Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: virtualmeuk on December 17, 2007, 03:10 PM
Hi Again,
Couple of questions regarding powder coating. My Local powder coaters have quoted me 30-35 quid to shotblast and powder my old frame. What should i do about any existing rust? Will it show through on finish of the powder coating? ie will it be lumpy or pitted looking where the rust was?
Also. i have a set of doamont Back pro bars that i used to use. What do you think it would cost to get re chromed? is it worth it? should i just get some NOS Type or should i just get them powder coated instead?
Any advice appreciated
I would prep the bike before you send it, take the rust of with tin foil and coke cola until its smooth then send it on :daumenhoch:
Paul :Great_Britain:
thats the second time i have heard coke and tin foil? :wtf:
Try it and be amazed lol there is a thread on here some where :daumenhoch:
Paul :Great_Britain:
sand blast sould take most of the rust off, but you could go over any really bad parts with the coke and foil, and wd40 helps remove rust too, the coaters i go to offer 3 options of coating 1- jst powder ,2- zinc coat then powder ,3- zinc coat molten summin then coat this is durable and is supposed to last 20 years+
were you at in warwickshire
Just outside stratford on avon. Place i use is called Kineton Coatings. Tiny place but do other stuff for us so figure better the devil you know.
Hey virtualmeuk,
where bouts u from?
I live in Kineton. ;)
I am originally from stratford but went to secondary school in kineton!! i now work in Atherstone on Stour
Yep I done it recently and put a thread about my haro copy bars that were really fooked, it really does work mate, try it, and pour yourself a large JD and Coke at the same time ;)
thats the second time i have heard coke and tin foil? :wtf: