Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: andyw1973 on August 05, 2013, 03:52 PM
Hi All
I have a S&M Kris Bennett frame and was wondering would it be best to restore it to original of keep it as it is.
I eventually want to restore something but don't no what
Pics would help. :daumenhoch:
Build it and thrash it
(http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j449/andyw1973/bmx/sampmkrisbennett.jpg) (http://s1086.photobucket.com/user/andyw1973/media/bmx/sampmkrisbennett.jpg.html)
Deffo leave as is. Build and ride (if you can get over the 'droopy cock'-like rear wishbone ;D )
Ride it as is. :daumenhoch:
Cheers for the replies.
I thought that would be best,
it has few knocks here and there but I didn't want to remove the stickers,
100% keep it OG mate, thats in nice condition!
If youre still a bit unhappy just give it a polish and she will come up lurvely! :daumenhoch:
cheers mate :)
Looks good mate leave as is! I mean come on you can't polish a turd! :LolLolLolLol:
are they that bad :P
I rode a Kris Bennett back in the day, and apart from being heavy (like most bikes in that era) it rode awesome. It had a long front end and super short back end which was very innovative for its time. Keep it as is
cheers mate