Welcome! => Welcome => Topic started by: mattyp on February 27, 2013, 10:53 AM
Hi. Just joined so thought i'd introduce myself. Got a mk1 tuff burner in need of parts. Man I can't wait to rope in all the parts I am still in need of. :)
Welcome to Rad matey!
Grab yourself a site supporters tag and you can put up a wanted ad for all to see :daumenhoch:
Welcome on Matty. :daumenhoch:
Take my advice, ask as many questions as you want, and read the messers and who to avoid post in the For Sale section. ::) :LolLolLolLol:
Welcome aboard :daumenhoch:
Morning :daumenhoch:
Welcome along :daumenhoch:
There' also a cool burner website as well (Burner world)
Run by Dave (User name on here Beard 1973) he's a mind of info for Burners :4_17_5:
And remember taking the wee wee out of each other is mandatory on here >:D
Oh and I've just put a piccy up of my Mrs in the lounge to prove she has big boobs so pop in there and have a look :daumenhoch:
hi everybody finally arrived as its took me 2hrs to figure out how to say hello (i,am not up on computers ) so i might need alot of basic help to navigate this site. :)
i will be starting my first build shortly have the frame hopefully arriving this week. which is an 85 Haro master. got a few bits but need alot more and alot of advice . thanks Shel :Great_Britain: :daumenhoch:
Welcome Matty. :)
Born again, start your own welcome thread and put some pics up. :daumenhoch:
Welcome btw.
Welcome to Rad :daumenhoch:
hi everybody finally arrived as its took me 2hrs to figure out how to say hello (i,am not up on computers ) so i might need alot of basic help to navigate this site. :)
i will be starting my first build shortly have the frame hopefully arriving this week. which is an 85 Haro master. got a few bits but need alot more and alot of advice . thanks Shel :Great_Britain: :daumenhoch:
Hey Shel,
Welcome to rad.I think you wanted to start your own thread.Click the box which says 'new topic' at the top right and you will be able to start a thread
Sorry welcome also Matt!As said before get a SST and you will be able to buy and sell on here.Burner parts come up all the time :daumenhoch:
welcome sir ive not been on here long either mate but the guys on here are all so helpful ive manage to amass all the bits i need for my build
welcome to the best for help info bits knollage and all the other things that makes this no1 bmx site
Hello cLJYU823TRNJMSkjf
I love you.
I want to see her boobs Pete. >:D
hello :daumenhoch:
Hello :)
Welcome :daumenhoch:
Wattappan friend!, did you sort your posting stress out,
PS my smilies still dont work javascript:void(0);