Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: dannyboy on August 12, 2006, 09:17 PM
hi can anyone tell me if this is a real on(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/oldskoolgt.jpg)e :-[(http://)(http://)(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/surf122.jpg)(http://[[img]http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums[img]http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/surf126.jpg)(http://)/c86/dannyboyz4200/surf125.jpg[/IMG][img(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/surf129.jpg)(http://)][/img]/img](http://i[img]http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/surf127.jpg)25.photobucket.com/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/surf130.jpg[/IMG](http://)
deffo not a gt is not a redline??? but then again dont they say redline under the bb
its got dx pedals and acsz hubs araya rims kuwara bars just got a frame no 7279 on the bottom
with the dropouts and geometry and gusset i would say it's a CW, but i am no cw expert.
something from the akisu (akusi?) factory
often great framesets though
so is it worth anything the guy wants 60quid for it who is the cw expert on here? 8)
this is the closest frame i could find on the cw site ???
I had a look through the museum section yesterday looking for a match, your frame looks so similar to a few, but not quite the same.
Revcore, Redline, CW, Falcon Pro, all are very similar but there's usually a slight difference in the rear dropout or headtube.
Didn't see any with the same gusset behind the BB, that seems to be the distinguishing feature.
Edit>> Also, the way the toptube and seatstays join the seattube rules out some of the models listed above.
The Scorpion forks may be a clue, but the Scorpion ads in the museum don't show any with a head gusset.
Worth 60 for the pedals and wheels if they're in good condition and you want a bike to ride.
he says the bearings in one of the pedals are dodgy can this be sorted?
If they're Shimano DX pedals then they're worth sorting.
Depends on the damage, if it's the bearings themselves they're easily replaced.
If it's damage to the axle or cones you can replace them from a set of DX copies (or a pair of Shimano SX's?).
Only problem might be if the bearing cups in the pedal body itself are damaged,
Unlikely though, I'd imagine the problem is just some damaged bearings which have seized the pedal.
Edit>> The frame may just turn out to be a generic frame, but you would have some nice name brand components to build up another frame in the future.
Trying to build a whole bike for 60 would be tricky, so it's worth it in this sense, you might have to take a chance regarding condition of the parts though.
they are deffo dx pedals i think ill buy it and find a old gt frame to make a nice rider :4_17_5:
cheers everyone for your help you are a good bunch of chaps :daumenhoch:
that gusset behind the b/b looks VERY much like the really early MCS made Hutch's.Perhaps a rare MCS or poss a Powerlite??
sod it ill take a chance we only live once aye :Great_Britain: :daumenhoch:
how can you identify it dont all frame makers mark the bloody thing when they make em :idiot2: :knuppel2: well the rare hutch sounds good but i bet its a rare piece of shite with good pedals :tickedoff:
I've PM'ed you some links to another site with some pics,
Hutchman's post led me to do a little searching,
The gusset behind the BB looks the same as the ones on MCS Speed (Unlimited) Hutches in the pics.
Other early MCS bikes also apparently had this gusset design.
Got any pics of the brake bridge with the brake removed?, may be a good clue for people here.
Also a pic of the serial number stamp might help someone identify it.
I'd hold onto that frame in the meantime, you never know..
right bear with me im gonna put up the link to his other pics http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y43/the-nasher/bmx/'start=allftp://http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y43/the-nasher/bmx/'start=all
yay does this help ?
Some good shots there, I've put the best ones here:
See how the brake bridge has that L shape in the first pic, and also has a distinctive shape in the third pic.
Hopefully someone will be able to finally identify it for you.
Brake bridge and BB gusset are like those on an early 80's MCS Magnum pictured on vbmx. That bike doesn't have a headtube gusset though.
Looking like some sort of MCS made bike. Nice find if it is.
thanks again once its here tommorow hopefully ill take some more detailed pics and we may be
able to positivly id the old girl i only got it cos i thoght the parts would go nice on a gt pro frame
that i want for my next treader if this is a good frame i might jst polish her up and do some endos :coolsmiley:
come on,do the old girl justice.No matter what it is i still think it is a top end frame,as i said earlier,poss an MCS.If you dont want it,gis a shout,i'll give her a home!!!
im well pleased with the frame it looks great and very light the rear dropouts are super thin you can bend them a bit with hands
id just love to get the right decals for it
wot do yuz reckon this is it ??[img(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/c86/dannyboyz4200/dsc02766_lg.jpg)][/img]
Did you check out the links I PM'ed a while back - you'll see the frame is very likely to be MCS made.
There's always the possibility a far-eastern company copied the MCS design, but doubtful, no-one has said so far.
Your bike does look similar to many other makes, but unless you spot another bike with the same BB gusset and brake bridge design you should assume MCS rather than Scorpion, CW etc.
Forks are Akisu as you say, maybe added later when originals were lost?
The bike you posted above, it's impossible to tell unless you get closeups of the BB/brake bridge, the headtube gusset is different too.
There are bikeframes in the links I PM'ed that are exactly your frame, only differing because they have no headtube gusset. I'm guessing you just have a slightly different model.
Hopefully someone on this site or another will come up with a positive identification,
Best of luck.
cheers bud :4_17_5: