Events => Events => Topic started by: whatquid on November 27, 2012, 10:52 AM
Was talking in the skatepark at the weekend about having another southsea skatepark reunion, like the one that they had in 2005 which was a cool weekend, loads turned up with a few bikes each we had a few stalls, the weather was amazing and everyone had a rad day....plus the 60 or so that did the seafront ride to the pub in old portsmouth, im gonna be helping to sort this out if it happens, but we we thinking about doing like a rad day where you turn up pay for the day and get a kind of lock in afterwards, think its gonna be in july at some piont but no dates are set yet, just throwing this out there to see if what people think......let me know thanks.
I'm in for a road trip if this goes down :)
should be a good day / weekend if it happens, got alot of ideas, just dont want it to clash with anything hence no dates as of yet.
This will never happen! Nothing ever does down our way! But will help ya cuz if you can get things sorted!;)
olly this can get sorted out just need to make it happen. :daumenhoch:
sounds great if the date is good. :daumenhoch: :4_17_5:
olly this can get sorted out just need to make it happen. :daumenhoch:
lets do it then! :daumenhoch:
Be a good one :daumenhoch:
gonna sort dates soon, anyone got any ideas or what they would like to go down over the day / weekend.......???
count me out, cant be bothered to travel that far just for a ride
oh kev you are hillarious..........got some more people on board, look like it may be happening in either june or july gonna sort dates so it donst clash with anything...anyone got any ideas of what they would like to see over the day / weekend...get posting.......!!!! :daumenhoch:
i will be up for this :daumenhoch:
Ride along the seafront to old pompey or gunwharf for a few beers, have spoken to Billy (Stupple)
and he is up for this and will give all his support but we have to wait for National and Regional
race dates to be confirmed before we can pick a date lets try and make this a huge event so its
as good as the MK gatherings. Do we make it 2 days or just the one do we have show n shine etc
come on fellow Radsters what do you think. Myself Whatquid and Martin Knight who is also a park
employee like me are organising this. Roll on next Summer.
show and shine sounds good, old school bmx jumble or somthing, best air, biggest bunnyhop, longest skid, best bike ect...........ideas please get involed we need your help on this who wants to see what, let us know and we can get things moving..... :daumenhoch:
Yep would love to ride south sea :)
Count me in if it gets sorted :daumenhoch:
happy new year radsters....!!!! will be putting up dates in the next few weeks for this event at southsea skatepark, looking like its going to be july, 80s , 90s and current bmx nice and hot summer hopefully, and over a weekend, might be having another event tie up with this which would be pretty cool, have spoken to some people and the feedback sounds good, ideas so far is to run it on a saturday / sunday, have a sort of show and shine, so get them old schools polished up, a few trade stalls, theres gonna be a bbq and food on the day cos there is now a cafe inside the park which is cool, a mass session and a jam over the weekend, maybee an after party at the local bmx pub on the saturday night and basicly the same again on the sunday....talk of having a band or djs over the weekend ect....we are trying to get this a cheep as possible for you guys no session times just a full days or weekend entrance, more updates to follow........
Sounds good.
The Cleethorpes ride is on the 21st July though so dont plan that weekend. :daumenhoch:
Add me to this as last one was great
Yep would love to ride south sea :)
Count me in if it gets sorted :daumenhoch:
Still no date? Come on guys it's not that hard :D
Already confirmed for July..
12-14th cologne Worlds
21st Cleethorpes cruise
If you get a wiggle on I can put it in the rad calendar
Not long got back from Portsmouth, looked like a good place for a roll about - nice and flat and lots of pubs :daumenhoch:
was a cracking day the first one.
other than me going over the bars on my streetbeat :uglystupid2:.
still got my sticker too 8).
Who organised the 1st 1?
im not 100% sure but i think carl westfield had something to do with it.
the reason why we are holding off on the date is we may be hooking up with another bmx event which if it happens will make the weekend even better.....should be up some time next week...... :daumenhoch:
the reason why we are holding off on the date is we may be hooking up with another bmx event which if it happens will make the weekend even better.....should be up some time next week...... :daumenhoch:
hoping it actually happens after last year when we had 5 pages and no date :-\
please let me know and I'll get it printed in the calendar ;)
Yep would love to ride south sea :)
Count me in if it gets sorted :daumenhoch:
:) for sure ed would be a proper road trip :daumenhoch:
dont know who tryed to organise last years, but this is deffo going to happen and its going to be over a weekend..........
Are there any ride outs or meets Southampton ,Portsmouth way ? They all seem to be up country ??? or I'm not looking in the right places ::)
i tried to sort out a south coast ride out but it died a death :(
dont know who tryed to organise last years, but this is deffo going to happen and its going to be over a weekend..........
Top stuff fella....looking forward to it ;)
ten minutes down the road for me ,would be well up for that will be waiting to hear ::)
Please make it happen DATES ASAP