Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: Jesse on July 17, 2006, 01:30 AM
More to come...
BMX Action Bike, Jan 1987
they all look like performers to me
they were pete
Looks like your garage Pete...
i love that pic!
after that we all used to make McPies with our bikes outside McDonalds
I have a pic from Southsae King of Concrete in '89 of a pie of around 60 bikes, I'll have to try and dig that out
they all look like performers to me
yep big pile of shite!!!
is that jess dyrenforth who posted ? :daumenhoch:
Sorry, no.
We made 1 with about 50 bikes in side safeways in sheffield about 91 the security guards didn`t have a clue what the hell was going on !! :smiley6600:
well i think you are all mad :crazy2: :idiot2: :LolLolLolLol:
And some more...
anarchic adjustment stuff rules! i have a big collection of it including that shirt with the hand on it in the above advert
Yep - those are all GT Performers, that was the bike to have back then....we used to tangle them up to stop the tea leaves....we then drank a load of snake bites and rode 2 quarter pipes back to back on the stage at Delirium night club at the Astoria, the ramps were 7 feet wide and we were twisted from the snake bites so we ended up coming off the side of the ramps, what a laugh ....my GT Performer got nicked here in LA back in '91 :knuppel2: should have tangled it up better :uglystupid2:
And some more - a couple for D...
so good! damon, do you still ride?
the whole BMX Action Bike/R.A.D./London thing was great, craig campbell, tony mckenzie, nick philip, damon nicholls, mud machine, stussy, anarchic, dave currey etc etc that's what i was brought up on and i loved every bit of it!
And some more...
Cheers Jess - Yeah - I loved that scene too, it was really raw and exiting, Nick Philips had a cool vision, anti-establishment, (burning UKBFA membership cards like the hippies did in the '60's.) It was great to get away from the sheen, slick racing uniforms, the tight rules of competition (Competiton killed the buzz for a lot of freestylers) and embrace the surf/skate attitude and clothing, BMX had already borrowed the waves/pools, ramps, and skateparks, why not borrow the clothing too. It was a natural progression that Nick saw early on, with the help from Tim (TLB) at BMXAB (who had a whole career shooting skateboarders 10 years earlier). They used BMXAB / RAD to get the word out. Preacher Man. Proper ganga.
I used to go down to Skate City at London Bridge and South Bank with my older brother back in '77, I loved it, I was 8 at the time. Then going back to South Bank on a BMX, or down to ROM on a BMX, it was so friggin beautiful and exciting. Street skating blew up in '85 and again the natural progression was to imitate, borrow from the skateboarders, backside boneless, foot plants, wall rides, the city became your new skatepark. Then the scooter appeared, a cross between a BMX and a skateboard, the two had merged, it was a little cheesey, but again, a natural eveloution of the times. I'm going on a bit here, had too much coffee.
They were great times to be alive....
I don't ride a BMX anymore, I tried it last year at my local skatepark in Santa Monica on an pld PK Ripper, but I had no-one else to ride with and I got bored. I've been getting into Surfing, Tony Mac lives down the road, so we get up at 6.30 am and go out and ride waves, feels fantastic, plus it gets me in shape. So it's a full circle.....got to have that rush somehow, 7 ft - 10 ft transition is a beautiful thing. 7 ft tranny that's moving is an insane rush to the head.
Alright back to my boring job...cheers again Jess.
Good to hear from you Damon.
Looks like everyone made it out to CA huh? I know Jess is in Santa Ana, you're there, last heard Nick was working on Hollywood movies, Mule Man is running his clothing agency in LA too. What about Mr Horseye himself, Dave Currey? Is he there too?
I doubt you'd remember me but I used to ride and skate with the Fairfields crowd (Rayman etc)... as for me, 4 years in NY and now in Miami... loving life, building my rides (currently 3 GTs) and waiting upon the arrival of my first child... :4_17_5:
Oh, here's a lil' something else...
And one more...
Nice one Jess - love the piss in the corner pic, real Anachy. Yeah - Jess's in Santa Ana with his clothing company 'England Clothing', Nick's up in San Francisco last I heard, making music? clothing? Horseye's in London, we exchanged email, I think he's a web developer, Paul Wright's in OC, Ca with strife and 2 dustbin lids. Congrats on your new adition, I have a 19 month old and one on the way, it;s a beautiful thing. I remember fairfield halls with Raymond, peewee and a bunch of other crazy rippers.
Enjoy your GT's
Cheers for the memories.....damon
Andy emailed me and asked me for anything that had him in it... here's what I found - mostly skate pics i'm afraid Andy.
Oh, and in the wallride pic... the kid in background with the pink OP t-shirt on is me, 14 years old lol...
And one more...
Nice one Jess - if my memory serves me right that top pic was taken at a building in Slough we used to ride...rad memories...keep 'em coming!
Thank you Jess. I lost two of those pictures and had never seen the other two. :daumenhoch:
i love that pic!
after that we all used to make McPies with our bikes outside McDonalds
I have a pic from Southsae King of Concrete in '89 of a pie of around 60 bikes, I'll have to try and dig that out
My Bike was in that pile!
Andy - I forgot how much you ripped on a skateboard! These pics are wicked, and those one-footer's at Chingford went so high with pure style!! You ruled that day :4_17_5:
Nice to see you on a bike again at Carlo's ramp. Any time your in Santa Monica, give me a call, love to hang out.
I missed the freestyle boat a bit by jacking in at the end of 84 just as it got really big, but although I would have enjoyed the better ramps and lifesytyle I certainly am glad that I missed those fashions :crazy2:
That was what it was all about Bill! Being different and not going with the flow! Cool fun times.
Here's another old one...
Dave Curry does look in as a guest, but he tells me got nothing to say so hasn`t joined yet :(
Dave Curry does look in as a guest, but he tells me got nothing to say so hasn`t joined yet :(
Not surprised! i expect everyone will ask for there money back for those lousy bars!!!! Cool wall ride that though :daumenhoch:
Dave Curry does look in as a guest, but he tells me got nothing to say so hasn`t joined yet :(
email him, and tell him we're all laughing at his bars.. Maybe he'll pop in
Well I'm not laughing at his bars. I've had a set for 20 odd years and they are still going strong. I even had a set stolen from my garage once! (admittedly, they were attached to a Trickstar)
Drop in Dave, we will form an AZ bars splinter group and laugh at all those poxy GT bars (bent some of them) CW bars (oh - bent some of them too) etc, etc......We will wail with laughter at the rediculously small handlebars that appear on new school bikes and wonder at the quality of the welds on your old AZ bars (what kind of welding was that by the way?).
Oh happy days.
Andy! Tearing it up there. "dual"
Damon, here's some of those pictures from Slough 1986 that I mentioned in e-mail:
Jason Lunn
Carlo Griggs
Damon showing Eddie Roman some UK air.
Craig lofting on what I recall was a pretty windy day.
The boys getting run out of town for being a little too excitable.
nice pic's :daumenhoch:.
Great pics from slough MM, Christ that was twenty years ago man :shocked: The cool pic of Craig jumping the wall gap was taken on that same weekend on a bit of an impromptu street session Good times
cool pics
i loved my pink gotcha tshirt and vision shorts and shoes! 8)
Maurice - killer pics man. I love the one of the crew getting kicked out these are priceless....I like my Brian Blyther style granny air too - Thanks for the memories - I spoke to Eddie Roman about a year ago, we should get him on the forum.
Maurice. great photos. thanks. Nothing beats old scanned amatuer photos. please please post some more...