BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: dialledbikes on November 21, 2007, 10:12 PM

Title: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: dialledbikes on November 21, 2007, 10:12 PM
I've been thinking of doing this for a while now, but never got round to it (kinda like starting my own bike company 20 years after originally having the idea and coming up with the name!).  So, today I bought the domain name www.ukbmx.co.uk with the intention of eventually creating a website to honour those people who have made their mark on the UK BMX scene and made it the thing we know and love.  We're obviously a long way behind the Americans who have had a Hall of Fame since around 1985, but I think it's time we did something about it.

Seeing as RAD and BMXTalk are the biggest UK BMX websites, the inductees to the Hall of Fame will be nominated and chosen annually by the members of those sites.  I know that some people are members of both sites so may vote twice, but I don't think we can be too prescriptive or strict about how votes are counted.  Ultimately, I have faith that the good will out and the right people will be inducted.

As for the categories, I thought the following:

Freestyle Rider
Industry - i.e. anyone who has had an influential BMX business or involved in the media side of BMX
Special Recognition/Services to BMX - i.e. event organisers, track/ramp builders, officials, club organisers

Obviously, it will take me a while to get the site up and running, but in the meantime, if the Mods could make this a sticky and everyone could start thinking about who the first nominees would be, that would be great.  Perhaps an appropriate time to announce the inductees each year would be at the Brits presentation ceremony or, if the MK OS event is going to be annual, then that could also be appropriate?

At the end of the day, this isn't my thing, it's our thing and a way to honour those who have made our BMX journey possible.  I hope people like the idea and will join in.


Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: billstup on November 21, 2007, 10:17 PM
Great idea Mike  :daumenhoch:

Racer :  Steve Gratton

Freestyle: Craig Campbell

Industry : David Duffield (I think it was him that worked for Halfords and got some of the first bmx bikes in the country)

Special Recognition : Dave Young
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: MartyC on November 21, 2007, 10:20 PM
Specialist recognition - Uncle Buck aka Scott Dick

Racer - Geth Shooter

Freestyler - Difficult would like to say Bill Stupple but me thinks first nominee should be Andy Preston or Mike Pardon

Industry - First has got to be Ammaco for everything they did bitd to get it all started  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: dialledbikes on November 21, 2007, 10:37 PM
Racer:  Andy Ruffell
Freestyler:  Craig Campbell
Industry:  Jarvis Family/Ammaco
Special Recognition:  Dave Young
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Jazzchimp on November 21, 2007, 10:51 PM
Racer: Geth of course
Freestyler: Craig Cambell and Billstup for that quality roll back spinning trick he couldn't nail on BMX BEAT (ahead of your time Bill)
Industry: With you Bill on the halfords guy
Special Recognition:  Dave Young and Andy Ruffell as an ambassador for the sport BITD

Think you need more sections though and perhaps recognise us riders who had a big impact over here on all us riders in the uk.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Lazarou on November 21, 2007, 10:52 PM
Racer : Andy Ruffell

Freestyler : Neil Ruffell

Industry : Colin Kefford
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: RATTY on November 21, 2007, 11:34 PM
What a great idea Mike!!!!

Racer :  Andy Ruffell

Freestyle: Neil Ruffell

Industry : Les Windle (Hotshot)

Special Recognition : Dave Young and Les Slater
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: bmxmatt1974 on November 22, 2007, 12:02 AM
yeah what a good idea  :daumenhoch:

racer - geth

freestyler - bill stupple

industy - halfords guy for starting the racing
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: tricknuts on November 22, 2007, 06:19 AM
Racer : Andy Ruffell

Freestyler : Neil Ruffell

Industry : Colin Kefford

I agree with laz.  bloody good idea Mike.  how does this work? do you have a webpage for each  inductee with some info and photos etc?
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: priv on November 22, 2007, 07:19 AM
cool idea mike.

racer.... tim march{kicked yanks a*se}

freestyle...craig campbell{kicked yanks a*se}

industry....andy ruffell{media,riding,a name every bmxer knows}

it's very difficult choosing as the british scene was so big.

Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: dialledbikes on November 22, 2007, 07:34 AM
Racer : Andy Ruffell

Freestyler : Neil Ruffell

Industry : Colin Kefford

I agree with laz.  bloody good idea Mike.  how does this work? do you have a webpage for each  inductee with some info and photos etc?

It'll be something along the lines of this:  http://www.ababmx.com/index.php?page=default/halloffame&year=1985

But if we get enough/photos info for each inductee, they will probably get a whole page dedicated to them.  Not really given the site design much thought yet.  But the ideas are there.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: gossa on November 22, 2007, 08:42 AM
RACER: Alan Woods - First #1, involved in the retro scene, still supports the scene

FREESTYLER: Mark Noble - was flatland World Champ plus he kept making magazines when bmx was dead

INDUSTRY: Colin Sharp - on lots of industry boards, had one of the best BMX shops (OT) worked the starthill at Buckmore for years

SPECIAL: Carole Gosling for saying she's giving up running races for the last ten yeasr but never has (and that's not me being biased bacause she's my mum) 

Great idea Mike
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: TwoBobRob on November 22, 2007, 09:58 AM
Racer:  Andy Ruffell.  Whilst I'm not a fan, it can't be denied he was the first British BMX icon, the first BMX household name.

Freestyler:  Jerry Galley.  The rider that all riders want to be.  End of.

Industry:  Dave Young.  For doing what he did, the way he did it. I have him to thank for any little bit of recognition I ever had.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: rudhallrascal on November 23, 2007, 03:24 AM
The best of british  :Great_Britain:

Racer.... Tim march

Freestyle...Craig campbell

industry.... Alan woods
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Waxintaxin on November 23, 2007, 11:41 AM
Good call on Colin from OTs

sharpe products was him as well

Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: darkersomeday on November 24, 2007, 10:35 PM
is it like a top 3 thing?? :-\

in absolutely NO particular order!

tim march

wayne llwellyn

andy ruffell

neil ruffell

pepi winder

carlo griggs

dale holmes

jamie staff

bill stupple

gerry galley

rob ridge

ian morris

stu dawkins

alex leech


amos burke

george french

grant smith


dan price


the brothers noble

steven murray



in no particular order either, just in there for the props and respect :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Trev on November 24, 2007, 11:21 PM
Racer :  Andy Ruffell

Freestyle: Carlo Griggs

Industry : Raleigh

Special Recognition : Colin Kefford
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: generallee on November 25, 2007, 08:38 PM
Mike this is a great idea!

racer - tim march
freestyler - simon tabron
industry - invert/ride bmx magazine
company - curtis, raleigh, holeshot, prolite... aaagh i dont know!
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: CD17 on November 25, 2007, 08:53 PM
Racer - Tim March

Freestyler - Billy Stupple ( he is still Rad as twenty years later )

Special Recognition - Dave Young
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: dialledbikes on November 25, 2007, 09:27 PM
is it like a top 3 thing?? :-\

in absolutely NO particular order!

tim march

wayne llwellyn

andy ruffell

neil ruffell

pepi winder

carlo griggs

dale holmes

jamie staff

bill stupple

gerry galley

rob ridge

ian morris

stu dawkins

alex leech


amos burke

george french

grant smith


dan price


the brothers noble

steven murray



in no particular order either, just in there for the props and respect :daumenhoch:

Joe, any chance you could narrow it down to one in each category?  ;) :daumenhoch:

Special Recognition/Services to BMX
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: spillers#1 on November 27, 2007, 08:01 PM
Howza bout

Racer- tony slater (the gater) still kicking ass in 40+ cruiser

Freestyler-billy stupple(still up for it at 40+)

Recognition-Scott dick (uncle buck) still RIPPING IT UP ON THE MIKE. Been supporting bmx scene since the begining.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Bob_Acid on December 04, 2007, 10:15 PM
How is it i spend so much time in here and only spot this tonight?

Race has got to be Andy Ruffell

I'd have to have a think about the others  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: DR VINOAH on December 09, 2007, 01:14 PM
racer.......cav strut or andy ruffell

3 styler.......stupple or chris young

recognition.......the one and only dave young
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: darkersomeday on December 22, 2007, 12:37 AM
is it like a top 3 thing?? :-\

in absolutely NO particular order!

tim march

wayne llwellyn

andy ruffell

neil ruffell

pepi winder

carlo griggs

dale holmes

jamie staff

bill stupple

gerry galley

rob ridge

ian morris

stu dawkins

alex leech


amos burke

george french

grant smith


dan price


the brothers noble

steven murray



in no particular order either, just in there for the props and respect :daumenhoch:

Joe, any chance you could narrow it down to one in each category?  ;) :daumenhoch:

Racer  > tim march
Freestyler > pepi winder
Industry > george french
Special Recognition/Services to BMX > the brothers noble
bell-end > dale holmes
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: harris on December 22, 2007, 08:03 AM
i would have to put
barrie scott webb in for a big contribution to the early days.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Peter J on January 03, 2008, 05:25 PM
Race: Andy Ruffell

Freestyle: Neil Ruffell

Spec Rec: Halfords......for bringing BMX to the masses or Kelloggs for the first major sponsor (I can remember)
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: tommyshearing on January 23, 2008, 02:37 AM
Racer:  Andy Ruffell (he was 1st household name in UK BMX, probably because he was also into presenting, however he was the most famous)

Freestyle:  Neil Ruffell (cause he 1st freestyle on TV in the Kellogs who was as good/better than the yanks)

Industry:  Alan Woods (Only because I dont know who else was involved in the early day in importing etc and his still doing it)

Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: nishiki14 on February 02, 2008, 02:31 PM
Wow this is well hard, ive made loads of lists and screwed em all up, my 1st thought on racer was either middleton or march as they were both rivals and massive hero's of mine, then i thought everyone is going for the older riders of bitd and i was a very young rider at the start so ive picked someone from my own age group, a member of a legendary ukbmx family and THE very 1st ukbmx rider riding the 001 plate, SAM JARVIS. Freestyler. NEIL RUFFELL.  Industry DON SMITH.  Special recognition. UNCLE BUCK. But there are so many others i would love to name.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: bmx2000 on February 12, 2008, 10:10 AM

race: Dale Holmes

freestyle: Rob Ridge

contribution: All UK riders past and present.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Radical Mick on February 16, 2008, 09:13 PM
Racer: Geth Shooter

Freestyle: Phil Dolan (how many world titles)?

Industry: Mark Noble

Contribution: TLB for BMX Action Bike
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: tobybrown35 on February 28, 2008, 07:52 AM

                racer;  david maw  [world beater]

                freestyle glyn lewis [how high]

                industry alpine action [would love an inverted t shirt]
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: lisa w on April 10, 2008, 11:44 PM
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: tobybrown35 on April 12, 2008, 07:49 AM
alice temple was pretty rad ;)
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: RATTY on April 12, 2008, 08:14 AM
dont forget the OSS queen, she was pretty rad, world and euro finalist :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Old_Skool71 on May 11, 2008, 09:56 PM
Mmmm, lemmy see

Racing - I was never really into the race scene much but Andy Ruffell did a hell of a lot for the sport in the early days

Freestyle - Craig Campbell or Carlo Griggs, can't decide

Industry - DP for making a quality freestlye frame that we could all afford bitd

Special Recognition - Kelloggs, for getting Bmx onto prime time tv

Andrew :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Redline on June 26, 2008, 10:58 AM
Tricky one this though I reckon...

Racing - Mike Chilvers (if ya remember he was the first racing guy featured in OBMX Magazine No1)

Freestyle - Billy (Mr Air) Stupple

Industry - Denis Christian... he originally had a Motorcross shop in Davyhulme Manchester called Viking Sales and Spares and was importing/selling the very early BMX stuff right from the start. Redline/Kuwahara/Mongoose etc he had the lot! I'd say he was the main man in the North West back in the day... Alan Woods was still a kid then. Think he still runs a cycle shop in Davyhulme to this day though he must be knockin on a bit!
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: johnny bluff on July 23, 2008, 06:47 PM
Racer=trev robinson=birmingham wheels.....that dude was so fast when i used to go there....respect to the trev rob....

Freestyler=craig campbell

Special recognition=andy ruffell.....that dude did so much for uk bmx..he was better on ammaco though.....
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Linus27 on August 06, 2008, 07:49 PM
Racer  > Andy Ruffel
Freestyler > Craig campbell
Industry > Halfords
Special Recognition/Services to BMX > Andy Ruffel
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: LucyLastic on August 09, 2008, 04:25 AM
racer : Mike Pardon

Freestyler :Andy Preston

Industry : Denis Christian - I remember him well, used to sell loads of Hutch stuff too, got photos of him back in the early 80s :)
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Bananaman on August 26, 2008, 10:38 AM
Racer  > Andy Ruffel
Freestyler > Craig campbell
Industry > Halfords
Special Recognition/Services to BMX > Andy Ruffel

Am with linus all the way :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: Rollins on September 30, 2008, 06:35 PM
Gossa - Did you used to ride up Foxes Woods in Shirley??

I think I remember you. You may have went to Edenham High??
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: big kev 40 on December 09, 2008, 03:07 PM
racing  tom lynch
female  karen murphey
freestyle billy stupple but spent alot of time with glyn lewis at gillingham skate park  he could do some amazing stuff at height
industry colin sharp  and greg hill  nearly everyone must have tried a ghp owesome
and carole  gosling she done loads for racing over the years
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: firebird on December 30, 2008, 09:14 PM
Geoff Wiles

who with colleagues set up UKBMX association to act as a working body for BMX in the UK. shortly after he became a founder member of the International BMX Federation, the world governing body. Geoff was also involved in the planning and the building of the Uk's FIRST BMX track.

Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: telelogic on February 19, 2009, 07:27 PM
Neil Ruffell
the king of UK freestyle :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: GTSantaAna on August 11, 2009, 11:28 PM
How about an award for the Best British made BMX bike.

Cheers !  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: sweetbeats on August 21, 2009, 02:31 AM
How about an award for the Best British made BMX bike.

Cheers !  :daumenhoch:

How would that be judged?
I lived next to the torker factory in Newcastle so they will get my vote no messin'.
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: TIMMO1966 on September 14, 2009, 11:31 AM
Racer-Tim March
Freestyler-Terry Jenkins,easily as high airs as the yanks
Industry-Alan Woods
Special Recognition-the one and only Winnie Wright
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: oldschoolib on October 10, 2009, 10:34 PM
i met andy a couple of times he was an arse hole completley up himself with his crappy year old manta tim or geth all the way
Title: Re: UK BMX Hall of Fame
Post by: 58 delray on October 28, 2009, 04:43 PM
racer-chris young, so quick in 81
female-alice temple
freestyle-billy stupple
special recognition-dave young, without him many people would not have got to races/events, he would cram us all in his bedford and take us all over the country never asking for anything in return.
closely followed by carole gosling who has devoted many years to the sport.
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