BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: oldschoolace on February 11, 2017, 04:36 PM
A couple of Rads finest arrived at my door this afternoon and with little encouragement the idea of "we were rad" was revisited and the decision was made to press ahead with the project :daumenhoch:
The idea is simple, the book will be about all our childhood years in bmx!
80s bmx told from the hundreds of us who ate, slept and wore it. Stories of first bikes, seeing bmx legends at shows, crashes, mates who has other bikes, saving paper round money, swapping parts, race days, stunt evenings after school, all the day to day untold stories which were the fabric of our bmx childhood complete with all our old pics, paper clippings, posters etc.
What we are looking for is people to submit imagery and stories from bitd.
We really want to convey the everyday stories and recollections, however insignificant you may think they are. Trust me there will be loads of lads out there who will connect with even the most mundane of stories so dont be shy and please dont worry about being a perfect scribe. It all adds to the flavour.
You can submit as much or as little as you want. A combination of words and imagery would be ace but pics alone are fine, especially if you have background info on them like dates, location etc.
We are aiming for a thick hardback coffee table book which will probably be a year or so in the making but its all down to you guys :daumenhoch:
We cant guarantee all submissions will be used and by submitting pics or words you are authorising permission for said pics or words to be used in the book and any accompanying literature/online use :)
Please use this thread as an open forum to chat and reminisce and those who feel they have something to contribute can do by sending images/words to:
OR BY THE DEDICATED FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/161890204418162/about/
Thanks for looking guys :4_17_5:
Can the photocopier handle that ??? :teef:
I haven't even got a pic of my old bike, but think this is a great idea Clint & look forward to seeing how it turns out :daumenhoch:
I have loads of old 80s pics.
some pics
Was hoping you would chime in Paul :daumenhoch:
Could you compile some of your favourite pics (as high res as possible) and maybe some recollections of your riding days Paul?
Titles and descriptions for the pics would be ace :)
All sent to the book specific email above please mate
You can't be in the book... and nor can I.
Simple reason ... we are still rad :-)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Come on Ed, get submitting. :Pword is you have a wealth of old pics and loads of stories im guessing :daumenhoch:
I will email some across, I scanned they off the original photos not sure what resolution I used? but I still have them to rescan if needed? Ed maybe a little we are still Rad section!
Not action shots, but real images from bitd that we can all relate to in some way. 2nd photo down. Home made race plate, and me wearing mis matched pink/green socks. Now that's rad.
(http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/FalconPropic29thApril1984.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/FalconPropic29thApril1984.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/FalconPropic19842edited-1.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/FalconPropic19842edited-1.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/FalconPropic19841.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/FalconPropic19841.jpg.html)
(http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/Andrew121.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/Andrew121.jpg.html)
Great idea.
Only photo I have from bitd. Sat proudly on my new tram aero pro. I went to the bike shop with a handwritten list of all my favourite parts to put on the PK Ripper I'd dreamt of.
Mum only learned the total price when I'd handed the list to the bike shop owner, it was at that point my dream was shattered with a straight 'no chance, is there anything else you'd like instead?'
The TAP was sat in the corner complete and I was instantly drawn to the colours and it had a great spec. Absolutely loved the bike sadly no longer have it but I built tribute to it.
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That's just the sort of thing we are after. Can you elaborate on the story, shop name, place, that sort of thing and email what you have to the book email above :daumenhoch:
Come on Ed, get submitting. :Pword is you have a wealth of old pics and loads of stories im guessing :daumenhoch:
Clint I'm deffo up for this ... will email you something over soon fistblump
I've got some cuttings from local papers in East Anglia... we were the Junction Cycles Trick Team aka The Fresh Freestyle Crew and we did fetes and shows for a couple of summers. Good times :angel:
I remeber dropping my steel framed quarter pipe on my dads toe and him hopping around with me saying 'are you alright Dad!' - I built wheels for it so we could tow it around - my welding wasn't the best and I remember one of the wheels dropping off on the way home once.
Crowds loved stupid stuff like framestands or putting one foot on the seat and the other in the air.. dumb... they lapped it up... or anything synchronized. And falling off was always loved :laugh:
And the good old 'will he drop in.. dare he... COME ON MAKE SOME NOISE'
we used to always ask for tightly mown grass.. yeah right! football pitches mostly...
Ace article Ed :daumenhoch:
I love this photo. I think it's someone on here, but does anybody know who it is?
I'd say 1986/87 judging by those Reebok Royales :smitten:
(http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/Photo07-06-2010230810_zpsd4e18f91.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/Photo07-06-2010230810_zpsd4e18f91.jpg.html)
Thanks putting this thread up Clint and getting the ball rolling.
Radsters we really need your help.
We really want this to happen and we can't do it without your help!
If you ever fancied getting your picture in book of Radness then now is the time mukkers!
Post 'em up and let's make this happen lads!
This sounds COOL!!
Attached my fave pic as a HARO nipper
Awesome mate.. So cool!
Thanks for posting :4_17_5:
Looking way too cool there Mark :daumenhoch:
Would love to see more, plus hear some of your stories/memories from those times. Would you be happy to email anything to the address Clint posted, or pm/post them on here? I love this photo
I love this photo. I think it's someone on here, but does anybody know who it is?
I'd say 1986/87 judging by those Reebok Royales :smitten:
(http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/Photo07-06-2010230810_zpsd4e18f91.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/Photo07-06-2010230810_zpsd4e18f91.jpg.html)
Fook me, that's me......its '85.
I did some old pics/new pics of these back a year or so ago. 30 years on.
Hi me on xmas 82
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Thanks for posting this up Paul ... I definitely want to do a Christmas Day chapter and this is perfect!
Can you send it to the address above ? We'd really appreciate it .. Did you choose it or was it picked out for you?
I love this photo. I think it's someone on here, but does anybody know who it is?
I'd say 1986/87 judging by those Reebok Royales :smitten:
(http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af3/dancetothedrummersbeat/Photo07-06-2010230810_zpsd4e18f91.jpg) (http://s988.photobucket.com/user/dancetothedrummersbeat/media/Photo07-06-2010230810_zpsd4e18f91.jpg.html)
Fook me, that's me......its '85.
I did some old pics/new pics of these back a year or so ago. 30 years on.
My mistake, been doing some homework, 86 has to be the year. Still 30+ years ago.
323 views and less than a handfull of posts. Come on lads don't have me straying onto faceache :-\
I'm definitely up for this mate! I won't be able to submit any pics as the few that I have from bitd are buried in the bowels of my storage back in Blighty, but I'm happy to supply some stories! :daumenhoch:
Is there a deadline?
Christmas day 82
Great pic Paul. Somehow looks more pristine than even the finest builds ???
Love these old photos just wish I had some from back in the day so many great memories
One of my all time favourite pictures Paul! Love that Ultra Burner :smitten:
One of my all time favourite pictures Paul! Love that Ultra Burner :smitten:
I agree, a great photo. I love that you don't have any shoes on. Straight out of the house for a photo. I love it Paul
I've just had a load of negs and slides from the early to mid eighties transfered to digital that you may be able to use..
(http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo34/snapbacknarler/os%20negs/Screen%20shot%202017-02-20%20at%2011.34.44_zpsirtz8qcw.png) (http://s359.photobucket.com/user/snapbacknarler/media/os%20negs/Screen%20shot%202017-02-20%20at%2011.34.44_zpsirtz8qcw.png.html)
(http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo34/snapbacknarler/os%20negs/Screen%20shot%202017-02-20%20at%2011.35.55_zpscxyhppjn.png) (http://s359.photobucket.com/user/snapbacknarler/media/os%20negs/Screen%20shot%202017-02-20%20at%2011.35.55_zpscxyhppjn.png.html)
I will submit a few
Sounds good lads :daumenhoch:
We really need some short (or not so short) pieces from everyone about their recollections to go with the pics :)
Like I said, I don't have any pics from BITD, but one of my fiondest memories is below
There was that time that me and my BMXing mates were illegally trespassing on our bikes in the grounds of the local mental hospital.
They had these tennis courts on a bit of a hill, so they'd had to create 'terraces' to keep them level (with steep grassy gradients between them :slayer: )
This meant that we were able to re-enact one of our favourite scenes from E.T. by pedaling like the clappers as if being chased by the cops, and then doing sweet jumps down the slopey bits
It was all going great Until my mate Darren went into a nosedive, landing from about 8 feet up - front wheel first with his gentleman's area firmly on his (unpadded) handlebar stem. Obviously none of us laughed at all as we were simply concerned about his wellbeing
Like fook :2funny:
More great stories and pics!
Please keep them coming lads!
We'd much rather go with you Radsters first before heading into FB. fistblump
I havent got many pics but BITD i rode for a couple of shops in North Wales/Chester
Claude Crimes Cycles and Top Gear cycles sadly both now gone.
Dave Park used to swap my DP Parts out FOC as he always wanted me on a great looking bike.
Me with Glyn Lewis fo a Magazine shoot in about 84
Cologne on a random strangers bike
Amazing pics Brett and a great story to boot! fistblump
Excellent Brett, thanks for posting. Is that RAD's very own Retrodan on that first black & white photo?
That picture of you with Glynn Lewis amazing !!!
We're thinking of a "....with our heroes" section this would be perfect :4_17_5:
I realise its quieter in here than previous years but im guessing at least 90% of the people reading this have some story to tell about their bmx years. It doesnt have to be "The day i met eddie fiola" we want alsorts of stories. How you chipped a tooth doing a kerb endo outside you mates house, dragging you bike over the school wall at the weekend because the playground was perfect to practice on, puting skyway stickers on your halfords turbo cos its all your parents could affort.... all that sort of stuff :daumenhoch:
Not sure if this is book material but...
Before our local track was built we made a makeshift track in the yard of an old derelict bus depot... concrete slab with a few dirt jumps and all that jazz. Anyway a kid who lived round the corner from me was riding his sisters Mini Burner and decided to hit a jump and do a bar cross-over but as he came in to land he hadn't manage to straighten up and hit the deck with his front wheel at 90° and went over the bars... like you do. Which we thought was fookin hilarious :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: He then got up and ran home screaming to which we thought "fookin mard arse". We later found out that as he landed he'd only gone and caught his ball bag on the exposed bar end and ripped the fooker right open as he flew over the bars. :shocked: Was fookin funny at the time but not so much afterwards. :-\ Then again he always was a bit of a numbskull. :bellend:
ball bag injury stories are always worth a read :daumenhoch:
didn't Jono tear his open with a Kashi Aero on one of the rides?
ball bag injury stories are always worth a read :daumenhoch:
didn't Jono tear his open with a Kashi Aero on one of the rides?
Never did see what all the fuss was about in kashi aeros........ even more so now :shocked:
I might have got mixed up, but someone who was there will be able to confirm :daumenhoch:
Excellent Brett, thanks for posting. Is that RAD's very own Retrodan on that first black & white photo?
It certainly is. It was at the hawarden town show in 1985. I was on the Glyn Lewis prototype on the black and white photos
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Not sure if this is book material but...
Before our local track was built we made a makeshift track in the yard of an old derelict bus depot... concrete slab with a few dirt jumps and all that jazz. Anyway a kid who lived round the corner from me was riding his sisters Mini Burner and decided to hit a jump and do a bar cross-over but as he came in to land he hadn't manage to straighten up and hit the deck with his front wheel at 90° and went over the bars... like you do. Which we thought was fookin hilarious :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: He then got up and ran home screaming to which we thought "fookin mard arse". We later found out that as he landed he'd only gone and caught his ball bag on the exposed bar end and ripped the fooker right open as he flew over the bars. :shocked: Was fookin funny at the time but not so much afterwards. :-\ Then again he always was a bit of a numbskull. :bellend:
In my view, this ^ is perfect. Real recollections that we can all relate too. I was taking a run up to perform what in my mind would have been a spectacular jump over a large dirt jump. Unfortunately the run up was very narrow and bumpy. I hit a bump, lost the front end and landed in a stinging nettle bed. I wasn't wearing anything on my top half. I was only 7. Never known pain like it in me life
I might have got mixed up, but someone who was there will be able to confirm :daumenhoch:
Yes he did on the Chester ride in 2013/14 I think. New jeans were the order of the day but he bravely drunk through it.
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That picture of you with Glynn Lewis amazing !!!
We're thinking of a "....with our heroes" section this would be perfect :4_17_5:
I knew Glyn well as a kid and he used to lodge with my parents.
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Keeping the tennis court theme started by griff above, here’s one of the many stories that springs to mind from bitd.
In my hometown there’s a mini golf course next to some tennis courts and of the many places we used to hang out at, we’d occasionally ride across the golf course, jumping up and down the various drops between and sometimes on the fairways and greens. Needless to say the owners were less than impressed and the groundsman would usually come out and run after us, shouting. We therefore didn’t go there too often as the fun was so short-lived, but it was definitely a buzz choosing a line across the course before being chased off!
Then one day, the groundsman upped the ante! A group of us were riding across the course when we suddenly heard an engine fire up, and turned round to see the groundsman, who was quite a large guy, sat on a little moped, riding straight towards us. The first reaction was laughter, because he looked way too big for the bike, and the second was to leg it! The fastest, most direct way out from where we were was the tarmac path that ran between the golf course and tennis courts, so I immediately got to the path and started pedaling like crazy. Unfortunately we all had the same idea, and with the path hemmed in by the tennis court fence on one side and a stone wall on the other, there was no room to overtake each other! We therefore raced line astern along the path, with the sound of the moped engine getting louder and louder behind us, laughing half at the sight of the guy and half in that nervous, excited way!
At the end of the path was a public pavement and a road, so when we reached that it was like a champagne bottle being popped, with bmx riders spraying out in all directions, irrespective of pedestrians or traffic. Thankfully none of us hit anything or anyone, and we shot off in different directions, leaving the groundsman shouting behind us. Regrouping later, we had a good laugh about it, and to be fair to the groundsman, it did stop us from going there. For a while! :daumenhoch:
I managed to get into the local papers a couple of times
Trophy time with the Legend Mike Pardon and the guy who owned BMX Weekly , Nigel ?
(http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss250/in2signs/meonbike2.jpg) (http://s580.photobucket.com/user/in2signs/media/meonbike2.jpg.html)
Old Robinson Team bus 8)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/ss250/in2signs/efe82475.jpg) (http://s580.photobucket.com/user/in2signs/media/efe82475.jpg.html)
First GT . Loved my dads Volvo in the background
(http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss250/in2signs/3D7D6D3D-0A85-410E-B535-7C01A3A43885.jpg) (http://s580.photobucket.com/user/in2signs/media/3D7D6D3D-0A85-410E-B535-7C01A3A43885.jpg.html)
Cheers Carl.... More great photos :daumenhoch:
Fantastic pics :daumenhoch:
I had a Volvo Amazon for a few years, ace cars :daumenhoch:
Funny really but the old saying we say a lot is kids have it easy today is true as early 80`s we all started riding bmx and back then there was only a handful of places to ride and none were ever local to where we were , so what did a group of bmxer`s do and that was build ramps where ever they could .Back then there was a lot of disused places which after a sweep up could house a ramp of sorts , so sunday morning (the days when the shops or building places were closed) we head over to a local building merchants and see what we could have from pallets to long sheets of worn plywood ,after struggling to get the lot back from using skateboards to wheeling it back we had the wood and a place to build it , Next on the list was nails so after a quick ride back to home ,i used to fleece my dads nails and hammer (he still bring it up about how he never had any nails for anything bitd) and then we start our own homebrew style kick style ramp . by this time it was afternoon and once built we had many hours of fun riding it till we either had to go home for dinner or it got dark .
We used to do the same the next day and the day after until like all things someone spoil the party from smashing the ramp up or setting fire to it ,sad times but we just did the same the weekend again and just kept making ramps but found other places more hiding from general idiots so they stay up longer .i have some pictures somewhere of some of the ramps we built and boy they were great days
The only BITD photo I could find after trawling through our Mam and dads loft was this one. My Curtis expert I got for Christmas 1984. This was probably taken some time in late 1985 as it has all the upgraded parts on it as opposed to the parts off my Pro star.
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Awesome pic... Love the Christmas Day shots ... Ace Diadoras too fistblump
Awesome pic... Love the Christmas Day shots ... Ace Diadoras too fistblump
Thanks Ant. Diadora Masters the poor mans Borg Elite! Tacchini tracky top I also got that Christmas. Not a Christmas Day shot though taken the year after I got it with upgraded parts.
For me it's as much about the clobber as the bikes ... Just "of a time" we all loved :daumenhoch:
Absolutely love it! Please keep the photos and stories (or snippets of information about the photo) coning. Lets make this happen! :daumenhoch:
Gonna be a pamphlet at best at this rate!
Come on lads, surely you would like to be immortalised forever in the greatest bmx book ever produced ???
if you decide to go down the Facebook route my group has almost 3000 people in it, may get some decent pics out if it?
My little story is from 1996 and actually not cool at all, but maybe worth sharing here.
About 1983/1984 (I was 6 or 7 years of age) my older brother finally managed it somehow to destroy his BMX 2000 - deliberately of course, because all his friends had either skyways, haros and all the other famous bikes.
My brother was the only guy who only had a bike from a department store and felt pretty uncool.
Our father immediately decided to buy my brother a new bike as his birthday was ahead anyway. So we went to a local shop that was the address back then if you wanted some propper stuff.
It was the shop from Dieter Klein - who later became quite famous for his MTB's and Roadbikes. About '83/'84 KLEIN started to sell high qualtity BMX frame and fork sets. If these were manufactured in his backyard or made by a particular factory - I really don't know. Any tries to find out more one these frames came to nothing up until now. The only thing they could tell me for sure was, that only 3 to 5 of these were made.
Howerver these bikes were full chromoly frame and forks of the highest quality. I can't remember all the details but it has had oval tubing for the top and down tube. The forks had oval tubing too. Furthermore, the bike was equipped with GT bars and lay back seat post - all chrome finish. Regarding all the other parts you could either go for red, white or black parts. My brother went for the chrome-red colour scheme. So the bike came with ODI Mushrooms, Kashimax seat, MX-1000 brakes and MX levers, ACS-Z-Rims with shimano hubs, a stem that looks like the pro necks, silver powedisc (don't remember the make), Shimano chain ring - all red. Besides that it had a chrome opc and silver Shimano DX-pedals.
For years I was drooling over that bike until '88 when we moved down to the south of Germany, and my brother quited riding. Shortly after that he gave the bike to me as a birthday gift. I rode it until 1990 when I bought my '85 Performer (used). Because we didn't have enough room in our garage for two bikes I had to disassamble the KLEIN and stored it in the tiny loft above the garage. As the bike was still very dear to me I unpacked it once or twice a year and gave it a real good cleaning/polish, and also took care of all the bearings (hubs and bottom bracket).
I used to repeat this whole procedure until 1995 - at that time I left my parents house. In spring of 1996 I went to my parents to pick the KLEIN up. But I couldn't find it anymore. My mum told me then that our stepfather asked my brother to find a better place for the bike because he needed the room in the loft. It turned out that my brother gave the lovely bike away ( or that old piece of crap - as he called it) for a crate of beer to some young bloke who lived in the same village. I managed it to find out who it was and was about to claim my bike back. So I went there instantly.
This is the part in this story, that is hard to grasp if you never experienced that kind of heartbreaking event. As soon as I touched the garden door I thought "Wow, interesting tubing!" I asked the guy that was in the garden about the bike and he pointed to the garden door and said " Oh, do you mean this? ....long story short the bike (frame) turned into a garden door and all the parts had already disappeared too. :'(
Up until today I'm still struggeling with that experience. Last year when I came back into BMX, I couldn't resist to hand over a list to my brother with all the e-bay prices of the parts he gave away for a crate of beer. Just as a little return :nuts: at least he turned ashen faced.
This story is maybe not as cool as the others above, but it is the only real BMX story I can tell that is older than a year.
Cool story :)
I think most of us can relate to your story in many ways. My bike had been promised to a younger friend of mine by my Auntie. I didn't want to give it away, but couldn't really say no as i didn't use it very much - i was 16 at the time. Sadly the bike is long gone, and was probably hardly used by my friend :'(
Cool story :)
I think most of us can relate to your story in many ways. My bike had been promised to a younger friend of mine by my Auntie. I didn't want to give it away, but couldn't really say no as i didn't use it very much - i was 16 at the time. Sadly the bike is long gone, and was probably hardly used by my friend :'(
Which is really sad too. :'( Did your Auntie ask you before she gave it away?
No, not really. She promised it to him without asking me first. She was only trying to do something nice, as my friend didn't have much. I couldn't be too angry, as she's like a mum to me and i love her :)
No, not really. She promised it to him without asking me first. She was only trying to do something nice, as my friend didn't have much. I couldn't be too angry, as she's like a mum to me and i love her :)
So at least a good deed in the end. ;)
My brother only wanted to get rid of it, but that's part of his nature in many regards unfortunately. "nono"
If I ever get back there I will try to find that house and take a picture of that garden door - or even better buy it and put it on the wall in the cave. :daumenhoch:
Hartlepool bmx track in 1984
Some of the best pics i've seen. Love them! :4_17_5:
This is going to be done book!!!
Can't wait to get on this properly and push things forward boys!!
Please please please keep these pictures coming fistblump explosion
Looking forward to this fistblump
I can only reiterate what Andy and Ant have said. Keep em coming guys, We need your stories too dont forget :daumenhoch:
I'm still really up for this ... just need to find the time!
I will talk to Bubbs, he has some great pics of when he and Pete were in a local freestyle team, he has stories too
I will talk to Bubbs, he has some great pics of when he and Pete were in a local freestyle team, he has stories too
Thanks Nick :daumenhoch:
Have posted these elsewhere but here they are again, with the short version of the story that goes with them:-
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/old%20bmx%20pics%203.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/old%20bmx%20pics%203.jpg.html)
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/old%20bmx%20pics%201.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/old%20bmx%20pics%201.jpg.html)
The nearest race tracks to me were Poole and Bournemouth. Poole had the infamous Dollies, so I decided that Bournemouth would be the safer bet for my race debut. I was wrong! First time there, first time racing, hadn't practised, didn’t know the track, didn't know what I was doing - it was a recipe for disaster! So I lined up for the first moto and my first ever gate. Couldn’t do a 2-pedal start, so made do with a one-footed effort. The gate dropped and I made it to the first jump with riders either side of me. Not sure what happened next but it was my first experience of jumping side-by-side with others and it was all too much for this newbie, as I crashed to the ground in an embarrassing tangle of chromoly and limbs. Picked myself up, ignoring the trickle of blood down my forearm and did the slow, lonely ride of shame to the finish line. A slipping freewheel put paid to further action, and/or bloodshed and embarrassment, so I headed home early with my tail between my legs and my mind full of “ifs and buts”. I didn’t go back! :yahoo_silent:
Clint, I'll send you the longer version! :daumenhoch:
I will talk to Bubbs, he has some great pics of when he and Pete were in a local freestyle team, he has stories too
Just a quick one, digging out Harrow skatepark peanut (the one with ruffells is an amateur) got a FOOKIN shovel in the head
I will talk to Bubbs, he has some great pics of when he and Pete were in a local freestyle team, he has stories too
Just a quick one, digging out Harrow skatepark peanut (the one with ruffells is an amateur) got a FOOKIN shovel in the head
Took out some vital brain functions by the looks of it.
I have contacted Bubbs :daumenhoch:
Thanks again Nick - it's really appreciated
Shiney new facebook group now up and running with a dedicated website to follow shortly :daumenhoch:
Dont miss this opportunity to be part of the greatest bmx book ever :4_17_5:
Shiney new facebook group now up and running with a dedicated website to follow shortly :daumenhoch:
Dont miss this opportunity to be part of the greatest bmx book ever :4_17_5:
Going great on fbook, you wanna get on there 

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Got a beady eye on it bud ;)
Got a beady eye on it bud ;)
Mrs C's or Dans 

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Mrs ace will have a new found interest in bmx by this evening :LolLolLolLol:
Mrs ace will have a new found interest in bmx by this evening

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So is the purpose of FB page to gain more contributors for the book? Not knocking, just checking, me being a non-Facebooker and all that. :daumenhoch:
So is the purpose of FB page to gain more contributors for the book? Not knocking, just checking, me being a non-Facebooker and all that. :daumenhoch:
Correct .. we want this to be the best book we could possibly do.FB gives us access to a greater number of people and some fantastic images and stories. We also want to have some surprises to make the book as exciting and fresh as it can be when it eventually drops!
me getting some air at southampton table top
(http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y77/sawzall717/nv19001.jpg) (http://s3.photobucket.com/user/sawzall717/media/nv19001.jpg.html)
me with my first bmx a MUDCRUNCHER im still on the lookout for one to restore if anyone has one or knows of one :daumenhoch:
(http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y77/sawzall717/mudcruncheretc002.jpg) (http://s3.photobucket.com/user/sawzall717/media/mudcruncheretc002.jpg.html)
has anyone got a link to the face book page? :daumenhoch:
Would love some of your pics and recollections Phil :daumenhoch:
Please submit what you can via the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/161890204418162/about/
or via email to wewererad@outlook.com
Shiney new facebook group now up and running with a dedicated website to follow shortly :daumenhoch:
Dont miss this opportunity to be part of the greatest bmx book ever :4_17_5:
sadly I don't have a single pic from BITD :(
Struggling myself Griff. So far found a pic of me in my pony linebackers so theres hope. I got the burner the same year :)
This is a great idea and it's being well organised. It's a shame I was such a miserable fooker when I was younger and didn't want my picture taking. I don't think I have a single picure knocking about :(
That'll teach me! :daumenhoch:
Same here Paul :LolLolLolLol:
Round mums the other night looking for pics and just loads of me holding cushions up or turning away from the camera in natty 80s tops ;D