Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05) => Mid School ( Keep the faith ) => Topic started by: Ste on May 17, 2015, 11:50 AM
Almost finished off another build this wkend here's my 250 which I owned BITD, traced it back through several friends and found it sat in a garage with the slam bars next to it :-))wanted to go with a nice army green or a dark brown but couldn't be arsed so went with gloss black..parts are mainly what I ran back then.waiting for the decals to arrive through hitchcox then it's complete :-)
Here's a pic of me at our old park riding it in one of its many colours and a few pics of the finished build
Thanks to dan whac,David loverock,and blacky for help with parts, onto the next :-)
Lookin good ste!!
Park photo is great :daumenhoch:
Good photo :daumenhoch:
Cool pic... nice bike. :daumenhoch:
Thanks fellas it feels exactly the same as back then.il try get that table shot recreated next time I'm out :-)
Great build. Good to see a few guys building their old bikes from BITD. Builds are always more fun when their are memories attached.
That is the dogs :daumenhoch:
Nice 250 mate
Nice work mate, the pic of the the Flatty is awesome