Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: MINI_BURNER on May 17, 2008, 07:31 PM
I'm new to the scene so please excuse my silly questions....................I have just bought some tuff 2's but they dont have a freewheel fitted, however I have a freewheel fitted to my existing wheel. Can I just unscrew it and change it over or do I need a specialist tool?
Thanks in advance :daumenhoch:
they are usually a twot to get off without the correct tool for sake tenner id just buy another new one to be honest
Cheers for that mate!! I take it the new ones just screw on?
yep :daumenhoch:
While I'm on the subject of freewheels..........What size should I be looking at for the rear of my Robinson Pro OS race bike?
well it depends what size chain ring yer goin to use most use 44/16
but if yer got a flip flop hub yer can use down to a 12
flip flop tuffs. interesting ???
I'm new to all of this so whats a flip flop hub?
Post a piccy of your Robinson Pro mate?? :daumenhoch:
I'm new to all of this so whats a flip flop hub?
its so you can fit a freewheel on either side of the wheel threaded both sides think one sides for old school freewheels and other for new.
well it depends what size chain ring yer goin to use most use 44/16
but if yer got a flip flop hub yer can use down to a 12
lol this was sposed to be a reply to another thred in this section !!!!!! not sure what happened here