Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05) => Mid School ( Keep the faith ) => Topic started by: MikeH on March 27, 2014, 01:37 PM
The Albion have just posted the interview they did with Taj Mihelich a few issues ago, well worth a look if you missed it. www.thealbion.cc
To say he had a rough start to life is an understatement.
Lot's about the birth of what we now call mid-school, as well as riding for Standard and Hoffman on an S&M :daumenhoch:
He and Joe Rich don't talk to each other anymore either :(
Oh, and he doesn't really get the old school thing. :(
What a read
Thanks for the heads up on that. :daumenhoch:
8) 8)
He really did have a bad start, there's some nasty b+stards out there. I remember reading about the jeff crawn accident. Was it landing gear forks that snapped on him??
Got the mag, real good read that :daumenhoch:
Great read, thanks for posting that :daumenhoch:
Great read if a little sad. A few parallels between him growing up and people like Jay Adams, if you read his biography or have seen the dog town documentary. They do it for the love and pushing the limits not for money or winning.
I still prefer watching old road fools or backyard vids to anything today where, as Taj says everyone is super skilled but their runs never seem that spontaneous