BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: oldschoolace on December 21, 2015, 02:39 PM

Title: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 21, 2015, 02:39 PM
Here it is, merry Christmas  :smitten:

(http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x455/oldschoolace/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_2264_zpsvdcmndzg.jpg) (http://s1182.photobucket.com/user/oldschoolace/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_2264_zpsvdcmndzg.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: griff on December 21, 2015, 02:51 PM
see what you did there our Clinton :teef:

what's in the box then?
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 21, 2015, 02:58 PM
:D all to be revealed when I get in from work tonight ;)
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: deeman on December 21, 2015, 04:19 PM
This looks interesting!! Is that a Celica GT4??
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 21, 2015, 05:55 PM
Yep my daily driver/Van Damo  :)
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: chubby on December 21, 2015, 09:41 PM
see what you did there our Clinton :teef:

what's in the box then?
Better not be an utch, just got rid of one of them hideous affairs
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: deeman on December 21, 2015, 11:50 PM
Yep my daily driver/Van Damo  :)

Sweeet! Like them a lot, proper rally heritage  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: griff on December 22, 2015, 12:01 AM
:D all to be revealed when I get in from work tonight ;)

Must be a late night at the office then  ::)
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: deeman on December 22, 2015, 12:04 AM
:D all to be revealed when I get in from work tonight ;)

Must be a late night at the office then  ::)

 :LolLolLolLol: was thinking that myself! don't think I can sleep til I know what's in the box !!
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 08:29 AM

sorry lads found myself padding round Ikea late on looking for a fooking gymnastics mat for my niece  ::)

big reveal postponed til tonight  :D
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: dp and chopper dude on December 22, 2015, 08:57 AM
Oooooh Clinton Von Tease!
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: griff on December 22, 2015, 08:58 AM

sorry lads found myself padding round Ikea late on looking for a fooking gymnastics mat for my niece  ::)

big reveal postponed til tonight  :D

that sounds like an awesome evening :teef:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Mikku on December 22, 2015, 09:09 AM
Meatballs for dinner then! :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 09:18 AM
Meatballs for dinner then! :daumenhoch:

It was. Robbing bastards have changed how they sell them to put the price up  >:(

Fooking wank in there now, it's like Jeremy Kyle has opened up a furniture shop.  :-X

Was not the evening I envisaged that's for sure Griff
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: chubby on December 22, 2015, 04:06 PM
Meatballs for dinner then! :daumenhoch:

It was. Robbing bastards have changed how they sell them to put the price up  >:(

Fooking wank in there now, it's like Jeremy Kyle has opened up a furniture shop.  :-X

Was not the evening I envisaged that's for sure Griff

Were you looking forward to a different kind of ball in your mouth then ???
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 09:40 PM
Happy days  :)

(http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x455/oldschoolace/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_2268_zpsuer9q7t7.jpg) (http://s1182.photobucket.com/user/oldschoolace/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_2268_zpsuer9q7t7.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: chubby on December 22, 2015, 10:10 PM
Lovely drop of coolness
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Jaymz on December 22, 2015, 10:12 PM
Wrap round TT is a win
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 10:16 PM
(http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x455/oldschoolace/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_2266_zpsro7lmlg1.jpg) (http://s1182.photobucket.com/user/oldschoolace/media/Mobile%20Uploads/DSC_2266_zpsro7lmlg1.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 10:22 PM
Think I might struggle with the hair   

Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: deeman on December 22, 2015, 10:41 PM
Now that is cool, never seen or heard of before but love it.....All the best features from all the best bikes rolled into one!  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Devilock on December 22, 2015, 10:44 PM
Do you intend to replicate that build?
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 10:52 PM
Don't know yet Rich. I'm a big fan of survivors and I love the old bits of grip tape and fading decals but it needs a little tlc. It's got 2 dints in the down tube which would be nice to put right but it's only original once.

what do we think?
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: deeman on December 22, 2015, 11:25 PM
I am not sure Clint, looks a bit TOO survivor for me, I would powder it.....2 tone like the pics but not necessarily in those colours. Have you got some parts in mind? Will you try and get some bars to match ?
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: dancetothedrummersbeat on December 22, 2015, 11:29 PM
I'll probably get shot down for saying this, but i'd restore it to like new. It'll look amazing to re-create the ad spec. It's a bit too survivor for me at the moment...
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 22, 2015, 11:35 PM
I'm thinking the same lads. I'm not sure on the black and red although it does scream 80's. The few I have seen are all in the black and red colour scheme so I may stick with the white and get the existing decals replicated
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: deeman on December 23, 2015, 01:33 AM
I would be tempted to do it white with something like lavender or green.....proper late 80's!  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: chubby on December 23, 2015, 07:57 AM
Gotta be white with a fade to grey  :teef:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 23, 2015, 08:54 AM
 ;D see what you did there Rich
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Jaymz on December 23, 2015, 09:56 AM
Give it a citric bath to clean the rust off, if it looks fairish, just clear coat it
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Jaymz on December 23, 2015, 10:10 AM
FOUND IT!!! over 12 months ago roughly i drew this

Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Devilock on December 23, 2015, 11:50 AM
Gotta be white with a fade to grey  :teef:

Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 23, 2015, 12:49 PM
FOUND IT!!! over 12 months ago roughly i drew this

ohh that might have to become a t-shirt  ;)

Our kid reckons he cam draw me up a decal set but I might come pestering you Jaymz if he doesn't get round to it  :D
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: bobbbbsy on December 23, 2015, 03:00 PM
Don't know yet Rich. I'm a big fan of survivors and I love the old bits of grip tape and fading decals but it needs a little tlc. It's got 2 dints in the down tube which would be nice to put right but it's only original once.

what do we think?

if you survivor it i willl put you on my awesome list :4_17_5:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: bobbbbsy on December 23, 2015, 03:01 PM
Give it a citric bath to clean the rust off, if it looks fairish, just clear coat it

true say.
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Funkyworm on December 23, 2015, 03:10 PM
Love this clint,

I remember staying up till about 3am on a Monday morning about 2-3 years ago to bid on one of these in the USA... Lovely bit of weirdness !
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Jaymz on December 23, 2015, 03:27 PM
FOUND IT!!! over 12 months ago roughly i drew this
anytime brother

ohh that might have to become a t-shirt  ;)

Our kid reckons he cam draw me up a decal set but I might come pestering you Jaymz if he doesn't get round to it  :D
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on December 23, 2015, 05:03 PM
There is quite an interesting story around this. I had been asking around for one for a while when an American lad messaged me to say he might know of one but it was a bit of a long shot. It turns out he sort of knew a massive hoarder and had been trying to get a look at his stuff for a while with no luck. He told me the hoarder never sells owt and not to expect to hear anything so I sort of gave up.

A few weeks later I got a message to say he had managed to talk the hoarder into letting him look around and he would get some photos if he could. Again he reiterated that a purchase was highly unlikely.

Tha next I heard was an excited message about what the hoarder had. Apparently every room of his house was waste deep in bikes and bits, all old school and most of it interesting stuff. This guy was one of those types you see on channel 4 programmes who has to crawl through little rabbit holes of stuff in his house. Stuff everywhere and probably alot of it he doesn't remember bringing home.

My contact seemed to think a purchase might be possible with a bit of coaxing so I asked him to keep me posted.

5 days later i get a load of pics of the visage along with a few other nice framesets he had managed to pick up including a tidy DB Mike Dominguez  :)

Word got out after the end of my visage was seen in the back of a shot in one of his museum posts and he was inundated with requests about it.

luckily he was a top lad and stuck with the price we had agreed. Packaged the visage up a treat and it was here in under a week  :daumenhoch:

Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: Jaymz on December 23, 2015, 07:31 PM
Syuperb score clint, let me know on the decals bud. I can send the visage logo to you to get the ball rolling if need be
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: BMX1973 on December 23, 2015, 08:09 PM

Already looking forward to this.  :)
Normally I would say survivor. If it had an oxy bath and the paint chips painted in, then with a very fine sand, would it look o.k? :-\ Could be worth a try if you have the patience and time.  :-\
But it maybe better suited to a full restoration. Either way this will be super cool when done.  8)  :coolsmiley:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: bobbbbsy on December 23, 2015, 09:15 PM
patience and time ! man builds gt bars out of wood... :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on January 09, 2016, 03:11 PM

Really torn on this frameset there are so few of them about it seems a shame to go with a full resto but it is a little tired looking and the decals are hard to see properly  :-\
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: rodriguez on January 09, 2016, 03:27 PM
I really like it  the way it is, if you can get the right rider parts leave it.   :daumenhoch:

Sourcing rider parts can be/is a pain in the arse, don't really come up for sale that often so you have to go down wanted ad route, on the plus side as it's more of a challenge when you complete the build it's a lot more satisfying and you seem to have a good knack at picking bits up.
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldschoolace on January 09, 2016, 03:31 PM
Yep worn tyres are especially hard to find for some reason
Title: Re: Does ya granny always tell ya, that the old frames are the best....
Post by: oldscool on January 12, 2016, 09:34 AM
Gotta be white with a fade to grey  :teef:


I hope you still have all your hair because you will need a Wham or Duran Duran hair do to ride it though. Not one of these  :pilky:
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