a sale on Micks graphites!!!! ( Dom you know you wanted them for £200 plus the frame and forks, ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.)  Anyway great to meet you all and fantastic to see such a fu*kin bonkers collection of bikes in the show and shine and aspecially the three muscahounds with the quite simply unwell collection of haro's, ( Book a doctors apointment on monday. ) I wish i kept my ta, we will send pictures of the potential Gen 1 Mike Domingez soon!!!!x. And you know what, now i know my 84 ta will win the lot at next years show and shine, you will see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Speek to you all soon weather this or phone,  X.


P.s. Ive nailed 8 slella's.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: showtime on August 03, 2008, 09:07 PM
Funny hat & Pacman T shirt was Bob Acid  ;)

great weekend! awesome builds, good racing & a great crowd  :4_17_5:

we were pretty lucky with the weather too  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: jedi on August 03, 2008, 09:10 PM
nicest bike i saw was a white skyway   :smitten:
great to meet even more radsters :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Steve P on August 03, 2008, 09:22 PM
Just got back from the best weekend I've had in ages ... man, I'm still buzzing now  :D

Those of you I did get to meet are simply amazing people and I'm gutted I missed so many other members too  :(

I've seen some incredible bikes too and I'm still stuck for words TBH ... I did take almost 300 photos so I'll post a few up as soon as I can

A massive, massive THANK YOU to all the organisers involved ... RADBMX is fookin' brilliant  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: RATTY on August 03, 2008, 09:28 PM
What can I say, getting to this MK has been a struggle, after cutting myself shaving recently its been a bit of a mare, but meeting some old friends, and some new ones really rocked.

Seeing how good Dan Harris looked is an inspiration.

Seeing the scottish boys on the first night started a ball rolling that hasnt really ended yet, a fantastic weekend, some great people, loads of great bikes, close racing and an atmosphere that rocked.

The guys who run this event deserve a huge pat on the back, it was awesome.

Sorry if I didn't recognize anyone who I should have, I will next time.

I wanna say thanks to my fantastic partner who helped me get through the weekend in one piece, sorry about riding the bike hon.. :smitten:

I have been looking forward to this for a long time, cant wait till next year when I finally have a crack at racing BOF, Kenny hunter etc..

The team at RAD did a fantastic job, well done guys.

Till next year guys :daumenhoch: :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: scowey on August 03, 2008, 09:36 PM
Great weekend, stunning bikes on display and some bloody fast riders  :D

enjoyed every minute.. well done  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: BMX 151T on August 03, 2008, 09:45 PM
What a top day out, really friendly bunch of people - spent most of the day chasing my 4yr old on his Mongoose and my 18mth old trying to climb over the fence onto the track!! so didn't get a chance to speak to many people. Absoultely loved the black & white mini Firebird Freestyler!!

I don't know who's the 2 dogs were opposite the haro stand but my 18mth old spent more time looking at them than the bikes!!

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: etriedes on August 03, 2008, 09:54 PM
What a fantastic weekend,  met some cool people, went for a great ride with sawzall and animal on sat night round the lake and then a blast round the track in the pitch dark, then sunday morning got to meet lewis hamilton dressed as a copper pretending to be luke skywalker ..
Top weekend  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: eloopnai on August 03, 2008, 10:02 PM
fantastic weekend really enjoyed everything  :4_17_5:

met loads of rad members  :daumenhoch:
haro 82 thanks for the nipples u sure you dont want anything for them ? your a star  :4_17_5: and well done on getting 8th :daumenhoch:
kuwahero nice to meet you and see you at the brits  :daumenhoch:
firebird good to finally meet you after chatting on here  :daumenhoch:

gotta say when i let ratty ride my bike round the track ive never seen someone look so happy wont be long tone and your be back  :daumenhoch:

cant wait for the next one well done everyone that made this happen :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: PHIPPSIO on August 03, 2008, 10:03 PM
It was just awesome from start to finish and im gutted its over. Really well organised event with a great group of people. Hats off to all who turned up, everyone was smiling from ear to ear all weekend. Hats off to the Rad guys and mods  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Del on August 03, 2008, 10:22 PM
what a cracking weekend, great to see everyone again and meet all those who I met in person for the first time... there's just too many to name!! A massive thanks to the MK08 organisers! now I'm on a down for another 51 weeks!
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Waxintaxin on August 03, 2008, 10:30 PM
twas a good doo for sure ,thanks to all who made the effort to come along and enjoy the weekend. I thouroughly enjoyed most of yours company, great to have a chat to some new and old faces, Great to spend a bit of time with the RAD crew.
Really enjoyed our friday night fire session , with the £2.40 fire in a bag suedo logs  ;D Scott nice on for the company and help packing up you 3 were stars  :daumenhoch: The sambuca session was messy  :D

The most embarasing moment for me was over in the helipad feild , in  front of Animal i went to skid to a stop to have a chat and as the pad is so slippy went for a burton and stacked it right in front of them , it hurt a bit , but had to do the old i'm fine routine, funny as you like.

some stupid people about thats for sure , nicking deisel from jennys and setting up Dwain with a copper visiting in the morning, uncalled for .

Good to chat to the manchester crew , JT ,Fish and Craig ,but whoever you brought over to the fire made made me chuckle for sure  ::)

Pleased to get a show and shine place for the Floval ,proper chuffed.

Hope you liked the sounds, thanks to my co DJs ,Steve V,Rich Dirty Vans and Matt and Andy downlow, good to see you and top tunes all of you

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: adam01 on August 03, 2008, 10:38 PM
sounds like a magnificent day had by all and great builds any pictures at all from the day

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: magna13 on August 03, 2008, 10:48 PM
It Was An Excellent Weekend. I Loved It!  :smitten: I Met Some Wonderful And Nice People And Got To Talk To Some That I Havent Seen In A Year. The Two Who I Really Wanted To Meet Were MADD DOGG And poolysheriff. You Guys Were Ace!, Except For Gary You Nicked My Orange Freestyle Frame I Was Gonna Get  :LolLolLolLol:

Well Done To All The People Who Helped MK08 To Become A Reality. Really Pleased With My DC Shirts And 1st Place Plate I Won From Racing.

Everyone On This Site Has One Thing In Common... They're All Truley RAD!...  ;)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Lazarou on August 03, 2008, 10:58 PM
I'm still buzzing now! Brilliant to catch up with so many old friends and to put new faces to names such as Del,Bigplinky,Longun,the list is too big!!

Second place in the S&S really chuffed!

Thanks to everyone who helped me with my build! In no particular order...

Dan H for parts,inspiration and moral support.

Philbert for slinging the wrenches and pretty much being my bike butler/bitch.

Dingo for sourcing some hard to get parts and sound advice.

Twobob for saving the day today with his level head!

S&MAlex for coming through in the midnight hour with some urgently needed bits and years of inspiration!

JT71 for helping 'the competition' sort his build out! A true Radster!

Ozrick for the cable, soothing presence and sympathetic ear!

Lara for inspiring me to get on the track and supplying me with ice pops! You rule!

...and last and by all means least, the mighty Scary Leary, highlight of my weekend to finally catch up with the man himself!

Missed Trev, Rhys, Fruit  :'(, didn't get to see Ratty/Nik, SBD, and many others but there'll be many more times to catch up!

...and obviously the biggest thanks to Dave,Dave,Billy,Rich,Matt,Bob,Nick,Rob for making it all happen.

I'm feeling.......emotional.


Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: jT Racing on August 03, 2008, 11:32 PM
had a great weekend. nice to meet all you new faces, even though i've been chatting with you all on here. good to see the same old ugly mugs too. The level of bikes there was top notch, the atmosphere was awsome, the racing was from bof shooting off to nick(gashead) the slightley less quick :LolLolLolLol: had a great time talking to rob, top bloke and the bald bmxer, top bloke also. scary "in and out quick" leary was here for such a short time, i wasn't sure i'd just imagined he was on sunday :D
thanks to the guys for organising it :4_17_5:
it's wierd seeing your old bikes given a re-vamp.
 i'm not sure what got photographed more, my bikes or my dogs :LolLolLolLol: well they are top snuffel pigs.
i hope we get a good turn out at the x-mas do too.
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: scary_leary on August 04, 2008, 12:00 AM
Yep John i was in stealth mode..in n out.. least you 2 could get some hardcore shaggin done without me being some Barry George wannabe wankin in the next room!

I wondered back pissed, crashed out in me car, woke up wedged in the rear footwells!!

Pissed off i didnt chat to Bof n Dubbs

and yep it was great to meet Laz after 6years of online chatting..A truely great bloke in this hobby.

Also like to thank kdw Kev, Neil region11 and Sandro for making me more than welcome round their bbq (even though that chicken pitter gave me the shitts)

p,s In all the years ive been coming to meets, it was the first time ive witnessed bad vibes...some guy came out with some shit talk round 2bobs fire!
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Gashead on August 04, 2008, 12:08 AM
Man I was fast  :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: magna13 on August 04, 2008, 12:12 AM
 ::), no i cant take the piss, its not my nature. well done Nick, you gave it your best shot! and thats all you can do matey :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: magna13 on August 04, 2008, 12:13 AM
has anybody got any photos of me that they have downloaded, would really love to see them!!... im no. 37 ;)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: stuntmaster on August 04, 2008, 05:48 AM
great weekend and yep top bikes and top music as well  ,thanks to retro for the salad and relish , dirty vans  for tiny bit of sauce ,all the usual crew neal ,bob,rich ,sawzall ,kdw,chris,jay ,bren,dandare,diesel ,san marco,mark j (nice collection i see you like the same bike as me ) monkey biscuits  ,lee (hope you like the trophy)  and both daves ,billy and lots  more people that i most probably forgot.
cheers matt for the m1 tunnel rave as that was mad as hell .
scary leary sorry did not talk long will have to make up for it next year bring the wife  ;)

only down was have to leave and getting a poxy sticky fuel pump on way home in traffic great >:(
cheers paul

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: kdw712 on August 04, 2008, 06:01 AM
even though that chicken pitter gave me the shitts


my bad  :(
the next stage of cooking was full cremation though  :)


yeah top flipping weekend of BMX bbq and beer
catching up and putting names with faces

disappointed not to make the A final .......  >:D

same time next year please  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: antiquebmx on August 04, 2008, 08:53 AM
Great weekend really enjoyed the racing,  and of course the great builds in S&S

Big thanks to all Rad organisers who made it possible


Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: aerostylie on August 04, 2008, 09:26 AM
Sound as a pound weekend :4_17_5: :Great_Britain:

Enjoyed the atmos, the sounds, the displays, the racin, lots of goodies to buy, and just generally meeting peeps, without listing you all, you know who you are ;)  ;) Also not forgetting the support from the MK track, first aiders, sponsors and of course all rad members :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:

And goes without saying, but I will anyway, to all those involved in organising the event, (haven't put names for fear of missing someone) in putting their time, money and effort to making this a great event......it must take a serious amount of dedication, a big big thankyou :4_17_5:

Hope everyone is ok and you all had a good time.

Paul :)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: mark 2 on August 04, 2008, 09:43 AM
I had such a blast..........huge thanks to everyone who made it my highlight of the year, was a real pleasure to spend time with all of you that I did and see you all in 3D. Missed a few on my hit list who I wanted to meet but we'll do it all again soon, wish it was next weekend........ I had a right good laugh and your all to blame


Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: SaMAlex on August 04, 2008, 09:59 AM
Man, what a weekend. I have been in a right mess of excitement for 3 days straight. Im not sure it has done me any good to have the massive physical exertion of riding round the WHOLE track several times, combined with the lack of sleep and the emotional overloads of the last few days.

Here’s some of the things that are sticking with me:

Spending some time with the crew I was with. Laz, Phil, General Lee, 2Bob, Lara. All of you are fine people and I would have had a great weekend with any one of you. The Laz and 2Bob show is why I didn’t get to sleep any earlier. I didn’t want to miss a thing.

