Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: MartyC on March 18, 2017, 10:11 AM
I have a couple of chrome frames that have light scratches from brake cables that have dulled the chrome, what's the best way to do this without removing too much chrome? I don't really want to use autosol and would appreciate the best way to do this to bring back the shine.
Peek polish less abrasive than Autosol
Goddard's Silver cloth less than that
Would try those in the first instance, although if the chrome plate itself is too scratched / worn then no amount of polish can replace it
I've got a Goddards Cloth, that works a treat on minor dullness. Not tried Peek, have used Meguiars Metal Polish which is gentler than Autosol will have a look for Peek tomorrow :daumenhoch:
vienna lime will help too , between polishing with peak, it will clean the surface so your not ploshing dirt into the surface :daumenhoch:
vienna lime will help too , between polishing with peak, it will clean the surface so your not ploshing dirt into the surface :daumenhoch:
Not heard of that before, Vienna Lime; Google time!
It means nothing to me