Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: gary4130 on April 24, 2007, 01:20 PM
from your collection ,which bike would you have and why?
mine would be my TA , the first 'proper' bmx i got ,late '84 i think just love the bike to bits happy days :coolsmiley:
Mine would be my Pro line
:smitten: :smitten:
cant choose
thats why i got more than one bmx
yesterday i was in favour of the quad
today i think the senior pro,s the bollax
tommorow never knows :coolsmiley:
I'd keep my GT Pro Performer - I had it new in 1984 and still have it today.
Everything else could burn in a fire to save this one.
New school all they way (S&M LAF). Its the only one that actually works like its meant to!
Mind you, I might have to swap between ramp and track tyres. Is that still OK?
cant choose
thats why i got more than one bmx
:LolLolLolLol: That answer's spot on :LolLolLolLol:
Although, this weeks favourite is my Puch that I'm currently trying to get finished :daumenhoch:
All of em, can't choose ! Love em all for different reasons......
it's like saying which is your favourite child ?
My newie......... :smitten:
Everything else could burn in a fire to save this one.
That is the way to determine which one is your favourite.
would have to be my GHP, but without bthe shite hatta kongo on it as it couldnt take a pounding
this because its me all over :smitten: oh and it is my only bmx :4_17_5:
One thing's for sure the choice is much easier when you've only got 1 bike >:(
Greedy gits ;D
T/A all the way,or is it Pro -class,performer,pro star,no its defo T/A..... :daumenhoch:
For me it would have to be my T/A, :smitten: :smitten:
it would have to be one of these
but whittled down it would prob be this
but you all saw that one coming
This is my Favourite...
Don't know why, never had or even saw one BITD, I was well done with BMX in 88, just like it, still working on it to get it right :-\
hmmmm hard one very hard but if i was in an oldschool mind i would say a hutch trickstar
but on a mid level my 1" standard 500sta
If I had to choose then it would have to be my Floval ... a tough decision as I like all my bikes but this machine rides so nice :smitten:
Definitely my Gen 1
this litle tinker would be out the door before the wife
i only have one now,my trickstar,sold the others.those 2 performers above are very nice.pete get some decent levers on it and stop using the mountain bike shop :LolLolLolLol:
what tech 5's? proper levers
get some tech 111 or 1V's on it
me standard sta , it never let me down, and was always good in the trails
some pretty fine rides popping up in this thread
a small fraction of what we all own
:smitten: :smitten:
I do like that Bill, but come on, play the game an put a chain on it :daumenhoch:
Tough one.
I do like this Ripper:
But, I cant decide between my TRM:
and my Badlander:
My 100% original Team Pro survivor... :smitten:
Come on fella's surely we could turn this into a Haro section as well ;D
He my favourite bike..
..my only bike as well ???
no more haros there taking over everything, :tickedoff: and besides i don't own one (yet) :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
not old school OR freestyle, but this is mine :-
:) DINGO :)
this is my dream bike amazing at endo's lol :LolLolLolLol:
i think if i had the choice it would have to be my first gen 1 :smitten: