BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: Gnarlyscoots on September 09, 2016, 09:20 PM
Okay people. I have just witnessed the first sale of a set of yellow and blue B-1B's. They came off the disgusting 2016 Ripper.
The reason for the post is, they are NOT embossed with the year of manufacture, and apart from the black donuts, look almost as identical as original old ones.
So just beware if you see some pop up for sale :daumenhoch:
From the new Ripper:-
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/ad61/GnarleyScoots/14202481_1797212610515735_6675211409222730_n_zpszxyf3wx9.jpg) (http://s922.photobucket.com/user/GnarleyScoots/media/14202481_1797212610515735_6675211409222730_n_zpszxyf3wx9.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/ad61/GnarleyScoots/14233171_1797212607182402_6573815404691676925_n_zps8qn4utzr.jpg) (http://s922.photobucket.com/user/GnarleyScoots/media/14233171_1797212607182402_6573815404691676925_n_zps8qn4utzr.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/ad61/GnarleyScoots/14316963_1797212617182401_8325718532946797004_n_zps4mabntcz.jpg) (http://s922.photobucket.com/user/GnarleyScoots/media/14316963_1797212617182401_8325718532946797004_n_zps4mabntcz.jpg.html)
(http://i922.photobucket.com/albums/ad61/GnarleyScoots/57DE2DEC-9D74-4D7E-9092-9B3497CAE617_zpskmfakwlt.jpg) (http://s922.photobucket.com/user/GnarleyScoots/media/57DE2DEC-9D74-4D7E-9092-9B3497CAE617_zpskmfakwlt.jpg.html)
Great post. :daumenhoch:
Where are the new one's dated and what are the main differences to originals? :-\
Where are the new one's dated and what are the main differences to originals? :-\
That's the point buddy. The new ones don't look to be dated, and the only differences may be a slightly different colour blue, and the black donuts instead of blue :yahoo_silent:
Thanks for sharing ... I'm sure a few of these have gone missing from the SE parts bin to end up on Evilbay and FB :daumenhoch:
Is it just me or does the depth of the embossed letters on the end look deeper on the originals
Is it just me or does the depth of the embossed letters on the end look deeper on the originals
was just going to post that :)
Is it just me or does the depth of the embossed letters on the end look deeper on the originals
I had the same impression, but it could be due to angle the picture was taken from. The originals also seem to have a more slender shape to them (at the yellow part).
I could have sworn I'd read that they were embossed somewhere, can't see it there though :pilky:
Anyone got a pair & can confirm either way?
Anyone got a pair & can confirm either way?
I bought them John, and had them sent to my buddy in the US who will confirm the differences, and take some pictures of them side by side :daumenhoch:
Confusing. :tickedoff: I hope it turns out they are dated. :-\
Anyone got a pair & can confirm either way?
I bought them John, and had them sent to my buddy in the US who will confirm the differences, and take some pictures of them side by side :daumenhoch:
This will be interesting to see Terry :daumenhoch:
Very eagle-eyed; be interesting to see what the differences are although I'm unlikely to ever buy any :LolLolLolLol:
Not got the new ones in my hands yet Guys, but my buddy says they are stamped 2010 on the ends. The yellow sleeve isn't as yellow as the originals, and the 'feel' of them is different. So it looks like SE bought a bundle from somewhere, or already had them, for this Ripper issue.
This is now the 2nd pair to come up for sale, and the asking price has nearly tripled already :crazy2: