Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: christhejob on April 24, 2007, 12:31 PM
in a sidenote to making sure the "gen1 reissue" has a decent gusset
my 88 haro sport plate lasted 30 minutes before i cracked it alleyoop fakieing onto a dirt bank (i did have a 2 foot high revcore seatpost though)
anyone else??
ive been usin haros as riders for the last 3 years, an 84 for the first year of riding and that saw some big jumps and even bigger bails, and not a smidgeon of stress to be seen, also used a haro sport 87/88 with wrap around gusset with no probs and more recently an 87 fst and that thing just seems to be bomb proof, this said the bashguard sports seemed to pop the gussets far more easily than other models, just startin usin an 88.5 sport now and hopefully this one is gonna jump like a c*nt, so we'll see how it fairs :daumenhoch:
You bringing it to Epic on June 9th??? (worth a shot isn't it??) :daumenhoch:
na, it went in a bin in 1992.. i meant platform gussets, not headtube gussets, ooooppppsssssss
wandered what the seatpost length had to do with it, i reckon my arse would snap first :LolLolLolLol:
i have a master frame hear ,well i think its a master with welded post
the one with 990 lugs twin top tuber
when everyone was down birmingham wheels late 80s early 90s all the haros could have the seattube move like a chopper gearstick or had a ton of seagull poop welding holding it together.. hairy ken at gorsty lea garage used to do mine every week for 2 quid!
it's ok, 7.45 champions league kicks off, i'll get off the internet..
i have a master frame hear ,well i think its a master with welded post
the one with 990 lugs twin top tuber
Have you got a pic Dan ???
I've got 2 87 FST's here and both are cracked in the same spot. Easy fix though. I've got a busted Motomag frame here too so I don't hold much hope for the Haro! :crazy2:
a lot of the haro went by the seatpost section untill haro started welding them underneath . i never broke my haro`s but did my hutch so they must have been quite strong
a black/black sport is one of freestyles best ever looking frames in my opinion.
with you there gogo.. the late 80s sports looked amazing... rode great. weak as pishhhhhhh
lol the qestion should read how did,nt your haro plate gusset last you :LolLolLolLol: