Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: buissonrouge on September 22, 2005, 09:58 PM
Some friends and I are currently scanning BMX magazines, books, catalogues, ... to share them with the community. You can download them for free here : http://rothenbusch.free.fr/plus/plus.htm
If you enjoy them and then want to help, scan your old magazines 150dpi jpg. Put all this in a .zip or .rar file and email all this to buissonrouge@23mag.com using the website www.yousendit.com I'll host the file for you.
Eric Rothenbusch
Just a pic from the last Bicross mag uploaded (issue 31). It may bring back some memories to some of you :
(http://img272.imageshack.us/img272/5894/bicrossmag310250ev.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
I have over 1000 pages of mags scanned so far...
I have over 1000 pages of mags scanned so far...
Busy at work then Orb?? ;D
Well, you know how it goes....
And a big hard drive ;)
Home PC = 4 x Maxtor 80 gig
Work = 1 x 70 gig
Work = 1 x 70 gig
I got a couple of these to play with at work. 55TB (that's about 55,000GB).
ner, ner, ner ner ner
Nice one Eric! Keep on scanning!
Orb - share the love dude...lets see those scans... ;)
Well, they will all be on the homepage soon ;)
Well, they will all be on the homepage soon ;)
Nice! :)
MERCI! THANK YOU! DANK JE WEL! THANKS A LOT! You don't know how important this is for me! Oh, I am soooo thankfull for this. Well done! Thanks, thanks, thanks > I am sooooo happy now! I MEAN IT!
Same picture > better quality:
Sorry about that. But if you want that I help > just email me! If not, I can understand that aswell! NO PERSONAL OFFENCE!
SAND N DIRT, any help is welcome and I would email you if your adress wasn't hidden.
We've got our first UK publication scanned; it's BMX Action Bike from february 1985.
You acn find it here : http://rothenbusch.free.fr/plus/plus.htm
Three new magazines are available.
The links are still there : http://rothenbusch.free.fr/plus/plus.htm
SAND N DIRT, I don't speak english well enough to understand what you want me to do. Sorry.
I still hope some of you are going to lost one hour of their time to contribute by scanning an old magazine and sharing it with everybody. Thanks.
I have over 1000 pages of mags scanned so far...
BMX mags Orb not the one's you've got with the stuck together pages!
Thanks for making these available!!! Love the 80's mags. There is one that doesn't seem to download though,
Freestyle spectacular - april 1987
link appears to be dead. Please fix as i love those old Freestyle mags!!!
Sorry lloydieboy, this issue isn't available anymore (lack of webspace). Later maybe.
Thanks to Kevin (KDW712 on radbmx.co.uk) we have BMX Weekly volume 1 issue 16 (1981) with race reports from Albury, Chorley, Redditch and Grasby, BMX pants shoot out, General UK BMX, Whats on, Rad Gallery, Kid Keen...
and thanks to Joss a new Bicross magazine issue.
They're there http://rothenbusch.free.fr/plus/plus.htm
Hi, we've got some new magazines scanned including BMX Bi-Weekly vol4 issue18
(Craig Campbell on the cover, Latest news, Kid Keen : wheel stand and nudist camp, Tim Marchs MRD test, Car jump by Dale Goodwin, The ins' and outs' of getting yourself a sponsor, GT Pro test, The british placings from the recent worlds in Japan, Mini match : JMC, Navajo and CW, Partin' shot : Craig Campbell with the eye catching footplant down at Southsea skatepark, ...)
You can still download them for free here http://rothenbusch.free.fr/plus/plus.htm and I hope we'll get contributions from some of you soon :)
Eric, www.23mag.com
nice one buisson!!!
BMX Action Bike again (july 1985 and october 1986)
Thanks Buissonrouge !
I've got the ABMX files downloading now.
Another good site is:
I was looking for some old copies of BMX plus ! just for the 87 & 88 Haro Catalogs. Now I don't have to ! :)
In '88 I did my Geography GSCE coursework book in the same style as the 87 catalog and I passed. That Bon Haro knows a thing or two about design ! Thanks Bob ! ;D
Cool link. Thanks.
The 23 people just found a new way to share videos and huge files : www.filefront.com (http://www.filefront.com)
kpm has uploaded "RAD TV - The Sequel" for you and satoorne is offering many videos about the Bercy events. You can find them here : http://www.23mag.com/dl/dll.htm
If you upload stuff there, please post the links here or submit them to buissonrouge@23mag.com
lol eric sand n dirt est hollandais lol
Three new magazines are available.
The links are still there : http://rothenbusch.free.fr/plus/plus.htm
SAND N DIRT, I don't speak english well enough to understand what you want me to do. Sorry.
I still hope some of you are going to lost one hour of their time to contribute by scanning an old magazine and sharing it with everybody. Thanks.
Eric... The site looks great.. keep up the good work....
these are great just got the july 85 abmx. spotted a letter written by the (not then) legendary larry bull. and how many does geth shooter get mentioned!!
Magazines downloads
Thanks for these!!
I will spend some time over the next few days doing a bit of downloading!!
The three Freestyle Spectacular issues we have are back online :
bmx action april 1982 new BMX Action logo, One-footed x-up kick turn by RL Osborn on the cover, Sekai-Premier/ABA Northwest Nationals in Seattle, Testing Patterson kit, Jag World Championships, two-speed trickery, Top pros speak out : Scott Clark, Greg Hill, Harry Leary, Kevin McNeal, Brent Patterson, Eric Rupe and Stu Thomsen, BMX Politics 1981, 540 ramp spinner, Hot shots, R.L. Osborn and the fearsome fire hoop.
http://files.filefront.com/BMXA_April82zip/;4922160;;/fileinfo.html (http://files.filefront.com/BMXA_April82zip/;4922160;;/fileinfo.html) (pdf file offered by Simon John)
Who's next ?
All the mags available are still here :
http://www.23mag.com/dl/dlp.htm (http://www.23mag.com/dl/dlp.htm)
cool :daumenhoch:
many many many days spent at ROM on bmx 79 to 85
we need more old ROM pix :angel:
deax superb fella!!
BMX Action july 1986, still Simon John :
On the cover is Woody Itson and Martin Aparijo. Photo by Windy.
Freestyle tour dates.
Profile NBL War of the Stars Orlando Florida.
GT Interceptor test.
Freestyle How To : the Fingerflip. Ceppie Maes interview.
Gravity Fest IV.
Pete Loncarevich interview.
www.23mag.com (http://www.23mag.com/)
BMX Action - November 1983 - Now available for download:
BMX Action - May 1988 - Now available for download:
BMX Action - November 1984 .pdf now available for download at:
nice one johnny
keep em a coming bro
:4_17_5: gteat thanks i have 30 bmx action mags but no scanner ???
BMX Action july 1986, still Simon John :
On the cover is Woody Itson and Martin Aparijo. Photo by Windy.
Freestyle tour dates.
Profile NBL War of the Stars Orlando Florida.
GT Interceptor test.
Freestyle How To : the Fingerflip. Ceppie Maes interview.
Gravity Fest IV.
Pete Loncarevich interview.
www.23mag.com (http://www.23mag.com/)
knee down on a bmx! cool!
nice one.
have you any of the US freestylin ones ?.
BMX Action - September 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
dordymush - I have about 6 issues of Freestylin' in my possession at the moment which I will start scanning soon.
BMX Action - November 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Plus - February 1984 .pdf now available for download at:
This issue is full of good stuff...
Mike Dominguez in Whittier, California on the cover. Inset: Toby Henderson. Photos by John Ker.
Rad Gallery featuring Ron Wilkerson, Eddie Fiola and Mike Dominguez.
How well do you know your bmx stars ? Toby Henderson, Jeff Bottema, Eddy King, Scott Clark, Turnell Henry, Charlie Litsky, Stu Thomsen and Harry Leary.
1984 National schedule.
ABC-TV's That's Incredible! Wheelie race.
Brent Romero; the winningest kid in BMX.
Raleigh 1984. Nasty new models and a tough new team.
World almanac skills contest including Brian Scura's two hours 57 minutes wheelie.
How to build a trick ramp. Bob Haro's diabolical plan for radness!
Product probe. Pro Gate II practice start gate.
Race. ESPN round 5 Las Vegas.
Testing the Hutch Pro Star and the GHP Frame Fork Set.
Radical Rick.
Parting shot. Martin Aparijo headspin.
Ads. Haro, Levi's, Vans, Schwinn, Redline, Vector, Powerlite, Dyno, Patterson, Tioga comp 3...
If you have scanned any bmx publication you'd like to share, please email buissonrouge@23mag.com
BMX Action - November 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
Thanks to Scotty P. for the loan of the mag. ;)
BMX Action - August 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
Freestylin' - May 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
Thanks again to Scott P. for supplying the mag.
BMX Action - February 1986 .pdf now available for download at:
Thanks Johnny.
nice one johnny!!!!
I have over 1000 pages of mags scanned so far...
Busy at work then Orb?? ;D
He works for SAAB what do you expect :LolLolLolLol:
BMX Action - March 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - February 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
Thanks go out again to Scott P. for supplying the mag.
Keep em comin' :daumenhoch:
There are excellent. Thanks so much for soing this. :daumenhoch:
Glad you're all enjoying them. There's plenty more to come. :coolsmiley:
there should be a seperate section to put all these in on there own and fook one of them other things off at the bottom that nobody looks at :daumenhoch:.
and even bettewr if i could figure out how to get them to work ;D.
el linko.
these are great just got the july 85 abmx. spotted a letter written by the (not then) legendary larry bull. and how many does geth shooter get mentioned!!
remember giving Larry some stick about that one when we rode the worlds sometime mid 80s........he thought nobody had noticed....spotty bike if I remember. There are many faces to be found in the letters sections..............
Freestylin' - July 1987 .pdf now available for download at:
Thanks again to Scott P. for supplying the mag.
If magazines nowadays had the content/pics that these have you would not be able to move at the track or park for grommets on BMX bikes
I was a Blindstuntmans office yesterday organising the Nott'm meet and he had a stack of BMXA from 81 and we got not an ounce of work done as I was engrossed in the mags, one handed powerslides by Mike Buff, Jason Jenson at full speed, Rad as fcuk
:) DINGO :)
If magazines nowadays had the content/pics that these have you would not be able to move at the track or park for grommets on BMX bikes
I was a Blindstuntmans office yesterday organising the Nott'm meet and he had a stack of BMXA from 81 and we got not an ounce of work done as I was engrossed in the mags, one handed powerslides by Mike Buff, Jason Jenson at full speed, Rad as fcuk
:) DINGO :)
Totally agree ! Todays mags are nowhere near as good. They're fixated on what the kids do. I believe mags are there to reflect that but also to fuel the mind as to the possibilites and promote aspiration. There's no special articles - unless you count yet another road fools tour as special. The old mags were so much better at making you think "wow".
the old magazines made you go wow cause it was the only real way of seeing what was going on - it was all new..........blame tinternet for you being bored with the zines...........
I'd rather blame the lazy editors who haven't a clue what to do against falling sales due to the internet ! :angrysoapbox:
BMX Action - November 1987 .pdf now available for download at:
http://www.23mag.com/dl/dlp.htm (http://www.23mag.com/dl/dlp.htm)
BMX Action - May 1984 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Plus! - October 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks to Scott P.
excellent work johnnyringo and scottp!!!
nice one
BMX Action - March 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Scott P.
BMX Action - May 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
Freestylin' - August 1988 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks to Scott P.
wicked. nice one
These are brilliant - cheers Jonnyringo...my Dad got me a subscription to BMX Action and Freestylin' and I had all the issues. These covers are bringing back some great memories. Bags of syle - Thanks!
BMX Action - October 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Scott P.
BMX Plus! - March 1983 Collectors edition .pdf now available for download:
Special thanks for Freestylin' - August 1988 - that was my ramp in there and I had never even seen that issue until 10mins ago (19 years later...)
BMX Action - June 1986 .pdf now available for download at:
These are excellent every single time :4_17_5:
I just wish someone would share their early 82 83 84 BMX Action bike (UK) scans for download :(
Dying to look at the first issues again
BMX Action - June 1987 .pdf now available for download at:
Go - July1990 .pdf now available for download at:
you rule johnny
again, huge thanks for upping these
Freestylin' - October 1987 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Scott P.
BMX Action - January 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - October 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Scott P. for the loan of the mag.
wow this is an old thread ..good to see it again ..good work guys ..
Just rescued all my old mags from my folks house - dad was gonna chuck everything and burn it! I've got a serious amount of them - once I've got them all sorted out, I'll post what I've got - see if there are any that are required for uploading - Kuwahero (Marc) said he's gonna scan them for me - it's gonna take him a while!
Just rescued all my old mags from my folks house - dad was gonna chuck everything and burn it! I've got a serious amount of them - once I've got them all sorted out, I'll post what I've got - see if there are any that are required for uploading - Kuwahero (Marc) said he's gonna scan them for me - it's gonna take him a while!
Dude, that is good news. We need more people to upload mags. I've done alot but I only have a limited amount of mags (though there is still more to come). So please make it happen.
These are excellent every single time :4_17_5:
I just wish someone would share their early 82 83 84 BMX Action bike (UK) scans for download :(
Dying to look at the first issues again
I think there are some of those in the ones I rescued.......there's 2 boxes full sitting about 8 feet away from me right now so I'll have a look and see what there is.
Okay, just gone through the boxes I have with me - must be over a hundred mags there alone - Bmx Action, Bmx Plus, Bmx Racer and Freestyle, Freestyle Bmx, Bmx Now, Bmx Bi-Weekly and this lot - Bmx Action Bike.
Here's the front covers of the ones I've found so far.
I think there's another box or two of mags still to go through up at my folks house. I'll message Kuwahero to let him know these are ready for pick up soon! (He's gonna freak when he finds out how many mags there are in total - might have to get more people involved to have any hope of uploading them all!)
July 1983
August 1983
September 1983
December/January 1983
February 1984
March 1984
April 1984
May 1984
July 1984
August 1984
September 1984
October 1984
December 1984
May 1985
June 1985
July 1985
August 1985
September 1985
January 1987
And this - The Bmx Action Bike book, from 1983.
No idea when these will all get scanned, so the covers will have to keep you all going for the time being. (I'll go through a few of them soon and scan some choice pics and pages and post them in a new thread).
Threads here;
Part 1 http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php'topic=52888.0
Part 2 http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php'topic=52890.0
Gary Forsyth
jan 87 is awesome ::) ::) ;) ;) ::) ::) :angel:
jan 87 is awesome ::) ::) ;) ;) ::) ::) :angel:
Mmmmmmm.....would that be because there is a 2 page spread of you doing a backwards gut lever and another 5 pages dedicated to your local "Nottingham" scene....?!
Liked the cheeky letter to the "anarchists"!
Long time no speak Ross..... Good to see you on here. :daumenhoch:
Can you put the link up to the Jan 87..... I cant find it
Must dust the bike off and get down to radcliffe
jan 87 is awesome ::) ::) ;) ;) ::) ::) :angel:
Mmmmmmm.....would that be because there is a 2 page spread of you doing a backwards gut lever and another 5 pages dedicated to your local "Nottingham" scene....?!
Liked the cheeky letter to the "anarchists"!
maybe...just maybe
:angrysoapbox:...................... :bondage:................................. :4_17_5:..................... :daumenhoch:
Long time no speak Ross..... Good to see you on here. :daumenhoch:
Can you put the link up to the Jan 87..... I cant find it
Must dust the bike off and get down to radcliffe
Those cover pics are just to show the mags I've uncovered and hopefully WILL be getting uploaded in the near future - I'm currently unable to do so, but Kuwahero has offered to pick them up and get them online. (He lives fairly closeby). I still need to get in touch with him.
BMX Action - January 1986 .pdf now available for download at:
GO magazine - December 1990 issue now available for download at:
That looks like Lee Reynolds on the cover..... Keep tellin' him to join up here - don't know if he has yet. He's been lookin for old school vert pics.
Freestylin' - March 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Scott P.
BMX Action - April 1984 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - March 1988 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - August 1986 .pdf now available for download at:
Go - July 1991 .pdf now available for download at:
Freestylin' - January 1988 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Scott P.
BMX Plus - September 1981 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - March 1984 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - July 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - April 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Torque - March 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - February 1987 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - May 1980 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - August 1985 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - June 1980 .pdf now available for download at:
GO - September 1990 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - February 1980 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - January 1988 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - January 1980 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - December 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - August 1979 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Plus - May 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - April 1981 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - June 1984 .pdf now available for download at:
Fantastic :4_17_5:
I love this thread
Many many thanks
BMX Action - December 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
Big thanks to Allen K. for the scans.
BMX Action - March 1980 .pdf now available for download at:
Top Thread, thanks to all involved...hours of pleasure in this one...flashback central! ;D
BMX Action - October 1987 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks to Ray J.
BMX Action - October 1978 .pdf now available for download at:
The first bmx frame with bashguard way before the early nineties ?
Thanks Simon for sharing one more issue.
BMX Plus - February 1983 .pdf now available for download at:
Another classic issue brought to you with thanks to Ray J.
These last few downloads in particular have been total classics :4_17_5:
Thanks again
Great reading :daumenhoch:
BMX Action - March 1981 .pdf now available for download at:
BMX Action - December 1988 .pdf now available for download at:
(Back cover & a few pages missing).
BMX Action - May 1982 .pdf now available for download at:
Huge thanks go out to Alan K. for making this one possible.
Some of you may have noticed that most of the mags I have uploaded are no longer online. This is because Filefront deleted about 70 of them. So I am dumping Filefront.com as my file host and have gone with 4Shared.com
I have started the long and boring process of reloading my files but this will take sometime to complete. So far I have uploaded BMXA - May'82, BMXA - August'79, BMX Plus! - Feb'83 and the July 1979 issue of BMXA:
The man from Oz has come up trumps again :4_17_5:
Many many thanks again JR :daumenhoch:
BMX Action - January 1983 .pdf is now available for download:
BMX Action - April 1981,
BMX Action - October 1978
BMX Action - December 1982
BMX Action - October 1987
BMX Action - March 1981
have also been uploaded here.
Thank you , it's all excellent :daumenhoch:
BMX Action - July 1980 .pdf is now available for download:
BIG ,BIG thanks JR :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
I fixed Freestylin links and Darwin offered the first issue of Go.
http://www.23mag.com/dl/dlp.htm (http://www.23mag.com/dl/dlp.htm)
23mag is a nugget in the bmx world glad to hell its available thank you :daumenhoch:
Not that old but still a very good read: http://bmx.transworld.net/category/Back-Issue-Downloads/ (http://bmx.transworld.net/category/Back-Issue-Downloads/)
Hi Guys,
I'm sure some of you have been wondering why there haven't been any new uploads lately. Well I've been working on a new site to house all the previously released mags as well as the many new ones to come.
I have also 're-mastered' many of the earlier mags. This means that they are now smaller in file size while retaining the same quality. Many have also had some touch-ups and a few now have pages included that were missing in the original releases.
This is the first version of the site and I have a lot of ideas for things I'd like to add, so check it out and let me know what you think:
Also now available:
the July 1985 issue of BMX Action
With thanks to Ray J.
wahow... good work.
Great New site JR :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
THANK YOU JOHNNY :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
no matter what I try download from 23mag I get a file not found...
Nice one mate!! :daumenhoch:
Feel free to use any of the magazines/books off my site!!
no matter what I try download from 23mag I get a file not found...
That maybe because many of those mags have moved to oldschoolmags.com
Nice one mate!! :daumenhoch:
Feel free to use any of the magazines/books off my site!!
Thanks Moley.
BMX Action - December 1978 .pdf now available for download at oldschoolmags.com
BMX Torque - November 1982 .pdf now available for download at oldschoolmags.com
:uglystupid2: ride like an egyption
BMX Action - July 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMXA September '81 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus November '84 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Big thanks again to Ray J.
BMXA May '83 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Another page full of links to awesome magazine downloads
JohnnyRingo you are the " O/S Mag Messiah of OZ" :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
The Winter 1984 issue of Freestylin' is now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Once again this one come courtesy of Ray J.
BMXA October 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - July 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ray J. & Allen K.
It's a double download delight!
Bicycles & Dirt Issue 1 (Sept '82) thanks to Paolo L.
BMX Pancake Issue 11 (Feb '83) thanks to Ray J.
Now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - October 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to John M.
BMX Action - April 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - April 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/ (http://"http://oldschoolmags.com/")
Thanks to Paolo L.
Also now available:
GO - October 1990 . pdf
*GO - November 1989 is now also available with thanks to Darwin.
BMX Action - September 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
It takes a lot of time, effort & money to make these magazines available, so if you enjoy reading them and would like to see the site continue to grow then please make a small donation here if you can:
Johnny Ringo.
A couple of classics from the vault:
BMX Plus - January 1979 .pdf and
JAG World Championship program .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Huge thanks to Matt P. for making these available.
BMX Action - November 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - April 1985 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ray J.
Freestylin' - July 1985 .pdf (thanks to Ray J.) and
BMX Torque - August 1982 .pdf (thanks to Jon M.)
now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - December 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Also now available:
Bicycles Today - Jan '81 (thanks to Paolo L.) and
Bicycles Today - April '82 (thanks to Juan M.)
:4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: Thank You! :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
BMX Plus - September 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ray J.
BMX Action - December 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ray J.
BMX Racer - January 1981.pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Paolo L.
BMX Plus - August 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ray J.
BMX Action - August 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' - January 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
BMX Action - January 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Jon M.
Bicycles & Dirt - March 1984 (thanks to Paolo L.)
BMX Pancake - issue 7 (thanks to Ray J.)
Both .pdfs now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - May 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Matt P.
BMX Action - January 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - September 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ray J. and Paolo L.
Nice edition, thank you :4_17_5:
Top stuff Johnny :daumenhoch:
BMX Action - November 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Matt P.
Rad Gallery - July 1985 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ray J.
Super BMX - November 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Paolo L.
also available:
1984 Australian Titles program thanks to Andrew G.
BMX Action - June 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thankyou ThankyouThankyou
for all your hard work JR , it's guys like you who keep this hobby alive and make so much better through your contributions :4_17_5:
You're a star :smitten:
First upload for the year:
Freestylin' - June 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
BMX Plus - June 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Matt P.
Super BMX - February 1982 &
Dirt Bike Racing by D.J. Herda (1982) now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ron C.
BMX Action - September 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - January 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks (once again) to Ray J.
There's a lot of great stuff coming to the site but please remember that it takes a fair bit of time, effort and money to keep it all rolling - so do your share and make a donation today!
An oldie, but a goody. This issue of Freestylin' (December '88) was originally made available by Eric @ 23mag.com about 5 years ago but hasn't been available for download for a couple of years. I have compiled it and added it to the site. Thanks to Eric R.
Also added:
Issue 13 (the final issue) of BMX Pancake. Thanks to Andrew G.
Available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
FINALLY!! A new download.
BMX Action - July 1981 available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - February 1984 available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ron C.
BMX Plus - January 1985 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Ray J.
BMX Action - October 1988 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Darwin (Beau). These are some of the nicest scans you will see.
Check out some of his work here:
BMX Plus - May 1986 (thanks to Phillipe D.) and
Bicycle Motocross (1979) (thanks again to Ron C.) now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - May 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ron C.
BMX Action - August 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Paolo L.
BMX Plus - October 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Another cracker from the vault thanks to Matt P.
cool been waiting for the aug 84 issue
thanks man.
cool been waiting for the aug 84 issue
thanks man.
you could have had mine.....till i got it signed ;D
Freestylin' - March 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
this is extreme megazine.. :angel: :angel:
BMX Torque - October 1982 (thanks to Ray J.) and
BMX Action - March / April 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - January 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Paolo L.
excellent stuff Johnny :4_17_5:
Just to show ideas come back into fashion, there's an article in the Jan 83 BMX Plus (above) about 22" wheeled BMX's.... :)
BMX Action - January 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - April 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ron C.
BMX Plus - November 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ray J.
GO - December 1991 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' - August 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Juan M.
BMX Action - May 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Jimmy C. & Paolo L.
BMX Plus - January 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Matt P.
Super BMX - January 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ron C.
AWESOME work JR :4_17_5:
Oldschoolmags.com , ROCKS 8)
It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here:
BMX Action - June 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks (once again) to Ray J.
Freestylin' - Generation F thanks to Juan M.
BMX Pancake issue 2 thanks to Andrew G.
Now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - October 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Chris K.
Great work as always :coolsmiley: :daumenhoch:
Great work as always :coolsmiley: :daumenhoch:
+1 Really appreciate the work you put in to get these posted up :4_17_5:
An open letter from Johnny Ringo
Oldschoolmags .com was built on the simple notion that ‘When everyone contributes, then everyone benefits’. The idea being that people share whatever resources that have in order to build a huge online BMX library. Unfortunately the reality has turned out to be quite different. While a lot of work has been done in building the library (and I am quite proud of what has been achieved so far), most of the contributing has been done by a small minority while the vast majority of users seem content to sit back and do all the benefiting.
It staggers me to think that so few people seem to believe that the site is worth supporting and that there are so many people out there who are happy to keep taking without any thought of giving anything back.
THE SITE DOES NOT RUN ITSELF NOR DOES IT PAY FOR ITSELF. The site was not set up to make money but to keep these magazines and books freely available to all members of the oldschool community. Up to this point, some of the costs have been covered by a small group of 12 or so financial supporters and the rest has come out of my own pocket. This is neither fair nor exceptable.
The simple reality is that if everyone who uses the site on a regular basis just kicked in $5 each then the site running costs would be covered for the next couple of years. Is this an unfair expectation? Is it not worth putting in a couple of dollars in order to have these documents available? The fact that so few people have been willing to give up to this point would suggest that the answer is no, it’s not worth it. And if that is the case then what’s the point of continuing?
I have tried in the past to subtly encourage users to make a small contribution but these have yielded little support. Perhaps I was being too subtle. More likely though, it’s just that people don’t care.
Now I understand that some people simply cannot afford to give. And that’s fine. I have no problem with that. But what does bother me is that there are a lot of site users who are happy to spend hundreds of dollars on some old bike part to finish of their ‘latest build’ and yet they won’t put in $5 or $10 to support a resource from which they benefit so greatly. It’s this short-sighted and selfish attitude that is the hardest thing for me to swallow. And if this attitude continues then the site cannot.
So the point is this: site users need to take more responsibility in helping the site to continue to grow. If more people do not start contributing financially then the site will either have to become a paid membership site or it will close. Both of these are very real options at this point.
You’ve been warned. Either support the site or lose it. It’s your choice.
End rant.
Johnny Ringo.
At $5 a shout I reckon paid membership would be the way forward - I for one would be happy to pay a few dollars to continue using this great site :daumenhoch:
At $5 a shout I reckon paid membership would be the way forward - I for one would be happy to pay a few dollars to continue using this great site :daumenhoch:
+1 It's such a valuable resource for all of us and $5 is about the price of a large flat white ;)
Just donated $10 with thanks , small price for you contributions ,Johnny :daumenhoch:
Just donated $10 with thanks , small price for you contributions ,Johnny :daumenhoch:
+1 AUD$10 winging its way from my wifes Paypal account :daumenhoch:
A big thanks goes out to to the 13 good-hearted people (That's right, just 13!!!) who responded to my call for help. These guys along with the small group who have previously donated have shown that they truly understand the value of the site and what it is about. The rest of you need to take a good, hard long look at yourselves. Do the right thing and be a site supporter rather than just a site user.
BMX Action - March 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
$10 sent :daumenhoch:
one amazing resource!
Well hopefully with Ed's message in the shoutbox and the more people see the donation request on the entrance to your site :)
, then hopefully alot more will show their apprecation by contributing ,,,literally the price of a couple of beers ;)
Freestyle Spectacular - December 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Paolo L.
BMX by Mike Devitt (1974) .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ron C.
$10 sent. I think I've already got my monies worth. Please keep the Freestyle magazines coming. Thanks.
Haro Fan.
BMX Plus - November 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ray J.
Skyway 1982 Catalog .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Philippe D.
Freestylin' - Summer 1984 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Ron C.
BMX Action - November 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
***Special Note***
A big thanks to those generous souls who have supported the site by making a donation recently. To those who have not - Don't be schmucks - the more support the site gets the more mags and books we can make available.
Great work Simon :4_17_5: ,,really appreciated :daumenhoch:
Great work Simon :4_17_5: ,,really appreciated :daumenhoch:
My Pleasure.
Super BMX - April 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Christophe P.
BMX Plus - October 1983 .pdf - Thanks once again to Ray J.
BMX Australia - February 1981 .pdf - Thanks to Andrew G.
Now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
I've not downloaded for a few month Simon
So at the end of the month , I'lll do a bulk download and DONATE again
So should everyone who uses the site , what's a few ozzy dollars for what you're getting back :4_17_5:
Yeah its well worth it lads, such a great resource for your builds
I donated the other month and got a very nice thank you mail, from Simon.
Keep up the good work mate :4_17_5:
Thanks for the support guys. Enjoy.
BMX Action - April 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - December 1988 .pdf - Thanks to Phillipe D.
American Freestyler - August 1987 .pdf - This issue was scanned and uploaded to the web by Timo, 5 or so years ago but hasn't been available to download for a few years. So I've compiled it and added it to the site.
Now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Hi guys,
I'm sure many of you have wondered why or been concerned that there hasn't been any new mags for almost a month now. I haven't disappeared or lost interest in the project but I did start a new job five weeks ago which has kept me pretty busy. On top of that, I'm currently rebuilding the whole site from scratch which will look better and more organised (as well as having a few new features). So I haven't had as much time to work on mags as I previously did but my goal is still to make as many books and mags available as possible. They just might becoming a little slower for a while.
So here's another classic out of the vault thanks to Matt P.
BMX Plus - August 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - May 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Just added a couple of books:
Freestylin' by Len Weed (1982) - Featuring the BMX Action Trick Team and
BMX Bandits (1983) thanks to Coasty.
Now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' - July 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
Just happily donated to your site again Simon
You're doing a great job :4_17_5:
Super BMX - October 1982 .pdf - thanks again to Paolo L. and
Pancake - Issue #9 .pdf - thanks to Andrew G.
now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - August 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com
Thanks to Chris K.
GO - November 1991 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com
:4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
Nice one Si :daumenhoch:
BMX Action - October 1985 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Phillipe D.
Hi Guys,
I know it's been a while since I've posted any new mags, but I've been working hard to get the new website online. Stage one is up and running and I'm interested in any feedback about the new site. Of course it wouldn't be quite as exciting if there wasn't a new magazine to download, so may I present for your viewing pleasure - the December '86 issue BMX Plus (thanks once again to Ray J.)
(P.s. - Lots more great stuff coming soon).
Greg Hills Book - Professional BMX Skills - 1983 - .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Juan M.
BMX Torque - September 1982 (thanks to Andrew G.) and
Official BMX - Issue #1 (thanks to Kevin W.) .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - September 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - August 1981 pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Ron C. and Paolo L.
The site update is great Simon :daumenhoch:,
Easy to find the bike tests which are invaluable for getting a correct/good bike specifacation if you're planning a certain build . :4_17_5:
The site update is great Simon :daumenhoch:,
Easy to find the bike tests which are invaluable for getting a correct/good bike specifacation if you're planning a certain build . :4_17_5:
Thanks Hunter.
BMX Plus - June 1985 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Big thanks to Brian J. for this one.
Freestylin' - September 1986 pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks once again to Juan M.
GO - February 1992 pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - December 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - May 1982 - Thanks once again to Ron C.
Radical Rider (Issue 1) - March 1982 - Thanks to Andy G.
PDF's now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Here's the BMX Official issue 6 thanks to kdw712 http://issuu.com/buissonrouge/docs/bmxofficial6 (http://issuu.com/buissonrouge/docs/bmxofficial6)
And if some of you want to enjoy some french read, Bicross magazine is back online : http://oldschoolbmxfrance.com/?page_id=2176 (http://oldschoolbmxfrance.com/?page_id=2176)
Good read. Thankyou.
BMX Plus - December 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ron C. and Paolo L.
shouldn't this really be moved to a sticky in the bmx chat section where more people would see it rather than freestyle :-\.
i never come in here very much and i dare say any of the racer lads dont either.
some great downloads that i bet most dont notice.
Great idea Dordy, I have made contact to check that we are ok to move and once we have thumbs up, I'll make a sticky :4_17_5:
American Freestyler - October 1987
This mag was made available by TIMO six or more years ago but hasn't been available for quite sometime, so here it is.
BMX Pancake issue 12 (March 1983) with thanks to Andrew G.
PDF's now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - July 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Huge thanks once again to Matt P.
Freestyle BMX UK - July 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://issuu.com/buissonrouge/docs/fbuk8907 (http://issuu.com/buissonrouge/docs/fbuk8907)
Huge thanks to Soldat Bobby.
As always, thanks for posting these links.
Looking through this mag, the last Freestyle mag, I noticed the reason so many of us are unsure of timelines for events and products. There's a Haro advert that's 2 years out of date and in general, it's a similar case throughout the mag. Ah, the days before e Internet !
Super BMX - March 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Phillipe D.
BMX Action - April 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Great mags Simon :daumenhoch:
Glad you keep em coming ,, your work keeping the site going and uploading peoples contributions , gives alot back to the worldwide BMX community :4_17_5:
Good man :angel: :coolsmiley: :coolsmiley: :coolsmiley:
Thanks as always for the kind words Hunter.
Freestylin' - November 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks once again to Ray J.
There seemed to be some sort of problem with the last few pages of the above issue of Freestylin' so I have fixed this and uploaded the new version.
GO - January 1991 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
If you are having issues downloading magazines from this site it's probably because you're using the latest version of Internet Explorer. For security reasons it sometimes won't let you open .pdf files. The simplest solution is to use another browser - i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc. If you have tried this and are still having issues then please let me know.
BMX Plus - April 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Huge thanks to Brian J.
can't believe you guys have created this - fabulous service !!!
can't believe you guys have created this - fabulous service !!!
Glad you're enjoying it.
Super BMX - December 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Paolo L.
BMX Plus - January 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Huge thanks to Brian J.
BMX Action - May 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Pete.
Freestylin' - December 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Juan M.
Merry Christmas.
Super BMX - June 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Paolo L.
BMX Plus - December 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ray J. once again.
GO - October 1991 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
The Complete Book of BMX by Bob Osborn .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks once again to Juan M.
BMX Action - August 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Top work as always Simon
One of the best BMX sites out there :smitten:
Top work as always Simon
One of the best BMX sites out there :smitten:
Thanks man.
BMX Plus - May 1979 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' - February 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Brian J. once again.
It's been while since I've posted a new mag (my PC died and I've had to rebuild it) so here you GO. Plenty more coming soon.
GO - March 1990 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Nice work Mr Ringo :daumenhoch:
BMX Plus - August 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - June 1985 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - July 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks once again to Ray J.
Super BMX - March 1983 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Ron C.
Freestylin' - May1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
GO - August 1990 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Stu P.
BMX Plus - February 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/ (http://"http://oldschoolmags.com/")
With thanks to Chris K.
There are a few pages missing, so if anybody has a complete copy and can scan a few pages then please let me know. Enjoy.
BMX Plus - November 1988 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Brian J.
BMX Action - February 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - June 1982 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Lee A.
Freestylin' - October 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
BMX Plus - November 1988 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks to Brian J.
BMX Action - June 1988 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - April 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' - May 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ben S.
BMX Action - April 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
American Freestyler - June 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - August 1981 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
GO - December 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Super BMX - August 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' - July 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to MTNJAK.
BMX Plus - June 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Action - August 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
I know it's been a few months since I last posted a new mag (been having a few months break) but there's plenty of great stuff coming this year. Beginning with this:
BMX Plus - May 1988 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Brain J.
American Freestyler - March 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
GO -April 1991 .pdf - Now available for download at Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - January 1988 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Ben S.
Freestylin' - February 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Ben S.
BMX Action - November 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Freestylin' II - The book .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Juan M.
BMX Plus - October 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Ben S.
GO - January 1990.jpg .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks again to Ben S.
Thanks a lot for your effords JohnnyRingo. :daumenhoch:
Thanks a lot for your effords JohnnyRingo. :daumenhoch:
Glad you're enjoying them. Here's another:
BMX Plus - April 1980 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
American Freestyler - December 1987 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus September 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
Great work :4_17_5:
Top effort, thanks buddy :daumenhoch:
I’m surprised no one has yet added British mag BMX Action bike/RAD. They’re what I’d really like to see more than anything else.
BMX Action - September 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
thats great fistblump
BMX Plus - October 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
With thanks once again to Ben S.
Freestylin' - April 1986 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Jeff P.
GO - May 1991 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks again to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - November 1987 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
American Freestyler - August 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - November 1981 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
GO - February 1990 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Andrew P.
BMX Action - July 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Andrew P.
BMX Plus - October 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Andrew P.
Freestylin' - March 1989 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ben S.
