Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: welsh denny on April 10, 2013, 10:49 PM
anyone have any pics of jason riding his red with pink parts hutch trickstar in bmx action bike- think it was the one with jason lunn riding flatland in the house issue.
for some reason issue 40 sticks in my head. not for me but someone wanted to see the pics of his bike as they have a candy red trickstar and wanted to see
how it goes with pink parts. :daumenhoch:
I tried that fuker for hours .. still can't do it!
Here ya go,
Wicked shot :4_17_5:
havn't seen that pic before. tidy.
pic i was after was close up with pink z rims ,suzue hubs,dc brakes etc.
One of my own snaps Denny, rode with Jason all the time back then.
This is prob the bike you mean
Here's a few out of a magazine for you.
I'm really not in to Freestyle but why has no one ever done a Jason Lunn Raleigh tribute build ???? An Aero Pro in green and white.
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/p191/carpcrazyox/005_zps52bc9b84.jpg) (http://s128.photobucket.com/user/carpcrazyox/media/005_zps52bc9b84.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/p191/carpcrazyox/004_zps1a17413c.jpg) (http://s128.photobucket.com/user/carpcrazyox/media/004_zps1a17413c.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/p191/carpcrazyox/003_zps8aeeaea3.jpg) (http://s128.photobucket.com/user/carpcrazyox/media/003_zps8aeeaea3.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/p191/carpcrazyox/002_zps2868d9f8.jpg) (http://s128.photobucket.com/user/carpcrazyox/media/002_zps2868d9f8.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/p191/carpcrazyox/001-2_zps66fb609d.jpg) (http://s128.photobucket.com/user/carpcrazyox/media/001-2_zps66fb609d.jpg.html)
If you want this mag Denny then just PM us your addy and i'll stick it in the post for you.
its on here matt
i have that issue, i'll have a look tonight.
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/mm27/m3jt/jh1_zps4e01554e.jpg) (http://s292.photobucket.com/user/m3jt/media/jh1_zps4e01554e.jpg.html)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/mm27/m3jt/jh2_zps00b7a083.jpg) (http://s292.photobucket.com/user/m3jt/media/jh2_zps00b7a083.jpg.html)
thats the pic. i got the issue somewhere in the house amongst 30 years of bmx mags all mixed up- though i'm sure it was cut up like most action bikes were and used
as posters. so prob not much left of it.
the pic is for john yull as he is doing one of his old red trickstars up and i said do it pink parts on candy red f & f - i hadn't seen the pic for years and always thought
hassells hutch had pink zed's and haro tyres on , dc's etc so pink parts on a red trickstar.
my mistake as havn't seen the pic for donkeys years. cheers all.