Welcome! => Welcome => Topic started by: oggy on January 05, 2015, 12:09 PM
hi chaps, sorry i might have put this in the wrong place but im looking for a VDC frame for a friend of mine, if someone has one or knows of one can you let me know please
cheers guys
:welcome to :radbmxsmilie: :daumenhoch:
You have to buy a site supporter tag, then you can post in wanted section ::)
I can not view it, visit the new presentation.
hi chaps, sorry i might have put this in the wrong place but im looking for a VDC frame for a friend of mine, if someone has one or knows of one can you let me know please
cheers guys
Is that all you require?
I can not view it, visit the new presentation.
Er, smash the system...black power...women's lib...
There's been some harsh talk behind my sleeping back my droogies. What's all this about a new way?
Good luck with the VDC. It took me 3 years to finally get one