BMX Plus - October 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Sebastien R.
If you have nay of the following BMX Plus issues, then Please contact me:
August 1983
December 1986
September 1991
January 1992
BMX Action - August 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Andrew P.
Bicycles & Dirt - April 1984 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe Gorman
BMX Plus - January 1981 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
American Freestyler - November 1987 .pdf now available for download at http://oldschoolmags.com/
Thanks to Ben S.
BMX Action Bike - January 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Ray J.
That’s awesome, thanks JR

Incredible resource and great to see it still going strong.
That’s awesome, thanks JR 

Incredible resource and great to see it still going strong.
BMX Action - September 1989 .pdf now available for download at:
With thanks once again to Andrew P.
BMX Plus - July 1987 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Thanks for still continually adding to your source of BMX history , Simon :smitten: :daumenhoch:
It really is a great achievement you've managed to collate :4_17_5:
Thanks for still continually adding to your source of BMX history , Simon :smitten: :daumenhoch:
It really is a great achievement you've managed to collate :4_17_5:
Thanks HD.
GO - June 1991 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - September 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
BMX Plus - November 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - January 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Andrew P.
Freestylin' - November 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
BMX Plus - January1986 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
Hey Johnny,
Just want to say that you are an absolute credit to the history of BMX mate.
I've kept up to date with your postings for years now and it's simply astonishing the ground you have covered !
Bravo ! :4_17_5: fistblump 8)
Hey Johnny,
Just want to say that you are an absolute credit to the history of BMX mate.
I've kept up to date with your postings for years now and it's simply astonishing the ground you have covered !
Bravo ! :4_17_5: fistblump 8)
Thanks Boba, glad your enjoying it.
American Freestyler - July 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
GO - January 1992 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - December 1986 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
I know this issue has been available for a long time but it was originally scanned by someone else and I was never very happy with the resolution / quality of the scans. I always wanted to re-do them. I started working on this a few years ago but got distracted and have only just gotten around to finishing it.
Minicycle / BMX Action - April 1980.pdf (BMX related pages only) - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - November 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
GO - April 1990 .pdf - Now available for download at http://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Stu P.
BMX Plus - March 1980 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Freestylin' - January1987 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Jeff P.
BMX Plus - July 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - October 1984 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
I know it's been a couple of months since any updates were posted on the OSM site and some folks are starting to have withdrawal symptoms, but it hasn't been in vain. I submit the following issues for your reading pleasure:
BMX Action - March 1987
American Freestyler - April 1988 - With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Super BMX - June 1984 - With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - May 1987 .pdf
GO - September 1991 .pdf
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - February 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Andrew P.
BMX Plus - February 1985 - With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Freestyle - Jan / Feb 1988 - With thanks once again to Ben S.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - September 1980 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Hi All,
I know it has been a couple of months since I last posted a new mag and some might be starting to wonder what's happening. Well, I've spent the last 7-8 weeks or so rebuilding the site. This is something that I've been planning to do for the last 10 years or so but could never find a layout that I was happy with.
Anyway, I finally pulled the finger out and decided that I just needed to power through and get it done. It's now done and I'm 90% happy with it. I'll work out the other 10% moving forward. I also had to recreate around a thousand links, so, there is a possibility that I have messed up the odd one here or there. If you come across any links that don't work or are incorrect, then please let me know.
It hasn't all been about the site. I did manage to complete a new mag as well.
Freestylin' - September 1988 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Ben S.
Will do. Just wanna say 'thanks' for such a great OS resource. :daumenhoch:
A great Website Johnny Ringo explosion
BMX Plus - December 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - June 1981 .pdf now available for download at https://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - November 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
GO - November 1990 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - January 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Super BMX - January 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
BMX Plus - April 1987 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
American Freestyler - May 1988 pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - June 1984 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
BMX Action - October 1980 .pdf now available for download at https://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - August 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Freestylin' - August 1987 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Ben S.
Happy New Years campers.
To welcome in the new year, we have a double feature:
GO - August 1991 .pdf - With thanks to to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - March 1981 .pdf
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Enjoy. :)
BMX Plus - April 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Axction - July 1987 .pdf now available for download at https://oldschoolmags.com/
BMX Plus - March 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - May 1981 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - February 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Action - November 1988 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Jorg De L.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - February 1986 - With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Super BMX - June 1985 - With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
BMX Plus - June 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - March 1984 - With thanks to Jorg De L.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Super BMX - December 1983 - With thanks to Ron C.
BMX Action - February 1988 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Andrew P.
BMX Plus - February 1988 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
American Freestyler - September 1988
And GO - June 1990 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
BMX Plus - February 1980 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Super BMX - June 1982 - With thanks to Ron C.
BMX Plus - August 1987 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Freestylin' - June 1987 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Ben S.
BMX Plus - December 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
Australian BMX Association Year Book - 1984-85 and
Queensland BMX Association Year Book - 1985-86
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Peter M.
BMX Plus - October 1981 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Action - August 1989 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Andrew P.
BMX Plus - December 1989 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
GO - February 1991 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.
Also - Australian BMX Pancake - Issue 4 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
BMX Plus - March 1986 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Matt & Joe G.
And Australasian BMX News - April 1985 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks to Peter M.
Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
Super BMX - August 1983 - With thanks to Ron C.
BMX Plus - May 1981 .pdf - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
American Freestyler - September 1987 - Now available for download at https://Oldschoolmags.com
With thanks once again to Sebastien R.