Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: gaf16 on March 28, 2018, 09:26 PM
So, in the process of my first build for years.
Regardless of the frame used, should the parts be period NOS if possible?
Purchased some repro Dia-Compe brakes and seat clamp at the start of build.
Everything since has been NOS.
Now thinking of ditching the repros as, in my head, they are detracting from the integrity.
Have I gone MAD??
Or should I just stick with them??
Sanity check required please........!!
Personally I’d prefer lightly used / restored OG over repop
In particular those DC repop brakes
I’d rather have 80s LeeChi copies over those
Always exceptions though, eg I’m fine having repop tyres to skid about on
Ultimately it’s your choice but sounds like you have an idea...
I'd ditch the repop MX1000's anyway as they're poo.
As for everything being NOS? If you can find all NOS parts and afford them, then why not? Everyone is different and some will like to go down the NOS path. It's not for me as it doesn't suit my budget.
It's your bike built with your money and your imagination ultimately.
It all depends on what you want.
NOS builds are fcuking expensive.
I’ve done an era correct survivor build and it was as hard to find bits but a lot less expensive.
At the end of the day it’s your bike and if you’re not happy go with what makes you happy.
I'm a fan of used/survivor parts which ironically can be harder to find than nos on occasion. I don't run with that era correct rubbish either. Would say your answer lies in what you intend the build to be. Rider, carpet queen, gentle Sunday tickle on a rad ride? Nos pool tires are a waste on a regular rider for example.
Would generally say avoid repop unless the whole bike is a "retro build"
You a big fan of chorlton then?
Nos is lovely but not the dog's.
I love to restore and use skills and process to achieve a result. It is not popular but, for me, this is where it is at.
'Survivour' is also lovely but only if you have one! Creating a 'survivour', at least to me, is ridiculous; a dichotomy. Yes, I would love to find a survivour Shimano or Kuwahara but I will never be so lucky nor will I try to 'recreate' one.
Repop is a dead end, satisfys neither criteria. Patience is the key there.
I'm with Avro on this but we are all different and its whatever makes you smile. My passion is restoration, nothing pleases me more than turning an old used knackered part into something usable again and looking like new. A big question is whether you are building this to look at or ride? I personally don't like re-pop parts but would use them if it was stopping me finishing a build that I want to ride and obviously tyres and brake pads are consumables, so why would you ride on some highly priced dried out rubber :D
Do what you feel is right for you, no one will or should judge you. In my eyes its your bike, your shout. Enjoy whatever you decide to do :daumenhoch:
Thanks for the input all.
I am building it to look at rather than ride tbh.
I think the repro bits will serve the purpose of allowing me to finish the initial build.
Then, over time and with some breathing space, I will look to replace the few repro parts with NOS stuff or survivor bits I can refurbish.
It won't feel fully complete now until they are replaced.
I was hoping that I wasn't alone in feeling this way.
It is clear from the thread replies that I am not......!! ;)
Thanks for the input all.
I am building it to look at rather than ride tbh.
I think the repro bits will serve the purpose of allowing me to finish the initial build.
Then, over time and with some breathing space, I will look to replace the few repro parts with NOS stuff or survivor bits I can refurbish.
It won't feel fully complete now until they are replaced.
I was hoping that I wasn't alone in feeling this way.
It is clear from the thread replies that I am not......!! ;)
I've done that with my Torker. Started off with repop parts but gave gradually replaced with OG, I think a Torker is worthy of being treated to OG stuff.
Fook nos
Fook nos
Do you want that lavender layback for this J? If so, pm me your address and I'll send it down mate.
Sorry for the thread hijack.
Personally I’d prefer lightly used / restored OG over repop
This. :daumenhoch: