Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05) => Mid School ( Keep the faith ) => Topic started by: rory on December 04, 2007, 08:21 PM

Title: haf canti help
Post by: rory on December 04, 2007, 08:21 PM
any one know what canti brake i need for me haf, i know nothing about canti brakes
age related if poss.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 08:22 PM
AD990.  Jobs a good un   :)
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: YGT on December 04, 2007, 08:31 PM
i dont remeber seeing those with cantis ... try an odyssey a brake canti
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Obbie on December 04, 2007, 08:31 PM
AD990.  Jobs a good un   :)
NO NO NO , ad 990 won't do , thats a u brake not a cantilever brake ....
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 08:34 PM
You're sure that HAF runs a canti brake?   I was convinced my mates one was AD lugs......  :-\
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: mi16kie on December 04, 2007, 08:41 PM
They definatly look in the right place for cantis and not a u brake.
  Try to get some old shimano lx low profile ones so they dont hit your feet.They dont stick out and should be the right age as well :daumenhoch: I will try to find a pic.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: mi16kie on December 04, 2007, 08:49 PM
try these as they were about 1996/97
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 08:50 PM
That's gotta be a weird one.  S&M putting cantis on their freestyle/street bike?  Weird weird weird......

That said, I know fookall about S&Ms really   :-[
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: rory on December 04, 2007, 08:52 PM
try these as they were about 1996/97

thanx for the pic :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: YGT on December 04, 2007, 09:24 PM
will cantis work on that frame? it looks like the cable guides are more suited for v brakes
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: woody allen bars on December 04, 2007, 09:28 PM
I'm sure that Alex mentioned previously some limited run HAF frames with the canti brake option. Where is the S&M fount of knowledge when you need him?
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: mi16kie on December 04, 2007, 09:32 PM
I remember Tommy Bowers having one and i think his was cantis on the rear
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:08 PM
I'd go for this.....

Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: danny silverstreak on December 04, 2007, 11:10 PM
get the bloody bike of the sofa your mum will go fookin mad
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 11:11 PM
So Laz, you're saying canti yeah?
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:14 PM
So Laz, you're saying canti yeah?

The lugs are way too low down the stays for an AD990, plus I was running an A Brake in 96 so it's also era-correct.   :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:15 PM
....and the lugs look taller and thinner than AD lugs.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Bob_Acid on December 04, 2007, 11:16 PM
What's the little bit sticking out of the back of the top tube? is that the cable stop?
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:20 PM
What's the little bit sticking out of the back of the top tube? is that the cable stop?

That's just a guide i think.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Bob_Acid on December 04, 2007, 11:24 PM
So where is the cable stop? it's a long way from there to the lugs
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:25 PM
So where is the cable stop? it's a long way from there to the lugs

That's another thing that makes me think it's canti lugs as you wouldn't need a cable stop.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 11:26 PM
I'm surprised anyone would want cantis on a bike like that...

Bob, the cable runs straight into one of the canti arms.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:29 PM
Fufanus would be a breeze! Manuals on the other hand.......
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Bob_Acid on December 04, 2007, 11:30 PM
gotcha, sorry i've just cought up....

thinking in terms of 90's mtb canti's that needed centre pull.

i'll get me coat :)
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 11:31 PM
The loop of the cable would be bothering me.  Wouldn't you catch your foot in it all the time?  It's not like you can tuck it away like on a front AD or summat...

One fingered manuals for sure   ;)
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: Lazarou on December 04, 2007, 11:34 PM
An A-Brake will be well out of the way under there i'm sure!
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 04, 2007, 11:36 PM
Not the brake my good fellow.....  just the cable as it loops from the toptube round to the canti arm.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: SaMAlex on December 05, 2007, 07:00 AM
Sorry guys, I was working very late last night and didnt log on at all when I got home.

S&M will, and pretty much always have, made custom frames however people want um.  My guess is that someone wanted a CANTI (not U or Vee) brake on their HAF. No idea why they would, but Ive never seen another one like it. Also, this frame was is a shop with my 18” tt HAF, so they might have been part of the same custom order, even if they did end up in a shop in the UK.

I have spoken to Rory about this frame before and from what we can work out, its designed to run a centre pull Canti brake. There is an inner cable guide / Outer cable stop behind the top tube, which wouldnt work with a Vee brake (although you could still use a Vee if you didnt use the cable stop). Id be sure that the cable leading to a Vee brake would stick out the side and catch your feet, so a nice Low profile Canti, like mi16kie pictured is probably the way to go.

As this was probably a one off then there is every chance that the brake wont clear at all. The early S&Ms with 990s clashed everywhere and you had to cut 990 arms all over the place to get them in there. It might not be as easy as just finding the right brake.

Rory, I have got a few pairs of old shimano cantis kicking about (I used to use them on the front). I will grab a set and get them over to you. No point spending any money if it still might not work. btw, the HAF is lookin great!!!!

Oh, and Rob. I think this is the first time I have seen you make a mistake with your advice, but like you said, S&Ms aint your thing.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: TwoBobRob on December 05, 2007, 02:38 PM
Coming from you bud, that's high praise indeed cheers   :daumenhoch:

I didn't look at the picture at all. I made the silly assumption that Rory had just got his terminology mixed up, as I'm sure I've never seen a HAF with owt other than an AD on it.....

A centre pull Canti makes some sense I suppose - fairly tucked away and a very light feel to the lever.  I can see why someone might ask for it specifically.  A bloke I know suffered with wrist and hand strain so much, we had to graft hydraulics onto his AD lugs once.

He was a pussy though   >:D
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: SaMAlex on December 05, 2007, 02:52 PM
Im with you there Rob, I have no idea why someone would want to fit a Canti brake over a U brake (to a freestyle bike), esp in that strange place where its lightly to clash with your feet, or even the crank arms.
Title: Re: haf canti help
Post by: mi16kie on December 05, 2007, 08:22 PM
That odyssey A brake is basically a Vbrake which need diferent levers to pull the right amount (more) of cable. If you use a regular bmx lever they feel really spongey and have very little pad to rim clearance.Also if you were to run a gyro they feel even worse plus the gyro cables dont allow enough cable movement to work properly . Just look at the crap JJB sports sell and feel one of there brakes.
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