Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: andrewthomas197 on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM

Title: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: andrewthomas197 on June 18, 2007, 02:29 PM
I'm in the process of restoring a TA (childhood dream) and was wondering whatcolours go with what year.
The frame I have is a K serial number one with a curved rear brake mount and is currently in chrome, the question is:
Thanks for your help on this, I wanna get it spot on.
All the best,
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: stidds on June 18, 2007, 02:42 PM

Not sure on the colours a Skyway expert will be along soon to let you know.

You do not have to do any prep work to the frame, the platers will do that for you.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: dordymush on June 18, 2007, 02:44 PM
i've seen the K  series ones in both white and chrome.

i always liked the white better on a T/A but thats just me.
if the chromes knackers up but not to bad a nice coat of white powder is a lot cheaper way to go.
i just got a quote of nearly £200 for just a frame.
bity too dear for me.

superbikedans ya powdercoater man.
will come out mint.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: andrewthomas197 on June 18, 2007, 02:58 PM
I prefer white but just needed to check to see whether this was right for the frame, the stickers pop out more on a white frame, looks alot cleaner.
I have been speaking with SuperBikeDan, I've heard good things....
Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: dordymush on June 18, 2007, 03:02 PM
have a mooch through the museum.
i bet the will be some K series ones in there.
if not talk to bobacid.
he'll know.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: CD17 on June 18, 2007, 07:14 PM
Dans Powder is well good  :daumenhoch:


Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: andrewthomas197 on June 18, 2007, 07:24 PM
White it is then........
Thanks everyone.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: munners on June 18, 2007, 09:49 PM
White is the way to go mate but a real original chrome is hard to beat. I find that when you get a frame rechromed it is always looks too 'shiney and blingey'. The old chrome Ta's  were never 'in your face chromey'. Its was like a nice dull chrome if you know what i mean - almost silver. If you powdered the frame white, it would look like it was bitd.

Also with some chromers, it is hard to get the chrome perfect around the BB on a TA, unless they are good and you are prepared to pay top wedge. I would also say, stick with just the Skyway downtube decal, not the Skyway TA one. The expensive ones Biaggio does are alot better quality and easier to put on. I find the Skyway TA ones harder to put on as they are repo and thinner.

Just my opinion. I love a TA me. :smitten:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: munners on June 18, 2007, 09:52 PM
By the way, I wish i kept my Ta's white Ta is STUNNING  :4_17_5:

...even with that downtube decal! :D

The nuts mate. ;)
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 18, 2007, 09:54 PM
the men in the white coats will be round soon to collect u nick ya ta maniac  :2funny:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: andrewthomas197 on June 18, 2007, 09:54 PM
I absolutely agree with the blingy chrome thing and I think white is the way to go, also agree with the Skyway decals.
Off the Superbikedan's for a fresh coat of white powder.
I love those TA's as well, maybe the next one could be chrome.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: munners on June 18, 2007, 09:58 PM
Ive lost it mate. Little bit pissed up mate.

They are tasty though aint they. :smitten:

I just need the levers and i will get me pics up of your old one mate. You wouldnt recognise it. It is nearly exactly as i had it as a kid. Aaaaah mate just need the levers!
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 18, 2007, 10:04 PM
Ive lost it mate. Little bit pissed up mate.

They are tasty though aint they. :smitten:

I just need the levers and i will get me pics up of your old one mate. You wouldnt recognise it. It is nearly exactly as i had it as a kid. Aaaaah mate just need the levers!
what levers do ya need bud  :daumenhoch:

ya've not lost it mate i think we have all been the same  :4_17_5:

ya got some sweet builds now  :coolsmiley:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: ron burgundy on June 18, 2007, 10:07 PM
K serial frames are the early Jap made frames, I think they only came in chrome, then when production switched to the US, white was introduced along side the chrome...  or something along those lines...

And I'm with you on the re chrome, I've yet to see one that looks right...
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: munners on June 18, 2007, 10:09 PM
Spot on with the K series Mr Burgundy. They did start off in chrome. God knows why as it would have been cheaper surely to paint. :idiot2:

Im after some dreaded DC tech 3's in blue.  :2gunsfiring_v1:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 18, 2007, 10:11 PM
just get any tech 3's send um to me and i'll get them annod in blue for ya when i get me ripper done  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: CD17 on June 18, 2007, 10:13 PM
just get any tech 3's send um to me and i'll get them annod in blue for ya when i get me ripper done  :daumenhoch:

The problem is the steel rivets in the Dc Levers  :(
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 18, 2007, 10:31 PM
bummer  :knuppel2: keep lookin nick unless someone knows a way round it  ???
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: highrisedrifter on June 19, 2007, 08:29 AM
All the K series T/As i've seen in white have been chrome ones that have been repowdered..

Only available in chrome to start with, I think.

As Nick said, when productiobn shifted to USA, white was introduced.

Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: Lazarou on June 19, 2007, 08:54 AM
What about blue?.....
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: greentoad on June 19, 2007, 02:45 PM

Skyway has great chrome, but of course it depends on how bad yours is.

I got a dirty and rusty bike that I thought would never come up, but with some time and care (this is just cleaning and not a re-chrome) it came up mint.

I have not scene it since selling it for £180 around autumn last year (it is the only real regret since i've been back in the scene)   :'( - anyone know if it was ever built up?

There are not many chrome T/A's left and if you powder, that's it. No longer original chrome, and will just be another white one (even though they do look great).

From this - just look at the BB and rusty patches, looks pretty bad.







To this - some of the best chrome that I think i've worked with.












Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: highrisedrifter on June 19, 2007, 08:11 PM

Skyway has great chrome, but of course it depends on how bad yours is.

I got a dirty and rusty bike that I thought would never come up, but with some time and care (this is just cleaning and not a re-chrome) it came up mint.

I have not scene it since selling it for £180 around autumn last year (it is the only real regret since i've been back in the scene)   :'( - anyone know if it was ever built up?

There are not many chrome T/A's left and if you powder, that's it. No longer original chrome, and will just be another white one (even though they do look great).

From this - just look at the BB and rusty patches, looks pretty bad.


 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

That's a lovely chroming. I need more T/As.

Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: Lazarou on June 19, 2007, 08:17 PM
What about blue?.....

I agree! Blue TA's are lovely!
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 20, 2007, 09:40 PM
just get any tech 3's send um to me and i'll get them annod in blue for ya when i get me ripper done  :daumenhoch:

The problem is the steel rivets in the Dc Levers  :(
went to custom clolours tonight and i have some good news for ya nick the levers can be annod the rivets are alloy  :4_17_5: :daumenhoch:
so if ya wnat to send me some levers and i will take um when i pick me stuff up or just give um a bell and post um straight there  ;)

the guys there are sound  :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: CD17 on June 20, 2007, 10:07 PM
just get any tech 3's send um to me and i'll get them annod in blue for ya when i get me ripper done  :daumenhoch:

The problem is the steel rivets in the Dc Levers  :(
went to custom clolours tonight and i have some good news for ya nick the levers can be annod the rivets are alloy  :4_17_5: :daumenhoch:
so if ya wnat to send me some levers and i will take um when i pick me stuff up or just give um a bell and post um straight there  ;)

the guys there are sound  :4_17_5:

 :shocked: :shocked: Really, that is good news  :)

Iv been after a Black lefthand tech 3 forever  :)
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 20, 2007, 10:37 PM
same here been after a black mx1000 for 12 months i had a nos red with a tech 3v lever they r doing them black for me can't wait  :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: CD17 on June 21, 2007, 11:06 AM
Get some pic's up when you get them back  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 21, 2007, 06:33 PM
will do  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: Frosty on June 22, 2007, 02:58 PM
The rivets deffo ally then? They certainly look like steel. Will they be anno'd too or can they mask them so they stay silver?
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 22, 2007, 07:28 PM
they will get annod too i think  :-\
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: currio on June 27, 2007, 08:55 PM
A quick test to check if the rivet is Aluminium, is to see if a magnet is attracted to it.
All the rivets I have come across have been steel.
Steel doesnt anodise.
If you try it, you will damage the calipers around the rivet, and the anodising equipment will probably be damaged too.
Title: Re: Skyway TA correct colours?
Post by: downhill3375 on June 28, 2007, 06:11 PM
they did the magnet test on all my bits thats how i found out  :daumenhoch:
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