Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: davemac1974 on September 15, 2007, 11:29 PM
Many people will have either seen this done before, or done it themselves...but thought I'd share the results of my garage exploits this afternoon.
I had a Blue anodised Sugino 44t chainring, but needed a chrome one...so...
Bucket, water, caustic soda....add the chainring:
Remove...and then polish:
Chrome Sugino 44t chainring......DONE! :daumenhoch:
PS. If you try this, the caustic gives off venemous fumes when mixed with the water. Make sure you protect yourselves by wearing gloves, goggles and mask...and definately make sure the area is very well ventilated, ideally outdoors. :D
that will look great after you polish the scratches out :LolLolLolLol: but wont the ultra burner boys lynch you for that
I know about the oven cleaner, but I had the caustic left over so decided to live dangerously :LolLolLolLol:
I did polish it more after this, and its now on my build :coolsmiley:
Fook the Ultra boys, I've had plenty of these in my time:
i think you over did it with the blue rings :shocked:
I think oven cleaner does it as well Dave and is a little bit safer. Its a while since I did it though so I dont know what is the best one to use.
oven pride :4_17_5: