Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05) => Mid School ( Keep the faith ) => Topic started by: SaMAlex on March 19, 2007, 09:04 PM
I started throwing this together today. I was going to get the wheels and cranks on it too but its pising down with rain and the shed is way down the end of the garden. The frame is a later HAF (with the engraved top tube end) and the forks are S&M 'stupid forks' / Menstural cycle 1" clamp on forks with a 1" clamp on redneck. The bars are S&M castilo (well, they are AD bars but its the same thing). The wheels, cranks and bars are parts that I have had kicking about for ages and so far its cost about 20 quid.
You wouldnt think that, as its looking so good all ready :LolLolLolLol:
I will get some more pics when the wheels and cranks are in
its stop raining now so you can finish it
chop chop . :)
I would love to but the wife is at work till 9 tomorrow morning, the boys are asleep so I cant leave the house.
Ahhh, Parenthood!!!
those dropouts annoyed me as soon as i saw them. you know the haf was based on a streetbeat alex?
I loved those drop outs. I tried to get a set put on a dirtbike but the angles of the seat stays were diferent so it didnt work.
Streetbeat? gotta be the early standard frames?
I would love to but the wife is at work till 9 tomorrow morning, the boys are asleep so I cant leave the house.
Ahhh, Parenthood!!!
what they doing in the house, the kids should be in the shed
Hey, Gogo, check out the head tube sticker that was on the HAF when i got it a few months ago. Anyones you know?
looking good there alex, :daumenhoch:what wheelset is going on then?
that sticker rules.
the cable guide is obviously retro tho.
re: streetbeat.
when i was at s&m in 93, moeller took us down to b+e (who made the frames then) and introduced us to domenic?? the guy who owned the company, they had a streetbeat sitting and chris told us the platform design and angles were loosely based it, and they had based the jig on it.
domenic then rifled thru his drawer and found a club home boy 'lofter of jive' business card, which he gave to me(and i still have), before ordering a mexican welder to add some custom bosses to my prototype '94 dirt bike that had the holmes back end.
£20!!!!! :shocked:
£20!!!!! :shocked:
Yes, £20. Do you think maybe I paid too much? The seller did say the chrome on the frame was in "OK" condition
OK, result of todays lunch time additions. Phat Alex rims on PE hubs, Kink chainring and Prince Albert cranks (4th Gen). The broken S&M pedals are backwards cos the cranks are too (LHD Hub).
Shame the V Monster tyres let it down a little as they are actually brand new (thanks for those Stodgy).
thats some chunky running gear :)
Ive got a KHE grind disk to put on it too but I couldnt find it when I went to the shed this morning.
nice beast there alex :)
Nice, but I bet you bust through the 30lb mark before the pedals went on.
PE hubs! How many sets were made Alex?
PE hubs! How many sets were made Alex?
Im not really sure how many PE hubs were made in the end. I would guess probably not more than 100. I tried to sell them to shops and distribution companies but everyone wanted to put 40% and they got way to expencive. Then Cyclone Cycles said they would sell them and only put about £10 on them to cover their costs (some of the Union guys were using them already). I wanted to keep the price down so I put cyclone in direct contact with the guy who was actually manufacturing them and they took it from there. I dont know how many were made, and I never got anything for the design of them. It went well for a while but once everyone wanted micro drive and lighter hubs they werent any good.
Still, the front hub looks NOTHING like a larger marmoset hub ... no ... it doesnt!!!!