Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: 20to26 on January 03, 2008, 10:15 AM
do you perhaps know what year this GT serial number is from? It's a 4130 Crmo Cruiser
dont take this as gospel as i'm not an expert on GT's. but from what i do know I think it goes something like this
S1 = Pro Series or Series One or something like that. I know M1 = Mach One
G = Month starting A for January. So this is July
H = Year starting A for 81. So this is 1988
and the numbers are the lot no for that production run.
Hope this helps but get one of the GT guys to confirm as i'm not 100% :daumenhoch:
according to the enigma, the germans are pressing north and have a secret weapon :shocked:
no pic? :(
it's a later serial number for sure. there was a link about it on bmxmuseum before it changed, haven't looked since though.