BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: dinglem on January 19, 2016, 08:21 PM

Title: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 19, 2016, 08:21 PM
Ok guys,

I have hinted at this previously and there was a bit of interest on the Fb page.......

Wifey is trying to gather a team to enter the 'DoItForCharity' London to Brighton bike ride on September 11th, 2016. Obviously we will be trying to raise funds for the CRY  fund (Cardiac Risk In The Young/AED Donate) to raise funds to place defibrillators in the community following the untimely death of her little brother over the summer.

Details of the ride are on the link below - it is pre-organized and you basically just select your own charity.


She and I will both be entering, and I, like a fool, have agreed to ride one of my BMX builds. I am hoping some of you guys might feel brave enough to do the same? Perhaps there is scope for a London ride-out the day beforehand to show some support, and then possibly a Brighton ride-out the following day once we're there?

Some support would be great and I could imagine it would be a bit of a laugh (until you wake up the following day). It would also be great to see a fleet of 80's rides entering something that most people would expect to complete on road or mountain bikes. I think the wife will be on a mountain bike - mainly to keep me from being sat right behind her the entire way  :D

So.... who is feeling fit???

Anybody have any input on the London/Brighton ride outs at either end also??

Input appreciated fellas.

Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: griff on January 19, 2016, 09:16 PM
You might find some info in here Martin, few of us did it back in 2011


Would recommend a bike with a front brake, a padded seat cover AND shorts and possibly not a freestyler with skyways on  :teef:

It is a fooking long way, the hills are substantial but you will get a feeling that you've done something special

GOOD LUCK  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 19, 2016, 09:36 PM
That's great to read and also good to have some real info on the event, so thanks a lot to Griff for posting that link.

So come on then lads - is anybody else game?
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on January 20, 2016, 08:44 AM
I was talking to my girlfriend about this the other week about how I'd love to do it on a BMX, so I could be in.  Be great if there was quite a few of us.
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: Monk_Wally_Honk on January 20, 2016, 09:43 AM
I've spoken to a mate recently about doing this, I'll be going on my OM Flyer. Big wheels will help a bit.
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dancetothedrummersbeat on January 20, 2016, 10:39 AM
I'd love to do it, but unfortunately i'm away when it's on  :'(
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: wilsey72 on January 20, 2016, 10:50 AM
No one has mentioned how far it is yet?
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dancetothedrummersbeat on January 20, 2016, 10:57 AM
55 miles i think, and there's a massive hill towards the end  ;)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: wilsey72 on January 20, 2016, 11:10 AM
55 miles on a kids bike with 20" wheels... in one day... with massive hills... now that could be interesting.
I could drive the support vehicle if you like?
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: Gnarlyscoots on January 20, 2016, 12:31 PM
I done it a couple of years back on a MTB. It was hard going, and as Griff said, the hills are immense. Having the gears on the MTB was a God send, so I commend anyone doing it on single speed. I would highly recommend strapping a sofa to your seat post too. If that is not a viable option, then padded cycling shorts AND no kashimax aero's  ;D

If it's hot, you will sweat like a Nun at an Ann Summers party, so take plenty of water, although there are plenty of stops on the way.

Also, be prepared for the idiots who have spent 1000's on the top gear, including clipped shoes and pedals falling over in front of you when they stop and realise they can't unclip quick enough  :2funny:

Climbing Ditchling Bostall is hard going, especially as most people get off and walk and don't leave room for others who at leastwant to try and climb it, but coming down the other side is awesome. I reached 72mph on my MTB, with all the officials shouting at everyone to slow down. Yeah right. You just climbed tha bitch of a hill and then get told to go slow....I don't think so  ;D

I might join you guys this year though  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: griff on January 20, 2016, 12:51 PM
No one has mentioned how far it is yet?

think our total estimate was 56 miles (there was a slight detour when we took a wrong turning due to missing marshall/signpost)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 20, 2016, 12:53 PM
Ok lads, this sounds great so far. I will PM those who have shown interest a little later to see if we can get a team entry together and to firm up a list of names. Anybody else???
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: bmxband1t77 on January 20, 2016, 03:41 PM
I'd recommend trying a set of skinnies too as you're all its on the road. Lower your drag factor with tyres that can take 100psi and you'll roll with just a puff of wind!

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Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 20, 2016, 04:22 PM
I'd recommend trying a set of skinnies too as you're all its on the road. Lower your drag factor with tyres that can take 100psi and you'll roll with just a puff of wind!

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Is this you saying you'll be riding it on skinnies when you join us big fella??!  :coolsmiley:
Title: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: monkian on January 20, 2016, 06:06 PM
A few of us did a couple of the Moonriders events on OS 20" BMX. London to Brighton 2012 then London to Cambridge the following year.

For training, I'd recommend using the bike for the event and slowly increase the millage and weight. This will allow you to work out any tweaks to your set-up and components etc along with general fitness, muscle memory etc. Keep the weight to a minimum (in what you carry and wear). I found it easier to load the bike and fit a water bottle rather than use a rucksack / camel back thing but it's up to you. Also if it's an organised event, a small bottle should be plenty to get you to one of the rest stops to top it up ;)

Tool kit should just be the essentials to change a tube (mini 15mm spanner, plastic levers, pump, tube)
Allen Key or two and a couple of spare chain links plus a link splitter tool.

My Laserlite London to Brighton:

Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 20, 2016, 06:16 PM
Great info! Thanks  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: monkian on January 20, 2016, 07:15 PM
I forgot to mention:
Comfy Seat, Road Tyres (I used Schwalbe Puncture Proof) & 44/16T was a good compromise for hills / straights.
Any Moonriders out there fancy a day out?? ::) ;)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: monkian on January 20, 2016, 07:47 PM
Looks like we ride again 8) :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: MaD-RoK on January 20, 2016, 08:51 PM
Messaging the team. A few are up for it already. The hills man, the fookin hills!!!! Well at least we be able to see them in the day...especially the downhills with no brakes and piskinstilskin rain!!!!
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: bmxband1t77 on January 21, 2016, 12:23 PM

I'd recommend trying a set of skinnies too as you're all its on the road. Lower your drag factor with tyres that can take 100psi and you'll roll with just a puff of wind!

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Is this you saying you'll be riding it on skinnies when you join us big fella??!  :coolsmiley:

It's not completely out of question I gotta work out if can. I have some well Sminkee 24x1 3/8" sun hoops need lacing up if I wuss out to a cruiser lol.

Wonder if them race 2 gear things might be of help to those that do commit?


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Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: bmxband1t77 on January 21, 2016, 12:26 PM
Monkian that laser light setup is the nuts.
Road tyres like schwable are good rolling stock.

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Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on January 21, 2016, 01:24 PM
Think my girlfriend might be up for this too, she has multiple sclerosis so we will raise money for the MS charity so Keep that charity in mind ;).
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: griff on January 21, 2016, 01:28 PM
that view from the top of ditchling beacon.....

you know you've pedalled a long way when you can't even see London on the horizon any more  :shocked:

Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: pickle on January 21, 2016, 03:31 PM
That's my assassin there as well, a great feeling of satisfaction at the end but bloody hard work. We all kept each other going
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: steve69 on January 21, 2016, 10:10 PM
I live a few miles from part of the route. I'm happy to wave and cheer  :angel:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 21, 2016, 10:19 PM
Haha... thanks Steve!

Tis a long way and some of the posts on this thread are very encouraging. I've asked a few of the old Team WHEELS members if they are up for it; one is in so far (Anthony Butt) and a couple of WHEELS owners who aren't have kindly agreed to loan us their WHEELS builds for the day so we can have a bit of a reunion/convoy thing going on.

Anybody else? I'll have to get a list of names at some point to see the final numbers.

Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: bmxband1t77 on January 21, 2016, 11:39 PM
Anto Butt has a way rare funky quad setup. This was at return to wheels where we had four generations of Quadangles on the day.


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Title: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: monkian on January 22, 2016, 10:39 AM
Looks like there's six of us Moonriders (I've been called worse lol!!!) up for it (so far)😊
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: Monk_Wally_Honk on January 22, 2016, 10:45 AM
a couple of WHEELS owners who aren't have kindly agreed to loan us their WHEELS builds for the day so we can have a bit of a reunion/convoy thing going on.

A wheels setup you say? Maybe you could twist my arm off the cruiser.   ;)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 26, 2016, 03:31 PM
For those of you on the book of face, I've just set up a Group Page for this. It's closed at the minute whilst we get all of the details together but you can search for it and request to be added I think?

LMK if you have any issues.


Incidentally, CRY are not registered with this particular event, but the organizers have messaged us back to say when we book our places to just select 'I don't know yet' when prompted to select one of the listed charities and then you can just fundraise for whoever you wish. I'm sure the wife will set up a L2B CRY bike ride page on the CRY website pretty sharpish  :daumenhoch:

If you're not on Fb please let me know on here if/when you've entered so we don't miss anybody and then we can make the plans for meeting up etc... later on.

Thanks fellas!  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 27, 2016, 06:52 AM
Well that's wifey and I booked up.... no turning back now  :-\
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on January 31, 2016, 09:23 PM
We now have 10 people booked in for this.... hoping a few more will be joining our team next week also.

Anybody else up for it??
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on February 08, 2016, 08:28 AM
Finally booked on for this, the girlfriend too but she'll more than likely be on a mountain bike.  Can't wait!
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: Pooch on February 10, 2016, 08:37 PM
I live a few miles from part of the route. I'm happy to wave and cheer  :angel:
I'll be a bus shuffle munsterer to..  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on April 18, 2016, 10:46 PM
Well I thought I'd post a quick update on our progress for the L2B....

We completed a 25 mile training run this afternoon; took the train into the centre of Brum with the bikes and then rode back home again. I'm still training on my mountain bike as the frame I am going to build up for the actual ride still hasn't arrived yet (it's in the post). More to follow on that soon once the build is underway.

Our team is now up to about 25 riders, with 6 from the charity AEDdonate who will each be riding with defibs and full oxygen resus kits(!)

Still a long way to go, but we're getting there...
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on July 14, 2016, 08:52 PM
Just posted an update on a thread Chownie has started on this, but the time is counting down to L2B 2016 now..... training is a little behind schedule but we're definitely getting there. I have almost completed my Brum WHEELS build for the actual ride (just brakes to fit) and I have a vintage lid as well.




My sister has also entered and has been told by her employer that they will match her final sponsorship total so I am cheekily adding the link to her sponsorship site on here in case any of you guys are feeling at all generous. All for a great cause chaps and any small donation will be very much appreciated as it will have course end up being doubled :daumenhoch:


Cheers Mart.
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on August 02, 2016, 03:47 PM

Well we're still getting the odd RADster signing up for this.... can I tempt anybody else to get involved? Another rider has literally just joined our BMX-to-Brighton team....  fistblump

If anybody else is considering this have a look at our Facebook page:-

'CRY Alex' L2B Charity Bike Ride

...or if anybody is feeling generous please go to the AEDdonate link in my previous post. Even the smallest donation could save a life.
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on August 04, 2016, 02:32 PM
Not too long to go to the ride, I'm really looking forward to it.  We got a 30 miler in the other week,  got 15 miles in on Sunday but my girlfriend had a nasty crash and knocked herself out for a few seconds, she's all good now apart from a few bruises and grazes.  Looking forward to seeing you guys there :-)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on August 04, 2016, 03:33 PM
Yeah - it's getting close now! Glad to hear the training distances are building up, you're well ahead of us at the minute although we are now booked on several local group ride-outs in our area to make sure we put the training in. We're off to south Wales for a weekend of whiskey tasting for our anniversary in a few weeks and Rach has already suggested we take the bikes and go for a ride around the Brecon Beacons the following morning. We're staying at a CAMRA real ale pub so I am not too sure how well that will go, but we shall see!  ???

Not good about the missus having a crash though mate - hope she is ok now?

We will have to post up some means of meeting up at the start. We're staying in Clapham the night before and Brighton the night after (beer!) so hopefully we'll all have the chance to relax before/after the ride itself.
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on August 04, 2016, 06:23 PM
Yeah - it's getting close now! Glad to hear the training distances are building up, you're well ahead of us at the minute although we are now booked on several local group ride-outs in our area to make sure we put the training in. We're off to south Wales for a weekend of whiskey tasting for our anniversary in a few weeks and Rach has already suggested we take the bikes and go for a ride around the Brecon Beacons the following morning. We're staying at a CAMRA real ale pub so I am not too sure how well that will go, but we shall see!  ???

Not good about the missus having a crash though mate - hope she is ok now?

We will have to post up some means of meeting up at the start. We're staying in Clapham the night before and Brighton the night after (beer!) so hopefully we'll all have the chance to relax before/after the ride itself.

Sounds like you'll get plenty in before the ride :-), and Wales will Be lovely to ride around!  Not sure if you'll be near enough to the Forest Of Dean but there's plenty of cycle tracks around the forest, really nice there.  It's on the border of South Wales. 

Michelles ok now,  just a bit bashed up but it's not out her off although her disc brake is now slightly bent so we have to get that sorted. 

We're hoping to stay the night before, depending on if my mum will have my dog for the night.  Be good to meet up before hand.  I think there's a skatepark in the park so plan on having a ride there before hand, possibly :-)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on August 04, 2016, 07:07 PM
Is she doing the ride too? If so I should add her to the list so we know how many we're trying to meet up with at the start....
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: pickle on August 05, 2016, 10:20 AM
see if you can beat our time, Griff, myself and a couple of guys from the Burner forum did it a few years back and it took us 8 hours! 

The food stop half way though is epic!!   :daumenhoch:

You will all need to pull on eachother though as we all had moments where we were ready to jack it in, but we all rallied and got the motivation back up.

Good luck guys  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: griff on August 05, 2016, 04:01 PM
see if you can beat our time, Griff, myself and a couple of guys from the Burner forum did it a few years back and it took us 8 hours! 

The food stop half way though is epic!!   :daumenhoch:

You will all need to pull on eachother though as we all had moments where we were ready to jack it in, but we all rallied and got the motivation back up.

Good luck guys  :daumenhoch:

It was 8.5 hours. Tbf it would have been way less than that if we hadn't stopped every 5 yards for the guy who did Fook all training  :teef:

Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on August 05, 2016, 04:22 PM
So 8.5hours is the time we have got to beat then  :daumenhoch:

The wife seems to think she will leave us all behind and will be in the pub in Brighton before we even get to the Beacon hill.... I'm not so sure, but we'll see. She is doing it on her mountain bike, so she has gears (and aerodynamics!) on her side. She got in from a 15mile training ride about half an hour ago, whereas I'm stuck offshore for the next couple of weeks  ???

We will try to keep all of the BMXers together in one gaggle... I am really starting to look forward to it now. Are there many water stations along the route, out of interest?

