BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: Zippy on March 04, 2007, 04:05 PM
I just wondered if there were any makes of bikes out there that as a kid you just didn't take to.
For me it was Mongoose, I just never actually liked them then or now. I don't know why really but I just thought that they used too many Mongoose branded parts on them to warrant the price.
I would have said Dimond Back too, but I remember quite liking a bike in one of their adverts, I have a feeling it was a Silver Streak and I really liked a bike that I think was called the Reactor. I remember the advert for that and thinking that it looked fast just stood still, The head angle was quite steep.
VDC a mate had one it was the biggest piece of cack going
haro's ;) as although i rode street 'i prefered race frames :daumenhoch:
VDC is definitely one of them, I always thought they were over priced and didn't actually look that good anyway. The other one I never really liked at all was the Raleigh Burner (sorry) more a look alike than a wannabee and was never going to cut the mustard as a race or jump bike. Then there are all the so called BMX alikes, like Saxon and Townsend (not Jon :LolLolLolLol:), remember selling loads of those, hated putting them together and hated having to fix them after some poor kid had broke it trying to wheelie or jump ::).
I grew up on a Street Beat, so BITD I didn't like any other make. I had a go no Haro's, GT's, Hutch's & Vincents etc and none of them felt as good as the skyway.
dp freestyler,the rear drop outs were made from monkey metal,i bent one and striaghtened it by hand,i was about 13.
i had one of those ady 'after my ripper 'i didnt like it eather >:(
never liked the quadangle
the scorpion breakdancer and freeway
VDC is definitely one of them, I always thought they were over priced and didn't actually look that good anyway. The other one I never really liked at all was the Raleigh Burner (sorry) more a look alike than a wannabee and was never going to gut the mustard as a race or jump bike. Then there are all the so called BMX alikes, like Saxon and Townsend (not Jon :LolLolLolLol:), remember selling loads of those, hated putting them together and hated having to fix them after some poor kid had broke it trying to wheelie or jump ::).
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
my mate had an ammaco freestyler with grey(i think striped?) pads. I never liked that bike.
the scorpion breakdancer and freeway
oh yeah forgot about the scorpion
trm is another
I never liked Redlines or Diamond Backs when I was growing up.
TORKERS. like riding with suspension :10_2_12:
never liked the quadangle
yep same as for some reason never like the look but for some reason i like the looptail as never saw one bitd
Any multi-tubed "freestyle" frame. Hideous things even then.
Hutch's. Chrome flaked off everything. Rubbish. Expensive but cheap if that makes sense!
Never liked Redlines, still don't, any era they just do nothing for me, also never liked VDC, CW and Vector bars.
have to agree with the vector bars. mind i dont like none of there stuff to be honest.
haro's never got me going neither.
i know im gonna get beat up by rombloke for that lol.
scorpion breakdancer and freeways weren't top line round where i lived :)
CW. reminded me of citreon
and Scorpion, hutch, Fox, quadangles, all that rubbish
back in the day i never really thought of "top line bikes and parts" as such
the main aim was keep a bike running with whatever i could find that wasn't fooked.
i was always more of a rider than a bike polisher
Haro's, just didnt look good to a 10 year old. I was a Skyway boy, even to this day i look at the logo and it makes me think, WOW!
The PK was always the bike that you had if you had a few quid. The welding always seemed chunky. It made it look expensive.
My uncle had a bike called a TRM (totally radical machine). I think it was a UK bike. It had Reynolds Tubing. Anyone remember????
baz keep used to ride a TRM in the early 90's
got a backyard vid of him doing a flip on one when he was 12
Two of the TRM riders lived in Worcester and would come to Malvern occasionally to ride our quarter pipe at the Hillbillies track.
I think it was Paul Heyfon??? that I toaught how to indian air. I actually showed him a can can air too but that was an indian air that went wrong when my foot slipped off the pedal in the air. Bloody rain. :LolLolLolLol:
Never liked hutch coz thought they where way over rated.
Redlines coz the geometry looked all wrong, they never looked sleek.
Quadangles coz the headtube looked and felt too high.
Diamond backs coz i always felt they where a wannabe pro bike.
gt performers coz i associate these with the start of the death of bmx in the mid 80's and firms competeing with sticking bits on frames n bendin tubes rather than ride or build quality.
Haro Gen 1, too slight.
Rippers, too weak n front heavy
not in any particular order and my attitude has changed slightly but still woulnt wanna ride any of them.
what did you like?
the hutch trickstar was an amazing bike btw.
and the GT performer's platform set the scene for the years to come. many many years
never liked quads and also bandito(could'nt get into the double dropouts)
what did you like?
the hutch trickstar was an amazing bike btw.
and the GT performer's platform set the scene for the years to come. many many years
The trickstar was nice, but i never came across any BITD, so couldnt comment,
the Gt performer, like i said, the way it made me feel back then was that it was the end of bmx as it was, the bikes dramatically changed and i didnt like it. In hind sight obviously it wasnt the end and most of my builds are 85-88, but BITD thats what i didnt like.
what i did like then, GT pro, jmc, super goose (gusseted one) torker 280x, GHP, VDC, powerlite, kuwahara, mrd, un gusseted robinsons, basically any sleek lookin strong Race frame, i remember silver fox did a race frame that was sleek as fook.
no mention of skyway ta because i wasnt fussed either way, think cos forks looked too skinny. nice now but not then.
i was and still is a fussy fooker, and when i do eventually post up some of my builds im sure you wont believe that, but i build my bikes to ride well with the bits i like and r up for the job, basically how a lot of the bikes on the street and track where like BITD, never two the same.
good stuff
and TA forks are a little flimsy, i agree
bmx did change around time of the performer though, you are right
freestyle changed dramatically in those formative years
changed for the better
yeah lookin back, but at that specific time 85-86ish it didnt feel to me as though it was goin in the right direction, bikes gettin heavier and stuff, i was all wrong i tell ya!
kids eh? you thought you knew everythin but knew fook all :LolLolLolLol:
it was hard to say 'what i didn't like bitd' namely cos back then we didn't have a pot to p1ss in, so I was grateful to have a BMX in the early days. Must say I never had a Mongoose, along with Burners, never liked either of em, always hated Gen 1's, basically cos i couldn't afford one....!! LOL !
funny to hear the comments about VDC's considering how sought after they are now !!
yeah the VDCs were an acquired taste, but attitudes change, in my original thread i said i didnt like gen 1s too because they looked slight, i like em now for the exact same reason, they not slight anymore, they is pretty
torker's suck, torker's suck, torker's suck, torker's suck, torker's suck, torker's suck, torker's suck, oh and an honourable mention for the stupid, exagerated quad and hutch's were a rich kids wank and did i mention torker's suck, torker's suck, torker's suck :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
LOL actually i couldn't care less what other people own or want, in fact there's probably some nice torkers, quads and hutches- i just wouldn't want any of them. anyone got a CYC ames stormer they want to get rid of? pm me.
PK Ripper for me, rode like shit then broke :(
looptail ripper, i snapped the back end off three of them, theyd just fail without any warning, pretty though!
hoffman deebo, cheap ugly heavy cousin of the legendary t1 barcode
any and every volume frame i've ever seen, just nasty
khe's internal gyro feck ups
macneill deucedeuce, cmon jay man i'm not that bloody tall!
2hip pork frame, no just no.
airborne miss behaving, i still shudder when i remeber how that thing felt to ride!
i never liked it when people had cruisers for street use :idiot2: might as well have a drophandle.
love em now, and they do look sweet but not for street.
there were no bmx,s i didnt like as a kid .
The 1s i didn,t like :-\ back then i would love :smitten: now (except the scorpion) :LolLolLolLol:
Quadangle , VDC , and that Scorpion ZF 100 Brakedancer :uglystupid2:
Didn,t like CW bars till i bought some then loved them :4_17_5:
was open minded to any bike except burners, i had owned in this order mongoose, ammaco, redline, gt performer.
but after owning the gt i thought every other make was sh*t,
now im completly open minded again
still :smitten: gt's
Only ones i didnt like were the ones my parents got me that looked a bit like the one i wanted :-[
Oh an the pink CWs bit barbie like for me.
never seen many good bikes bitd or now except in zines never likes aero pro back then but on reflecton they were magic
I never liked Raleigh Burners, still don't really. Although i'am now the
proud owner of a Tuff Burner... :D
Hmmm... Actually Bitd I didnt like any bmx's, wasnt interested at all and didnt get it, loadsa colour, titchy bike and little point. Now for some bizarre reason I really like them, though I dont have as much interest in new school stuff as a lot of them seem to have no colour or flair, all painted in incredibly dull colours with nothing to set them apart tend to look too much alike.
Stick around Ray - New school stuff has been moving towards colour and flair for the past couple of years.
I thought the same as you until I started to see that it doesn't all have to be black with black parts :LolLolLolLol:
I thought the same as you until I started to see that it doesn't all have to be black with black parts
lol you aint seen mine 8).
Never liked Quadangles. The weird tubing at the front end was wrong.
I disliked PK Rippers too. I didn't like the front end and the overly large lower tube. Although I may be lynched for saying this.
yamaha byz
iron horse
and that modern day chav wonder the MOJO