Having such a good time on my bike. Riding the back straight on Sat evening with Phil was great. Always a pleasure to ride with CBCL. Riding the track on Sunday with James Hitchcox. Anyone who knows the riding James does and the Company he rides for will know how surreal it was for me and him to be sessioning a track together. I enjoyed racing so much. I managed to stay upright for all 6 races and carried out my prime objective of jumping everything I could and throwing in some skids along the way. I had one race that was the best so far. Proper elbows with Dingo, who I managed to bluff my way past, and then Cotty (I think) who had non of it, and beat be back like the amateur I am. I almost hugged him when we crossed the line, it was so much fun.

Getting told off by stodgy for not cleaning my red challenger, for the second year running. I know it was in the show n shine but Jedi wanted to ride on the track so I had to let him have a go on it. I only bought it with me cos I realised the other bikes I had were all chrome, and I hate chrome!

Doing some pit stop bike work with 2Bob. It was like working with a master (who kept telling me off for using the adjustable spanner the wrong way round). Nice and steady, one thing at a time, till the problem was solved. –thanks.

Lara racing for the first time. Full props to you for getting up there. And for throwing the sXe salute on the start gate before the last race. Loved it!

Seeing 2Bob and Laz on the track. I don’t see them riding enough and the smiles from them spoke volumes. Rob was even nailing some of the double and triple sets. Not bad for his first time on a BMX track!!

At the end of the Sunday we didn’t want it to end. Our small crew stood at the burger van (the tables had been packed away) drinking tea (they had to refill the earn for us), just to try and extend the weekend a little further. Even the rain just made us move to the S&S tent. Finally, when they took the tent down around us we admitted defeat and called the weekend over. On the way home I phoned General Lee to string things out. He didn’t even ask why I was called, he just carried on talking about bikes like we were still track side.

Thanks for everyone for organizing the event. I met loads more RAD users (some Im still not sure who they were), and caught up with loads I already know. Always a pleasure.

I can say nothing bad about the weekend. Top time had.
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: downhill3375 on August 04, 2008, 01:49 PM

Good to chat to the manchester crew , JT ,Fish and Craig ,but whoever you brought over to the fire made made me chuckle for sure  ::)

twas good of you to let us messy lot join you and sir matt around your fire at such a late hour    ;)

the guy who made us all chuckle i think , is master ade ( keep it lit ) he was off his nut but funny as fook  :coolsmiley:

some awsome bikes and peeps , i can't wait for next year  ::)

really enjoyed it all , thanks to all the organisers  :4_17_5: another top doo
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Waxintaxin on August 04, 2008, 01:59 PM
was that keep it lit , lol easy fella , fook me you were  funny as fook . Nice to put a face to a name  :daumenhoch:

and your welcome fish , the company was welcome round our fire that JT put out with his wet twigs lol, that thing smouldered till 12 the next day and we left JTs woodland collection for next year lol
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: 2020mad on August 04, 2008, 02:00 PM
Top weekend, just finished unpacking my car  :shocked:, Got to say great work by all the organisers again this year had a brillient time again. enjoyed the vibe of the whole weekend, shame a few people did not come. but everyone who i met and spoke to i had a right laugh.
Thanks all  :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: generallee on August 04, 2008, 03:33 PM
This weekend was the best weekend Ive had on a long long time... so many highlights -
so here's a list

JT71 and his crowd - pleasure drinking cider with you all afternoon and selling you most of my stuff... and then buying stuff from you!

Dan Harris - your tent was the main hang out area - and your mrs is so cool - she even took over selling my stuff for me when it was race time!

Gary PoolySherriff and Dwain Dibbly - so cool to drink with you - dwain you are hilarious, great bikes too, and Gary - what can I say? you are a diamond.

Se Bmxer Jai - thanks for the frame- your stall was dangerous - Shiner goodies from yesteryear!

Dave and Billy and all the Rad team - this was a top weekend, you should be very very proud.

Waxin - amazing diplay mate!

Lee - stop it now. You have too many perfect bikes! Love it.

TwoBobRob, Laz and co - I laughed til I felt sick around your campfire. You rule.

Southbank Scott - Loved your old Torker being pulled out of your mums loft and brought there - all rust and abuse - I love that bike, one pf my faves of the weekend. My other faves were Harris Dirt Bros and Sawzalls sidehack... and one other.. more on that in a mo.
Monkey Biscuits, Gashead, Lil Gashead, Ratty and Mrs Ratty , Del, Ron Burgundy, Mad Dog, MotomagII, Firebird, SteveP, Kuwahero, Bananaman, Philbert, Sawzall, and everyone else I met for the first time, it was a pleasure, so nice to make new friends.

Last but not least - S&MAlex - top man as ever to hang out with, i think I actually love you. Great laughs, and a bit of cleaning up in the mid schol section between us!
My total fave bike of the whole show, was Alex's S&M Mad Dog - and was an honour to see it - and really would have loved it to win its category. Instead, some cnut from the telly got the trophy. Celebrities eh? Tw@ts. all of em.
In all seriousness - top weekend... a year cant pass quickly enough now!

My other fave bikes

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: SaMAlex on August 04, 2008, 03:44 PM
S&MAlex - top man as ever to hang out with, i think I actually love you.

I wish you had told me that BEFORE I got in the tent with you  :shocked:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: downhill3375 on August 04, 2008, 05:26 PM
was that keep it lit , lol easy fella , fook me you were  funny as fook . Nice to put a face to a name  :daumenhoch:

and your welcome fish , the company was welcome round our fire that JT put out with his wet twigs lol, that thing smouldered till 12 the next day and we left JTs woodland collection for next year lol

i thought jt was gonna burst a lung blowing the fire to get those damp twigs in  :2funny:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: xchainxofxstrengthx on August 04, 2008, 08:25 PM
What a great weekend. We had such an amazin spot too. Hooked up with alot of people from RAD, many new faces which was cool.
Sat night at the camp fire was sooo much fun, i cried laughing as so did a few others.
Not sure of the names of the two women and guy i lent my beanie too that night were?
Thanks to pickle putting up with us and thanks to him for telling that dude off his bike with ghetto blaster to stay down under the bridge for the rest of the night/morning.

Was my first race and first time on a race course, i entered this at the very last minuite just for fun and found i was hooked!
Couldn't believe i had to race 4x though....
Everyone was very encouraging, only had one problem on sat night but that got sorted by friends of mine, thank you.
Thankyou everyone who arranged the whole event.
Some place, same time next year......

Lola.....anyone have any pics of me in a one of my races?
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Haro82 on August 04, 2008, 08:46 PM

haro 82 thanks for the nipples u sure you dont want anything for them ? your a star  :4_17_5: and well done on getting 8th :daumenhoch:

No worries mate  :daumenhoch:   Well pleased with making the A final, it was a great weekend at that made it all the better  :)   
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: moley on August 04, 2008, 09:23 PM
What a great weekend. We had such an amazin spot too. Hooked up with alot of people from RAD, many new faces which was cool.
Sat night at the camp fire was sooo much fun, i cried laughing as so did a few others.
Not sure of the names of the two women and guy i lent my beanie too that night were?
Thanks to pickle putting up with us and thanks to him for telling that dude off his bike with ghetto blaster to stay down under the bridge for the rest of the night/morning.

Was my first race and first time on a race course, i entered this at the very last minuite just for fun and found i was hooked!
Couldn't believe i had to race 4x though....
Everyone was very encouraging, only had one problem on sat night but that got sorted by friends of mine, thank you.
Thankyou everyone who arranged the whole event.
Some place, same time next year......

Lola.....anyone have any pics of me in a one of my races?

I have video footage of all the races.

I have just started to convert the clips so they are suitable for downloading from the internet!!

There was a lot more footage than what I usually take  so its going to take a some time to convert and even longer to upload!!!

Also because there is too much footage to stick on one dvd using the software that came with my camcorder, I have had to find some new software.

So it might take me a while to learn how to use it!!

So anyone waiting for a DVD might have to wait a few days!!
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: THIRSTYKIRSTY on August 04, 2008, 09:31 PM
dont wory about postin me a dvd mate

just see ya sunday for a quality moley production


thanks for doin fella :daumenhoch: :smitten: :-* :-*
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: pickle on August 05, 2008, 08:05 AM
was just the best weekend ever!  Lola, no worries..........it was a pleasure to share our camp spot with you guys!  loved the trivia discussion!  :LolLolLolLol:   oh and turning my tent around when i went to talk to the trike owners!  quality!!   :2funny: :2funny:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: TwoBobRob on August 05, 2008, 01:28 PM
Cool weekend.  Had fun on the track messing around on Saturday and a good craic around the campfire Saturday night. As Alex has said, I was in no rush for it to end either and squeezed pretty much every available minute out of the weekend.

Always nice to put names to faces, even if I am rubbish at it.  I'm sorry again to everyone I didn't remember I'd already met, or continue to mix up with others....

I had a really good time with good friends this weekend, something I've not done for quite a while now. Just hanging out, no agenda and no pressures of life.  Happy days.

Props to all the organisers and staffers, all your hard work paid off nicely eh?   :4_17_5:

One final thing.  To the thieves and sex pests who attended.  Don't bother next time, I WILL NOT be anywhere near as kind and tolerant as I was this weekend. You were lucky and judging by the way you ran away from me, you know it.

Consider yourselves marked.

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: 2020mad on August 05, 2008, 01:35 PM
Does anyone want to hear a cadbury's trivia fact ?  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: TwoBobRob on August 05, 2008, 01:38 PM
Don't worry about that me'laddo, I've saved plenty for next year!!   ;)

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: SaMAlex on August 05, 2008, 01:39 PM
Does anyone want to hear a cadbury's trivia fact ? 

Classic!  :LolLolLolLol:

I have no idea who was sitting with us, I was just watching Rob and Laz. They stole the night.
(and I was watcing Lara when she stole Pickles tent!  :-X)
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: 2020mad on August 05, 2008, 01:41 PM
Don't worry about that me'laddo, I've saved plenty for next year!!   ;)

excellento  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Ozrick on August 05, 2008, 01:54 PM
i 2 wanna just say wot an awesome weekend it was, met sum great guys n girls, the camp fire on sat nite had me in stitches and i will confess 2 being lola's accomplice wiv the turning of pickle's tent, also, thanks 2 rob and lola 4 making me feel like 1 of the rad clan, cheers guys
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: TwoBobRob on August 05, 2008, 01:57 PM
Hey Ozrick.  Good to meet you too buddy. You know what they say  'any friend of Laz's is a friend of a serial killer' or something like that.....  ;D

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: SaMAlex on August 05, 2008, 02:02 PM
Ozrick! I did wonder who you were and if we already knew eachother, as is the nature of forum get togethers!

Good to meet you. You ARE one of the Rad clan  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: JT71 on August 05, 2008, 02:05 PM
One final thing.  To the thieves and sex pests who attended.  Don't bother next time, I WILL NOT be anywhere near as kind and tolerant as I was this weekend. You were lucky and judging by the way you ran away from me, you know it.

Consider yourselves marked.

I must have missed something. But it's fair to say Rob you have the required look of menace when required so I'm glad that
was enough to put an end to whatever that was.


hope you can make the novice night big man. 

RAD as fook weekend.

Gaz (ozrick) you still loggin in from that friggin mobile phone?

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: TwoBobRob on August 05, 2008, 02:12 PM
You did miss summat, yeah.  But it's all history, hopefully not to be repeated.

Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: 2020mad on August 05, 2008, 02:17 PM
Problem is its a big barrel were in now, always one bad apple.... saying that it's quite easy to spot one and chuck it out.
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: JT71 on August 05, 2008, 02:19 PM
You did miss summat, yeah.  But it's all history, hopefully not to be repeated.

Nuff said.  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Ozrick on August 05, 2008, 02:21 PM
cheers alex, we hav met many moons ago at a koc wkend, yes joe, still using my mob 2 log on, roll on next year, im gonna race my cruiser, u can all quote me on that,
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: 2020mad on August 05, 2008, 02:23 PM
cheers alex, we hav met many moons ago at a koc wkend, yes joe, still using my mob 2 log on, roll on next year, im gonna race my cruiser, u can all quote me on that,
Just saved that quote.  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:, will have to arrange a cov beer night, and get your logo's drawn up.
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: JT71 on August 05, 2008, 02:27 PM
Cov beer night sounds goooooooooooooooooooood.

I'm up for that.

ooops. thread hijack. sorry.  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Lil Gashead on August 05, 2008, 02:39 PM
met loads of new people!!


Steve  (genrallee) a great friend and a lovely s&m dirt bike! :daumenhoch:

Zak (magna13) my best freind at mk and on radbmx because he helps me race and tells me new tips!!  :daumenhoch:

Dan (harris) cheered me on when is was racing!! :daumenhoch:

bannaman,mattdub and bob_acid were really supportive as-well!! :daumenhoch:

del, the best sticker man in the world i bought at least 10 stickers of him :daumenhoch:

jai (se bmxer) always good to chat to and have a good talk about SE stuff with :daumenhoch:

nick (gashead) for helping me and lend me some money!! :daumenhoch:

Dave (stodgy) for being really kind and giving me those brilliant SE and mk08 stickers!!

and last of all.........

all the mods and other members for making my Sunday absolutely amazing!!

cheers mates


Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Lazarou on August 05, 2008, 07:58 PM
roll on next year, im gonna race my cruiser, u can all quote me on that,

Consider yourself quoted!
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: harris on August 05, 2008, 08:55 PM
what a weekend  i still am not full recovered   :buck2:  you lot are nuts first and foremost.
met tonnes of new members and rearly glad i did at last.
rearly wanted to see crazy craig and fishface racing with the rest of the loons as that would have been a spectacle of biff n bang.
this year for the first real time spent more time with ron and dan and there mate what a fookin top bunch of lads rearly made my weekend.
scott and his mate and lass relaxed the area and great company all weekend.
all the rest of the rad crew are always close to me and ally they always make us feel welcome and i have alot of time for you and you know who you are.yes you lot   :-*
laz ,phil alex ,generallee,twobob and co made my mid life love just feel like it was back when and will do some show n shine with you lot next time.honest
we relaxed had a laugh helped when we physically could but you lot might not know i have a big new issue with my poxy leg again that i kept a tad quiet about.grrrr
bof  well fook hes fast   rearly impressed me and jai, big plinky ,and a few other just stepped it up and them finals wow ubber quick.
you all stepped it up this year alot it was noticed .
met dibly at last and the lass with him what a nice pair,his frames ,forks and bars are like well just buy one and you will find out   :shocked:  feck
i didnt do show and shine this year as my rides didnt quite get finished so brung them anyway for you all to see .
so all in all a bloody marvelous time had ,so thanks every every one  from me and ally
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: Philbert on August 05, 2008, 09:14 PM
my thankyous!

thanks to laz, twobobrob, oz, and anyone else who was sat under bobbos marque when i collapsed with exaustion on saturday. thanks for sitting there and laughing at me!

thanks to lara for getting me some sugary food when i collapsed

alex. as ever a fookin pleasure to ride with you. the saturday night jump show spectacular was very special for me.

generallee, good to finally meet you and get some goods off you at a fine price

dan harris. for letting us use his wagon as a bike store

pete quad, you've been an awesome friend with some matters of late so thanks for that.

dave, bill, for your words on track matters around semi final and final times!

the burger van for giving me an entertaining hour in the bathroom on saturday night

hitcher (james hitchcox) for sorting me out with allsorts, (it still hasn't arrived dude)

loads of people who just made the weekend awesome, too many names to mention
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: downhill3375 on August 05, 2008, 09:27 PM
maybe next year we will race dan  ::)

need to get the fluid drained off me knee first  :crazy2: thats why no racing or kneeling going on till i get it sorted

i have never raced before but would love to give it a go  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: harris on August 05, 2008, 09:29 PM
rad ,i waited for you all to line up camera ready but as your injured  probably a wise move   :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Just back from MK.
Post by: downhill3375 on August 05, 2008, 10:12 PM

yeah i thought i better not get involved seeing as craig thinks i need a full faced lid for me knee  :LolLolLolLol:
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