I have just posted this on the RAD Fb page, but I will paste it in here too as it concerns the heart screening events we are striving to put together:-

'Ok guys and girls... time is ticking away before our mammoth London to Brighton charity bike ride. Myself, the wife and around 15 others from RAD are tackling this, and the majority of our team are riding our Old School rides. I'm taking my WHEELS Pro (thanks Mike Janssen!) and i have even managed to talk Anto But from the original WHEELS team to join us. We are raising funds to place public accessible defibs in the community, and also to allow us to fund and run our very own heart screening event early in 2017. These days are costing us 3500pounds for each day and we currently have 3 days booked in Feb next year. Each day will screen 100 people, totally free, funded by the kind donations made during our fund raising efforts so far. If you have friends, family and loved ones who are aged 13-35, get them booked in. I will post up more details of how once we have made the necessary bookings, venues etc... For now, if you can dig deep and make even the smallest donation then you, the OS BMX community could be saving a life.'

Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on August 05, 2016, 05:51 PM
Is she doing the ride too? If so I should add her to the list so we know how many we're trying to meet up with at the start....

Yes she is :-)
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: pickle on August 05, 2016, 07:30 PM
There are no water stations, only the half way food break.

Make sure you use a camelback thingy which you can refill half way  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: griff on August 06, 2016, 12:34 AM
I've got a bottle cage that fastens to a seatpost if you want to borrow that Martin?
Are you going to MK?
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on August 06, 2016, 12:49 AM
I've got a bottle cage that fastens to a seatpost if you want to borrow that Martin?
Are you going to MK?

Yes mate - that sounds awesome. Does it just clip on?

I'm in Norway unfortunately, so no MK for me  :(

Where are you based?
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on September 12, 2016, 10:15 PM
Well, we're just back home from an awesome weekend down on the London to Brighton charity bike ride.

It was.... errr..... different!

Amazing atmosphere and we had great weather all weekend.

It's a long way, especially on a BMX! We were doing pretty well from the tart and were really mixing it with the majority of the rider traffic, but we had a few technical issues after a while. One of the BMX lads (one of my mates) has a total crank bearing failure on 123 miles and had to drop out, and then I had a front wheel puncture on 22miles. Believe it or not I then suffered a further two punctures on the same wheel over the next 4 miles. We ran out of spares and patches in the end, so at the lunchtime break i visited the mechanics station who as they didn't have any inner tubes in my size cobbled something together folding up a larger tube and inflating it hard... it felt fine and lasted to the end! My sister also had a puncture about 400yards up the road from my first, so in total we certainly had a few set-backs.

But we made it! Ditchling Beacon was bloody ridiculous, and we could barely push our bikes by the time we got to the top.

Total raised by us so far is around 2100pounds which is fabulous.

Same again next year for sure.... the atmosphere was fantastic so we'll be getting another group together again.

To top it all off ex-Birmingham WHEELS rider Anto But joined us on his freshly rebuilt Kappa and took the time to pose for some pics on my bike and also signed my race plate  :daumenhoch:





Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on September 12, 2016, 10:23 PM
It was a bit of a shame we managed to get separated from many of the group almost immediately but there was a great turn out at the start and it was fab to put some faces to names at check-in. Awesome effort all-round and well done to all of the others who joined us in taking part  fistblump



Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: griff on September 12, 2016, 10:27 PM
Well done Martin & crew  :4_17_5:

The beacon is quite a climb eh?
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on September 12, 2016, 10:48 PM

I though we were walking into space. Nice to make it to the top though. Much steeper and longer than i expected. Next year......

Water bottle holder was a life-saver btw. Thanks again buddy  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: chownie on September 15, 2016, 05:59 PM
Well done on the ride!   Really enjoyed it ourselves, we're definitely doing it again next year and on the BMXs again.  Proper good fun! 
Title: Re: London to Brighton Charity Ride - feeling fit???
Post by: dinglem on September 15, 2016, 07:56 PM
Well done on the ride!   Really enjoyed it ourselves, we're definitely doing it again next year and on the BMXs again.  Proper good fun!

Yes, great to meet you guys, albeit briefly! I'm in again next year for sure. Such a cool, laid-back atmosphere. Loved it. Plus we've hit our fund raising target now as well.  8)
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