Not long now boys and girls until Santa unloads his 'sacks' all over your lounge floor!!! :4_17_5:
The proposed date for the traditional London Xmas ride this year is Sunday December 9th, I thought it would be best to do it early in the month what with the usual xmas commitments with family and work do's that Dec will be full of?
Stick your name in the thread if your coming and I'll update the rider list as we go. :daumenhoch:
Big thanks to Lee aka Madrok for this great pic!!! :4_17_5: :LolLolLolLol:
Rider list
scorcher mick
Mr & Mrs Ratty
Finny + 3
gally + 1
ronster + 1
Simon B
wish id kept my TA
1. Me. :daumenhoch:
2. me
Me! :daumenhoch:
I'm a maybe. ???
I'm a maybe. ???
That like 'curious' ? ???
As usual, I'm in boys.
Can we have lots of stupid pics like the last thread please Al. :daumenhoch:
Can we have lots of stupid pics like the last thread please Al. :daumenhoch:
I do work sometimes you know? :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
And ya mum.. Me please :daumenhoch:
I'm a maybe. ??? Christmas is my "busy" season . i swop my "fat controlers outfit" for a nice "red suit" and grow a nice white beard ..HO HO HO
I'm a maybe. ??? Christmas is my "busy" season . i swop my "fat controlers outfit" for a nice "red suit" and grow a nice white beard ..HO HO HO
You Cnut!! :LolLolLolLol:
Fook it, gents can we move this to the 9th instead?
Best do a poll and file the results to the commitee. Or just edit your original post. :LolLolLolLol:
Best do a poll and file the results to the commitee. Or just edit your original post. :LolLolLolLol:
Done :LolLolLolLol:
Fook it, gents can we move this to the 9th instead?
You Tit Rob
iam in ;D :LolLolLolLol:
iam coming out ;D :LolLolLolLol:
??? Really Mick?
put me name on it please rob :daumenhoch:
iam coming out ;D :LolLolLolLol:
I love Dick
Charming :LolLolLolLol:
iam coming out ;D :LolLolLolLol:
I love Dick
And Dom :LolLolLolLol:
:LolLolLolLol: :4_17_5:
Look under mine and robs name... This could work :LolLolLolLol:
Look under mine and robs name... This could work :LolLolLolLol:
I'd forgotten that was still there.... :LolLolLolLol:
Northern Monkey on board :daumenhoch:
Northern Monkey on board :daumenhoch:
Nice one Lenny!
Northern Monkey on board :daumenhoch:
cant we get some more monkees on this!!!
come on gaz,carlos,wini,snav etc
its fooking ace down the smoke :daumenhoch:
get my name down folks , I'm in :daumenhoch:
I don't see my name on the list ???
Northern Monkey on board :daumenhoch:
Good boy Lenny :daumenhoch: can you brush you hair before you come out this time though?
I don't see my name on the list ???
That's because you smell, we are going to add your name Steve but when we've left Waterloo. :LolLolLolLol:
I don't see my name on the list ???
That's because you smell, we are going to add your name Steve but when we've left Waterloo. :LolLolLolLol:
There's no need to be childish Adam, we all know why you're being like this... it's because i always bring a better bike than you :daumenhoch:
I don't see my name on the list ???
That's because you smell, we are going to add your name Steve but when we've left Waterloo. :LolLolLolLol:
There's no need to be childish Adam, we all know why you're being like this... it's because i always bring a better bike than you :daumenhoch:
And so do I :daumenhoch: but he also has a point Steve,but you can always sort a smell out! But taste is something your born with!!!?
Northern Monkey on board :daumenhoch:
Good boy Lenny :daumenhoch: can you brush you hair before you come out this time though?
O dear are you trying to groom me Adam ???
Maybe.... :-X
:wtf: that's the fooking ugliest butterfly I've ever seen!!!!
Adam and his blow up doll!! :LolLolLolLol:
How did the airbed end up like that I innocently ask..... ???
Scorcher mick is under the other side! :shocked:
A right gay outing!! ???
Adam there was no denial or deffence offered by your self there ...... im afraid now very afraid now . Yorkshire had Jimmy Saville ... and London has Adam AKGOFF from Saville row who sleeps with blow up dolls and other men :shocked:
Apparently Adam asked for the mistletoe in the 1st pic to be put in my trouser area!! :shocked: :shocked:
Lets just say I'm gonna give him a wide birth on the ride!! :-X
:shocked: :shocked:
Lets just say I'm gonna give him a wide birth on the ride!! :-X
That doesn't even need editing!!!!!!!!! :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Apparently Adam asked for the mistletoe in the 1st pic to be put in my trouser area!! :shocked: :shocked:
Lets just say I was a wide birth :-X
pmsl u said it Stu :LolLolLolLol:
Whoops!! What a cock. Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
Enthusiasm is going up......
I don't see my name on the list ???
That's because you smell, we are going to add your name Steve but when we've left Waterloo. :LolLolLolLol:
Taking no chances on missing it, Steves there already......
I don't see my name on the list ???
That's because you smell, we are going to add your name Steve but when we've left Waterloo. :LolLolLolLol:
Taking no chances on missing it, Steves there already......
Me and Mrs Ratty are up for this!
And if anyone needs a floor, we can spare a settee or two!
Me and Mrs Ratty are up for this!
And if anyone needs a floor, we can spare a settee or two!
SWEET!!! :4_17_5:
put me down for this one please madam :daumenhoch:
Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
You twat Al.
Wheres that mixer been? :LolLolLolLol:
I was shocked when I saw what was in Adams van! :shocked: :shocked:
;D :LolLolLolLol:
Wheres that mixer been? :LolLolLolLol:
That whisk has reached the end of its life and will need chucking away and replacing before he next latexing job.
Wheres that mixer been? :LolLolLolLol:
That whisk has reached the end of its life and will need chucking away and replacing before he next latexing job.
latexing job ??? sounds interesting Adam :bondage:
Wheres that mixer been? :LolLolLolLol:
That whisk has reached the end of its life and will need chucking away and replacing before he next latexing job.
latexing job ??? sounds interesting Adam :bondage:
Gotta love latex and PVC
Anyway, stop following me around Rad you Fookin stalker. :( :D
Wheres that mixer been? :LolLolLolLol:
That whisk has reached the end of its life and will need chucking away and replacing before he next latexing job.
latexing job ??? sounds interesting Adam :bondage:
Gotta love latex and PVC
Anyway, stop following me around Rad you Fookin stalker. :( :D
i have been warned to watch you ... coz your a groomer :LolLolLolLol:
Lenny, is your passport valid mate? you've got a long way to come poppet! :LolLolLolLol:
Lenny, is your passport valid mate? you've got a long way to come poppet! :LolLolLolLol:
ive applied for my visa , and ive had a letter from the C0ckanesse embassy saying i must wear red clown shoes like you do otherwise i wont be allowed in . :D
Lenny, is your passport valid mate? you've got a long way to come poppet! :LolLolLolLol:
ive applied for my visa , and ive had a letter from the C0ckanesse embassy saying i must wear red clown shoes like you do otherwise i wont be allowed in . :D
think your commitment is great.. I know CHUNK makes it up north for a few rides.. Defo making a pact with myself to meet up next year on other rides :daumenhoch:
Oy who are you calling chunk!!! :yahoo_silent: :knuppel2:
Lenny, is your passport valid mate? you've got a long way to come poppet! :LolLolLolLol:
ive applied for my visa , and ive had a letter from the C0ckanesse embassy saying i must wear red clown shoes like you do otherwise i wont be allowed in . :D
think your commitment is great.. I know CHUNK makes it up north for a few rides.. Defo making a pact with myself to meet up next year on other rides :daumenhoch:
+1 :daumenhoch:
I agree, I think we should all go on the Blackpool ride and make a weekend of it.
I agree, I think we should all go on the Blackpool ride and make a weekend of it.
Awesome, 'bottom guard' all round then!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Nobbo, put me down bruv + Liam, Gav and Daz :daumenhoch:
I agree, I think we should all to Blackpool and make a gay weekend of it.
Oh dear oh dear. :-X ???
I agree, I think we should all go on the Blackpool ride and make a weekend of it.
Awesome, 'bottom guard' all round then!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
I agree, I think we should all go on the Blackpool ride and make a weekend of it.
Awesome, 'bottom guard' all round then!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Not sure Micks got any left after sharing a room with you at MK. ???
Bring the box out of your van..... :LolLolLolLol:
Bring the box out of your van..... :LolLolLolLol:
I'm saving that for when you stay round my house again. :-[
Me please Robbo :)
Where Gally Wog?
Pooch, get a pic up. ;D
Gally has been moaning that it will be cold in december.
Put me down and i'm trying to get a couple of old work buddies to tag along.
Gally has been moaning that it will be cold in december.
Put me down and i'm trying to get a couple of old work buddies to tag along.
http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/8229401/-/Product.html :daumenhoch:
Gally has been moaning that it will be cold in december.
Put me down and i'm trying to get a couple of old work buddies to tag along.
http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/8229401/-/Product.html :daumenhoch:
:wtf: you bunch of homo's the wog will be there plus 1 (bum bag). i wont let the side down.yet again i will drink you all under the table,especially bazza (smurf) cause he can't see above it and danny the ginger winger with his montain bike. ;D
Im in +1 :daumenhoch:
Im in +1 :daumenhoch:
Nice one Ronnie! :4_17_5:
Can we have a pic of Minnie mick on the phone sex line again. :daumenhoch:
Can we have a pic of Minnie mick on the phone sex line again. :daumenhoch:
SURE!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiley6600:
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
:knuppel2: :LolLolLolLol:
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
:knuppel2: :LolLolLolLol:
You're not in it... Yet.
:2funny: :LolLolLolLol: :2funny: to both pics :daumenhoch:
You Fookin pleb Stu. ;D
That big hole that Steve's doing his dance in.. That could be stu's bum hole ???
Watch it cnut chops!! :knuppel2:
Fookin Mini-Mick PMSL.
Fookin Mini-Mick PMSL.
Oi you, wot happened to you on the last ride Ben ????
Robbo, if you would be so kind to put me down to partake in another day of mayhem i would appreciate pal....need to switch my weekends again but shouldn't be a problem :daumenhoch:
Blackpool next year for the weekend would be a proper fookin giggle by the way :daumenhoch:
i suppose i should ! :uglystupid2:
i suppose i should ! :uglystupid2:
Your still alive then???
Rider list updated :daumenhoch:
Hi!!! My names GALLY.... Can I come.
im in :daumenhoch:
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:yo mr Pooch your toooooo funny you one fingerd gin drinking hommo x
Theres something very camp about Mr Pooch in this picture!!! :-* :LolLolLolLol:
I'm defo in for this one, me +1. Be nice to meet some some of you :daumenhoch:
Will speak with errr indoors and let ya know xx
Will speak with errr indoors and let ya know xx
FFS Matt, how much notice do you need to drag yourself from under that thumb ??? :LolLolLolLol:
Loads Al, Xmas is always busy for us, missus fricking books stuff up in the summer for Xmas time! :shocked: ;D
Loads Al, Xmas is always busy for us, missus fricking books stuff up in the summer for Xmas time! :shocked: ;D
If it were a week later I have to admit I think i would struggle on getting out but the 9th shouldn't be a problemo :daumenhoch:
Loads Al, Xmas is always busy for us, missus fricking books stuff up in the summer for Xmas time! :shocked: ;D
If it were a week later I have to admit I think i would struggle on getting out but the 9th shouldn't be a problemo :daumenhoch:
Just found out its Lu's dad's 60th birthday that weekend, so may struggle myself with this, will find out what's happening and keep ya posted ;)
Is it me or does Adams blow up doll resemble pickle?? :LolLolLolLol:
i suppose i should ! :uglystupid2:
Your still alive then???
Rider list updated :daumenhoch:
im here man !! :angel:
Me pleeeease :-)
Me pleeeease :-)
I think your onto something there Robbo!! :LolLolLolLol:
i suppose i should ! :uglystupid2:
Your still alive then???
Rider list updated :daumenhoch:
im here man !! :angel:
you here - but gone in the mind :D :crazy2: ;D
you mean 'scrambled eggs' dont ya ! :laugh: :uglystupid2: :2gunsfiring_v1:
you comin bendy or are you just here to flap yar gums ? :knuppel2:
you mean 'scrambled eggs' dont ya ! :laugh: :uglystupid2: :2gunsfiring_v1:
so what happened then.. Missing for a while ??? Kidnaped by Spens or something.. Locked in a shed build Iguffalots bikes ???
been giving evidence at the jimmy saville enquiry on bendys behalf Pooch.. was not much fun ! :'( :coolsmiley:
been giving evidence at the jimmy saville enquiry on bendys behalf Pooch.. was not much fun ! :'( :coolsmiley:
that is funny......... :LolLolLolLol:
been giving evidence at the jimmy saville enquiry on bendys behalf Pooch.. was not much fun ! :'( :coolsmiley:
that is funny......... :LolLolLolLol:
:shocked: :2funny: :2funny:
well i would just like to say lads,i love all the banter these provide,even though some of it is lost on me :LolLolLolLol:
anyway 48 sleeps to go
what a way to see the capital
i dont think i need to ask(Pooch) if you will be attending(the london ride i mean)! :10_2_12:
been giving evidence at the jimmy saville enquiry on bendys behalf Pooch.. was not much fun ! :'( :coolsmiley:
jimmy fixed it for me - but boooby fooked it for me ;D
I got a feeling that your gonna find it very hard riding on flat tires :knuppel2:
Hopefully ill be on this one..hope the freestyle quad will be finished in time
:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2gunsfiring_v1:
my non forum rad ride attending mate (mo(hammed), some of you know him) has set up some goose page on poobook.. needs some support. i put a few pics of the london 2 rides ago on there to finally after getting stuck on my camera !
I got a feeling that your gonna find it very hard riding on flat tires :knuppel2:
Careful lads watch you don't ride over any broken glass ;)
I got a feeling that your gonna find it very hard riding on flat tires :knuppel2:
Careful lads watch you don't ride over any broken glass ;)
no chance of a punture with your wit then ::) ;)
Lets have some guesses at Bendy's ipod playlist. ;D
Lets have some guesses at Bendy's ipod playlist. ;D
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
there will be people pissing on the stairs and not caring next ! ::)
there will be people pissing on the stairs and not caring next ! ::)
Saw what you did there ;)
Just one more
:LolLolLolLol: 8) :LolLolLolLol: 8) :LolLolLolLol:
Me - 1:10
/> />
Bunch of nutters ::)
I'm gay. :daumenhoch:
I'm gay said Lee :-*. :daumenhoch:
kinda catchy that tune ;D
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
I'm in :-)
Never done one, but there's nobody to tell me not too, so why not!
Aint got an old school ride, but got a decent bike to ride around on.
any bike will do :daumenhoch:
any bike will do :daumenhoch:
Yeah, Bendy always turns up on some old tat. ;D
One day bendy might bring the goosestar.
That's if Robbo is still organising them in 2055!! :daumenhoch:
representing bendy - 8)
Guff - i my turn up with the same old tat - but you turn up to be the same old twat :crazy2: ;D
One day bendy might bring the goosestar.
That's if Robbo is still organising them in 2055!! :daumenhoch:
will you be riding your Thomas the Tank Engine little bike - choo choo
even has a place at the back for your pie's :daumenhoch:
I'm up for it. Same as Roonga might be on my 99" GT Bump...seem to have mislaid some parts for my Supergoose 2...... :'(
Turn up on the Supergoose, the lads tend to leave a trail of parts all over London. :daumenhoch:
Can't make this one.. Elliot's being christened on that day..
Can't make this one.. Elliot's being christened on that day..
No way, gutted mate.
we have to change the date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
this is my mates vids from the last one !!
Can't make this one.. Elliot's being christened on that day..
:crazy2: you muppet ::)
Can't make this one.. Elliot's being christened on that day..
:crazy2: you muppet ::)
the date was fine.. Christening was meant to be a week ago.. Polly (my wife) was really ill, so the date was moved.. I'm truly gutted. :'(
:( be in Scotland working...my bro may go!
:( be in Scotland working...my bro may go!
The streets of London will be safe then!!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Tony's sure to keep the paine end up Robbo!
I'm in for sure, missus has given me a pass now ;)
We could ride to the christening?
Can't make this one.. Elliot's being christened on that day..
:crazy2: you muppet ::)
the date was fine.. Christening was meant to be a week ago.. Polly (my wife) was really ill, so the date was moved.. I'm truly gutted. :'(
We could ride to the christening?
:LolLolLolLol: great idea, someone ride an ET Kuwi and we can put Johns Elliott in the basket and take him for his 1st London ride, I'm sure Polly will be fine with that. ;D
We could ride to the christening?
:LolLolLolLol: great idea, someone ride an ET Kuwi and we can put Johns Elliott in the basket and take him for his 1st London ride, I'm sure Polly will be fine with that. ;D
The thing is I know your not joking!!! :LolLolLolLol:
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Not long now boys and girls until Santa unloads his 'sacks' all over your lounge floor!!! :4_17_5:
The proposed date for the traditional London Xmas ride this year is Sunday December 9th, I thought it would be best to do it early in the month what with the usual xmas commitments with family and work do's that Dec will be full of?
Stick your name in the thread if your coming and I'll update the rider list as we go. :daumenhoch:
Big thanks to Lee aka Madrok for this great pic!!! :4_17_5: :LolLolLolLol:
Rider list
scorcher mick
Mr & Mrs Ratty
Finny + 3
gally + 1
ronster + 1
Simon B
Stick my name on the list please :daumenhoch:
Why is Twoshoes name in yellow? Can I have my name in a different colour too?
How about pink Adam? You great big fookin gay!!! :daumenhoch: ;D
Can I have bold italic in green please
Stick me on the list please Dorothy! ;)
How about pink Adam? You great big fookin gay!!! :daumenhoch: ;D
Pink is fine but I also want my name to be in bold italics like Julians and to move accross the screen like Steves and anything else that nobody else has got too. :daumenhoch:
Funny that..! Adam has to ask to look popular.. It just come natural to me.. :daumenhoch:
Funny that..! Adam has to ask to look popular.. It just come natural to me.. :daumenhoch:
What a tit you really are.
Pooch is the most popular dude at any given christening ! :LolLolLolLol:
are you still not coming bro ? >:(
Pooch is the most popular dude at any given christening ! :LolLolLolLol:
are you still not coming bro ? >:(
no mate.. Gutted to be missing the last ride out of the year. :daumenhoch:
Delete him off the scrolly list. Then ban him. Then burn the servers and all our computers. Then shred the all the ashes.
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
8 pages of bollox and a month to go, LOVE IT!!! :LolLolLolLol:
There isn't many piss taking photos though! :-\
Julian and madrock must of been doing, dare I say it "work" :LolLolLolLol:
There isn't many piss taking photos though! :-\
Julian and madrock must of been doing, dare I say it "work" :LolLolLolLol:
Lazy fookin twats the pair of them. Pull your finger out of each others arses and get some funny pics up lively.
Got to agree Adam. Fookin pair of lazy twats!! :LolLolLolLol:
Got to agree Adam. Fookin pair of lazy twats!! :LolLolLolLol:
I've been busy saving the world. I'll be back on the case soon. ;)
8 pages of bollox and a month to go, LOVE IT!!! :LolLolLolLol:
I know mate LOL
Now put the rest of the gang in and don't forget Steve.
:uglystupid2: ADAM YOU ARE A twat :-* :crazy2:
Stop posting crap on this thread and get my Fookin seats and rims finished you no good sack of shite. :crazy2:
Stop posting crap on this thread and get my Fookin seats and rims finished you no good sack of shite. :crazy2:
Adam I thought you would have realised by now. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys!! ;D
Actually wasn't it bendy in those old pg tips adverts. :-X
cake shop not open yet ?
Put the kettle on. :daumenhoch: :LolLolLolLol:
you lot need to get out more. i think you should do a weekly london ride ! :10_2_12:
we do ;) we just don't tell you ;D
we do ;) we just tell you ;D
did you mean you dont tell me ? :crazy2:
:D yup, i mean that ;D
sorry watching TV as well ;D
did nt realise cbeebies was on at this time of night !! :shocked: :coolsmiley:
No it was the late night film with you mum in it - on one of the naughty channels :-*
great work with the ping pong ball :shocked: :smitten:
dont try to style it out, we know 'in the night garden' is your ultra fave ! :daumenhoch:
your mums garden :-*
your mums garden :-*
I might not be able to make this now and have no OP editing powers to change the date. :(
your mums garden :-*
how old are you again bendy ? ::)
old enough to know better ~ young enough to do it again :daumenhoch:
hmmm, debatable ! :LolLolLolLol:
what bike you riding anyway ?
your mum ???
I might not be able to make this now
+1 :(
Have you still got a bike to ride robbo? I see you've sold off that master you said you'd never sell :knuppel2:
Have you still got a bike to ride robbo? I see you've sold off that master you said you'd never sell :knuppel2:
Yeah I have the Sport and offers of other bikes from members but unfortuantley I've got important family stuff happening which is going to stop me attending.
change the fookin date then so you and Pooch can come !!
change the fookin date then so you and Pooch can come !!
What about me? >:(
So...let me get this right, we now have no Robbo, Lee or Pooch :shocked: FFS >:(
change the fookin date then so you and Pooch can come !!
What about me? >:(
and you ! 2nd or 16 th ?
maybe bendys mum will be free on these dates to ! :crazy2:
lol... body poppin for change !
change the fookin date then so you and Pooch can come !!
What about me? >:(
and you ! 2nd or 16 th ?
maybe bendys mum will be free on these dates to ! :crazy2:
I can only do the date agreed, 16th is my b'day so I couldn't do that day.
Robbo - what the f&&k is going on fella, hope all is well, thought you'd never sell that master after all that effort for the 2nd time :(
Most of December is kinda not 100% in the mix for me :crazy2: , but if I can be there I will be. :fart:
Buzz lightweight
Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
The following people are complete cocks, please add whoever else qualifies:
Al / Madrok / Lee
Rob Paine
And anyone else who can't make it
And Mick
I'm going to be the only one going at this rate. :'(
I'm going to be the only one going at this rate. :'(
Don't worry stu...the size you are thats the equivalent of 3 of us so you'll have company >:D
I'm going to be the only one going at this rate. :'(
Don't worry stu...the size you are thats the equivalent of 3 of us so you'll have company >:D
Ill be there too.
you can count me out if you few are gonna pretend that no one else matters! :tickedoff:
a few of us have 'la cosa nostra' planned anyway! :yahoo_silent:
I'm still coming. :daumenhoch:
Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
The following people are complete cock-a-doodle-dos, please add whoever else qualifies:
Al / Madrok / Lee
Rob Paine
And anyone else who can't make it
And Mick
your a NOB :knuppel2:
Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
The following people are complete cock-a-doodle-do-a-doodle-dos, please add whoever else qualifies:
Al / Madrok / Lee
Rob Paine
And anyone else who can't make it
And Mick
your a NOB :knuppel2:
Fook it.. Lets Change the date. >:D
sort it all out you bellends ::)
I'm still coming. :daumenhoch:
Like Peter North? :shocked:
I'm still coming. :daumenhoch:
Like Peter North? :shocked:
Had to google that. I take it you don't mean the construction and surveying consultancy. ;D
Not the professor from swansea either. :LolLolLolLol:
Lets do the ride on the agreed date, still loads coming :coolsmiley:
Lets do the ride on the agreed date, still loads coming :coolsmiley:
x2 :daumenhoch:
How about November 25th?
Or this Sunday?
How about November 25th?
Or this Sunday?
I can't do the 25th as in norfolk and can't do this sunday as will be nursing a very larger hangover from a wedding the day before :buck2:
Self self self eh Mr Swivel? :yahoo_silent:
Self self self eh Mr Swivel? :yahoo_silent:
No big c0ck, just be good to get a ride out in December!
How about November 25th?
Or this Sunday?
looks like you me and lee..... Sunday?
What's happening about this ride then ::)
What's happening about this ride then ::)
Im still up for this and Steve and his mob and so is my hero Adam.
Lets do the ride on the agreed date, still loads coming :coolsmiley:
x2 :daumenhoch:
the man talks sense ! the only one judging this thread! :-X
What's happening about this ride then ::)
Im still up for this and Steve and his mob and so is my hero Adam.
Lets do it then ;)
looks like bendys gonna be in charge ! hi viz's , cycling proficiency certificates and letters from your mum at the ready ! :police:
Harsh..if was a week before or after would be there!
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
What's happening about this ride then ::)
Im still up for this and Steve and his mob and so is my hero Adam.
That's very nice of you Mick but you can stop creeping now, ill build your bikes for you in future. :daumenhoch:
You wally. :crazy2: :LolLolLolLol:
Lets do the ride on the agreed date, still loads coming :coolsmiley:
this still happening ? ive had to apply to the c0ckeney embassey for a visa , itsonly vallied on the 9th December , :LolLolLolLol:
im not riding through bethnal green again !!!!
Keep it the 9th as most folks have got it booked :daumenhoch:
the weather may let us down yet ::) but if we can have a x-mas ride it will be cool
That new pub will be good for a food stop (what was it called again ?) and i think if we can get a ride down to see the Queeny would be cool as well
cheers B ;)
Keep it the 9th as most folks have got it booked :daumenhoch:
the weather may let us down yet ::) but if we can have a x-mas ride it will be cool
That new pub will be good for a food stop (what was it called again ?) and i think if we can get a ride down to see the Queeny would be cool as well
cheers B ;)
New Pub - The Dickens Inn @ St Katherine's Dock :daumenhoch:
yup the DICK DOCK ;)
looks like bendys gonna be in charge ! hi viz's , cycling proficiency certificates and letters from your mum at the ready ! :police:
FpMsL!!! :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
I'm in. . . As long as Bendy isn't in charge!
yup the DICK DOCK ;)
appropriate ! :P
1-0 to bobbsey :daumenhoch: :LolLolLolLol:
bendy are you bringing a dustpan & brush with you :daumenhoch: saves asking for one :LolLolLolLol:
I can use your face mick ;D with a mug like that it won'rt spoil a thing :daumenhoch:
bendy are you bringing a dustpan & brush with you :daumenhoch: saves asking for one :LolLolLolLol:
boys aint got me old skool any more. if can sneek out with me boys new skool can i come. ;D
yup more than welcome :daumenhoch:
yup more than welcome :daumenhoch:
Take it you don't want Ben to come then?
I might not be able to make this now and have no OP editing powers to change the date. :(
Lee you've gotta come cos it's your turn on the Rota to wear Gallys bumbag :LolLolLolLol:
And Gallys gonna wear his comedy glasses with the eyeballs on springs!!!!!!!...........oh hang on,apparently their his real eyeballs,
Who'd have know! ;D ;D
yup more than welcome :daumenhoch:
Take it you don't want Ben to come then?
who ? ???
yup more than welcome :daumenhoch:
Take it you don't want Ben to come then?
who ? ???
Kaner..... ;)
I'm in. . . As long as Bendy isn't in charge!
I might not be able to make this now and have no OP editing powers to change the date. :(
Lee you've gotta come cos it's your turn on the Rota to wear Gallys bumbag :LolLolLolLol:
And Gallys gonna wear his comedy glasses with the eyeballs on springs!!!!!!!...........oh hang on,apparently their his real eyeballs,
Who'd have know! ;D ;D
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
I vote Adam to be in charge of us!! :daumenhoch:
Swivel for leader :daumenhoch:
Swivel for leader :daumenhoch:
I'm the MattNav ;)
politically people who will not be present should not try to influence voting !
adam sort of gets carried along in the middle of the peloton and swivel turns up 3 hours late !!
politically people who will not be present
Not confirmed yet :daumenhoch:
we will say our prayers in that case !
politically people who will not be present should not try to influence voting !
adam sort of gets carried along in the middle of the peloton and swivel turns up 3 hours late !!
Shows you know feck all, i'm always there at 10am under the clock before most ;)
Swivel for leader :daumenhoch:
Sometimes they just do themselves these pics. :LolLolLolLol:
Added a campaign button for you. :LolLolLolLol:
Silly arse :D ;D
I used to organise these rides ages ago before Robbo took over and i'm easy going, we'll be doing the same route, having a damn good laugh and a ton of booze, no different... although this time my bike will be covered in tinsel and lights :coolsmiley:
Yes, I remember those days and thats why you got my vote. :D
Personally I don't give a monkeys who organises this one as long as the ride goes ahead, we can just make it up as we go along, just good seeing everyone and catching up ;)
Making it up as you go along will result in people being lost!!!
Have done you a route map, if everyone prints one of these at home and brings it along everyone will know where they are going...... :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
Making it up as you go along will result in people being lost!!!
;D ;D ;D
Fookin :LolLolLolLol: ;D
Can I be in charge until the 1st pub stop at Blackfriars bridge? Then ill hand over to someone responsible.
Making it up as you go along will result in people being lost!!!
Have done you a route map, if everyone prints one of these at home and brings it along everyone will know where they are going...... :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Can I be in charge until the 1st pub stop at Blackfriars bridge? Then ill hand over to someone responsible.
Would you trust this man?
thats a bad pic ! he does nt actually look such a donut in person and the clothes ?
politically people who will not be present should not try to influence voting !
adam sort of gets carried along in the middle of the peloton and swivel turns up 3 hours late !!
Shows you know feck all, i'm always there at 10am under the clock before most ;)
im gettin you mixed up with the youngish guy who brung the new find / survivor spec haro freestyler and did nt turn up till covent garden ride before last!
have you not heard of fashionably late ? organisation aint cool ! :'(
what do you look like ? a tall, short, dark skinned irish man who runs with a limp ?
thats a bad pic ! he does nt actually look such a donut in person and the clothes ?
politically people who will not be present should not try to influence voting !
adam sort of gets carried along in the middle of the peloton and swivel turns up 3 hours late !!
Shows you know feck all, i'm always there at 10am under the clock before most ;)
im gettin you mixed up with the youngish guy who brung the new find / survivor spec haro freestyler and did nt turn up till covent garden ride before last!
have you not heard of fashionably late ? organisation aint cool ! :'(
what do you look like ? a tall, short, dark skinned irish man who runs with a limp ?
Brung? ??? Anyway what the fook is your problem, the last ride I was there all day... :idiot2: .
Not that this matters but the ride before that I turned up at Covent Garden with my survivor Haro at 4pm because it was my daughters 3rd birthday party, I was lucky to turn up at all but I made the effort, so that had fook all with organisation as it wasn't my ride and neither is this one.
I'm not organising this next ride, Robbo's put me forward but I'm not doing it, i'll leave that up to someone else, I gave up organising these rides because of shite like this.
Can I be in charge until the 1st pub stop at Blackfriars bridge? Then ill hand over to someone responsible.
You can take charge of the lot mate, I ain't doing it.
Me and Bobbssy are cool, its fine, but yeah someone else take charge of this, i'm just coming along for the ride and beers ;)
Thought i was going to have to get the cuddles out there. :P
Can I be in charge until the 1st pub stop at Blackfriars bridge? Then ill hand over to someone responsible.
Would you trust this man?
Weirdly i still trust Matt, even in his campaign leader outfit!!! Lord Goff looks the fookin sort there.... :knuppel2:
Matthew, pick up your toys and play nice with young Robert! :LolLolLolLol:
No one is in charge of these rides even when I'm there, I just start the thread and you all come out to play! ;) :daumenhoch:
We need a leader!!!! :angrysoapbox:
Making it up as you go along will result in people being lost!!!
Have done you a route map, if everyone prints one of these at home and brings it along everyone will know where they are going...... :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
i forgot to :LolLolLolLol: .. thats funny !!
fooked if im cycling to ealing its zone 4 or 5 !!
Well with no leader you will do. :LolLolLolLol:
Matthew, pick up your toys and play nice with young Robert! :LolLolLolLol:
No one is in charge of these rides even when I'm there, I just start the thread and you all come out to play! ;) :daumenhoch:
Rob the toys were never thrown out of the pram, just standing up for a few comments made. And i'm like you, I don't care who organises this I just tag along and enjoy the ride, I don't give a toss where we ride or what we do as long as there's beer involved.
Ealing it is then!!! Stick to the map guys and don't stray off the path!!! :D
Ealing it is then, throw in Brixton for good measure too though please...
Ealing it is then, throw in Brixton for good measure too though please...
Already done. :coolsmiley: :LolLolLolLol:
I'm starting to look forward to this now.
I have the Monday off too. So I can have a good few beers with my riding buddies!! :4_17_5: :daumenhoch:
Well i know you are due a bottom fingering Stu so i'm still trying to make it so I can hear you squeal. :daumenhoch:
Cool. I'm looking forward to it lee! ;D
Can somebody please confirm the date of this little gathering? Still the 16th Dec or not?
Dec 9th :daumenhoch:
Dec 9th :daumenhoch:
Who made you the leader??? :rant:
Dec 9th :daumenhoch:
Who made you the leader??? :rant:
Gay boy... :D
Pmsl :LolLolLolLol:
I want to be the leader. :D
I'm starting to look forward to this now.
I have the Monday off too. So I can have a good few beers with my riding buddies!! :4_17_5: :daumenhoch:
What buddies? ;D
Cool. I'm looking forward to it lee! ;D
His name is Al you tit. :crazy2:
Call me Al.... :D
Excuse the bad photoshop work. I've got a lot of work on today. :P
Inspired by a comment on another thread...
Fookin :LolLolLolLol:
Julian, you are a fooker. :D
A fooker that can use photoshop >:D
I'll have to get some mugshots from the next ride. Yours is the only 'decent' one I have.
A fooker that can use photoshop >:D
I'll have to get some mugshots from the next ride. Yours is the only 'decent' one I have.
well it is a mugshot but its not decent :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Well its a decent shot of a mug.... :D
Shut it you pair of flids. :knuppel2:
I went out with Mick and a few of his mates last Friday and he got so pissed he shit himself on the way home.
Not sure why I told you that but he should be avoided on the London ride as he probably wouldn't have washed by then.
Dirty scumbag.
I went out with Mick and a few of his mates last Friday and he got so wee weeed he poo himself on the way home.
Not sure why I told you that but he should be avoided on the London ride as he probably wouldn't have washed by then.
Dirty scumbag.
count me in fella's plus 1
i picked this up to ride not quite as old school as i'd like but old none the less ;D
think i might need an all day bus pass so i can keep up just went for a wobble and i'm knackered :LolLolLolLol:
thats nice ! get some brasso, t/cut or metal polish and rub them cd player letters off the chainring !! :daumenhoch:
Matthew, pick up your toys and play nice with young Robert! :LolLolLolLol:
No one is in charge of these rides even when I'm there, I just start the thread and you all come out to play! ;) :daumenhoch:
yer!!what the fook does that Rob the knob bloke look like?
you know who i am you plank ! :LolLolLolLol:
I'm coming with Olly & a few others on Condors 8)
I am confirmed again, but i'm not handling any whip. :LolLolLolLol:
I am confirmed again, but i'm not handling any whip. :LolLolLolLol:
Good lad. :daumenhoch:
You or Mick are in charge of the whip though, I'm not responsible enough.
I am confirmed again, but i'm not handling any whip. :LolLolLolLol:
Good lad. :daumenhoch:
You or Mick are in charge of the whip though, I'm not responsible enough.
i dont want a wipping :shocked:
I am confirmed again, but i'm not handling any whip. :LolLolLolLol:
Good lad. :daumenhoch:
You or Mick are in charge of the whip though, I'm not responsible enough.
I'll hold the whip...might not be there at the end though >:D
I am confirmed again, but i'm not handling any whip. :LolLolLolLol:
Good lad. :daumenhoch:
You or Mick are in charge of the whip though, I'm not responsible enough.
I'll hold the whip...might not be there at the end though >:D
Good man, that's settled then, Al's holding the Whip. :D
whats the itinary fella's where we gotta be and what time any one else leaving from southend / benfleet area :daumenhoch:
whats the itinary fella's where we gotta be and what time any one else leaving from southend / benfleet area :daumenhoch:
Normal crack is a few of us meet at Liverpool St circa 10am and ride to Waterlook from there, departure from Waterloo is around 11-1130am. :daumenhoch:
What's the Weather gonna be peeps ???
140 in the shade i ve heard !
It will be cold. But we are men. Except a few of us. That is all.
Says poss rain ::)
Says poss rain ::)
We are men.
Says poss rain ::)
If you get really drunk you don't notice the rain. :daumenhoch:
I'm not drinking though this time. :(
Cool. You can handle the whip then. :LolLolLolLol:
Sleet and snow showers forecast. :)
I'm out. :LolLolLolLol:
sleet and rain?
We still have engineering works into Liverpool Street at the weekend so thats going to be more fun. :knuppel2:
Not long now :)
Add your own captions...
FFS. :tickedoff: think you can stop talking about it now.
shut it big boy, you will have to hit up on the next one - it will teach you not to put your cock into things ;D
FFS. :tickedoff: think you can stop talking about it now.
Stop whinging FFS ;)
He's just upset, heres a reminder of him during happier times. :daumenhoch:
He's just upset, heres a reminder of him during happier times. :daumenhoch:
thats not a good shot of steve. he looks a bit special ! :buck2:
4 Degrees Max but dry....I'll take that :daumenhoch:
thats not a good shot of steve. he looks a bit special ! :buck2:
:knuppel2: what's that supposed to mean :knuppel2:
I don't do 'a bit', it's all or nothing with me (anyway, mummy says i'm VERY special) :yahoo_silent:
i dunno.. not a striking resemblance ! you re much better looking in person ! :LolLolLolLol:
I'll be thinking of you. I'm going now, :Aresehole:s . Have a great day and someone keep an eye on Iguffalot. Just remember he's a bit stupid and really stupid when drunk. Just stand him in a corner and stay clear when he eats. This guy was only crapping in holes a couple of years ago.
I'm off to sulk.
we will miss you Pooch :'( :-*
will Adam have his address label pinned to his collar in case he gets lost at any point ?
Its snowing in London right now.
Just spoke to my mate about the weather being good for you guys.. >:D (http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/v306/Wolflady1/Witch%20Doctor/P1010032.jpg)
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Trying to put a curse on us eh ;D
cloudy 5 oC 8)
Just spoke to my mate about the weather being good for you guys.. >:D (http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/v306/Wolflady1/Witch%20Doctor/P1010032.jpg)
Does your mate use the same dentist as Adam?? I see a resemblance! ;D
Not long now.... :D
Just spoke to my mate about the weather being good for you guys.. >:D (http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/v306/Wolflady1/Witch%20Doctor/P1010032.jpg)
Does your mate use the same dentist as Adam?? I see a resemblance! ;D
Cruel :LolLolLolLol:
Just spoke to my mate about the weather being good for you guys.. >:D (http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/v306/Wolflady1/Witch%20Doctor/P1010032.jpg)
Does your mate use the same dentist as Adam?? I see a resemblance! ;D
Cruel :LolLolLolLol:
but true ;D
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
Come along for a few hours mate, i'm heading back myself about 4.
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
Come along for a few hours mate, i'm heading back myself about 4.
What a pair of mincers :knuppel2: :knuppel2:
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
that is a bit lame.....i would've just gone with the "you're all a bunch of cynts and i'd rather sit indoors" reason myself ;)
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
that is a bit lame.....i would've just gone with the "you're all a bunch of cynts and i'd rather sit indoors" reason myself ;)
Ouch, we'll remind you of that next time you attend.... :LolLolLolLol:
I'm only fooking with you all, wouldn't miss the last rollout of the year...unless its pissing it down
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
that is a bit lame.....i would've just gone with the "you're all a bunch of cynts and i'd rather sit indoors" reason myself ;)
Ouch, we'll remind you of that next time you attend.... :LolLolLolLol:
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
Come along for a few hours mate, i'm heading back myself about 4.
What a pair of mincers :knuppel2: :knuppel2:
Fancy a bum :-* :-* :-* :-*
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
Come along for a few hours mate, i'm heading back myself about 4.
turn up late one time , leave early the next !! ::) :LolLolLolLol: JUST JOKING !
I wont be out this weekend, it to fooking cold and i cant be arsed :-[
Come along for a few hours mate, i'm heading back myself about 4.
turn up late one time , leave early the next !! ::) :LolLolLolLol: JUST JOKING !
Do you fancy a bum too ;D
Too fricking much going on this time of year, plan is to get mangled before I leave though, will need the beer jacket in this weather ..... :buck2:
may be our only option to stop hypothermia setting in !! :bondage:
sunday looking a bit warmer at 9 oC and just cloudy ;)
will give you a call Spamroll about train times - don't bloody fall asleep again you muppet :crazy2:
One more sleep ^"^
this is more exciting than christmas itself (obviously i don't get let out much :D)
sunday looking a bit warmer at 9 oC and just cloudy ;)
will give you a call Spamroll about train times - don't bloody fall asleep again you muppet :crazy2:
Cant promise that mate as not getting a lot of sleep at home at the moment if you know wot i mean >:D
you better wake up or i'm dropping your bike off 2 stops early, just to teach you a lesson - not only will only will you loose your ride, but you will have to run along side us as we all ride around london - can your little legs keep up :knuppel2:
The 1st picture on page 1 is a classic, just been looking at it cracking up, there's some great memories in that pic. :LolLolLolLol:
I think the best are the two obvious ones with no photo. :2funny:
Can't Fookin wait for tomorrow lads.
Adam :daumenhoch:
I'm really up for this now. Need to find my wooly hat though, it's Bruce Lee out there!!!!
I have been around spitafields area working today. And I've got to say even though the sun was shining, it was positively Baltic out there!! So I would wrap up well lads. :daumenhoch:
bet some plank wears shorts :crazy2: ;D
well excited :D catch you ladies tomorrow :-*
is any body going via fenchurch street gonna get there and then pedal to liverpool street. looking foreward to meeting some old fools :LolLolLolLol: see ya in the morning chaps
Can you all fook off.......!!!!!!!!!!!
R u going
Will be at liverpool st about 9.30, will see a few of you there ;)
Hi Matt, I'll be there at Liverpool st. See you in the morning. Can't wait!
I'm out, sorry guys. Polished the TA and everything, but family stuff happening. :daumenhoch:
Next time.
Sorry to hear that Matt. Happened to me last time. See you on the next one. :daumenhoch:
See you on the next one matty boy, have a good xmas mate :daumenhoch:
See you boys in the morning! 10:30ish Waterloo right?
See you on the next one matty boy, have a good xmas mate :daumenhoch:
Sorry to hear that Matt. Happened to me last time. See you on the next one. :daumenhoch:
Cheers guys, I hope it stays dry for you all. :daumenhoch:
see you gay bitches in the morning :-*
now get some fooking sleep :knuppel2:
Time to get up. :daumenhoch:
Can't Fookin wait for tomorrow lads.
Adam :daumenhoch:
Don't forget... If you're wearing your flares again bring scissors so we can cut you out of your bicycle chain this time. ::) :uglystupid2: ::) :uglystupid2:
;Dthe time has come gentlemen,let the games begin :crazy2:
R u going
Who the fook is this aimed at Darren? :LolLolLolLol:
Can't Fookin wait for tomorrow lads.
Adam :daumenhoch:
Don't forget... If you're wearing your flares again bring scissors so we can cut you out of your bicycle chain this time. ::) :uglystupid2: ::) :uglystupid2:
I've got my skinny jeans on today Steve as I know you prefer me in them, shows off my curves. :-[
1st pics of today:
Once I work out how to ride it I'm ready to rock:
;Dthe time has come gentlemen,let the games begin :crazy2:
Shut it Gollywag you Lemon.
Now on the train. It isn't as cold as it was yesterday thank fook!! :daumenhoch:
i'm having a bit of breaky and watching the Sweeney - bit of the old school feel now >:D
spamroll keep an eye out for me at the train staition you plank :knuppel2:
see you there girls :-*
cant make it today now :(
have a good one.
On train now see you soon poofters! Xxx
On my way :daumenhoch:
Whoops. I think I have got a bit excited. I'm already at Waterloo. Doh!!! :LolLolLolLol:
^^^ you raving loon! 2 hours standing in the cold! I've only just got on the train.
On our way.
We at Liverpool street any one else due in which way to water loo
Wait there for Matt. (Swivel) he should be there between 10 and 10.15. He knows the directions coz he's a responsible adult. :daumenhoch:
Bet poor Adam is still stuck at home waiting for Steve to come and turn his bike the right way up
Have a great day out lads and try not to break anything :daumenhoch:
Has BAZZA broke out my GALLY specticals yet?
Yep. Fookin lolled like fook!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Here's a little taster of today..
what a bunch of divs ! you girls all forgot your bikes ? ::)
You ain't seen the best yet!
Just wanted to say what an absolute grin my mate Chris and I had today. First ride we've been on and definetely won't be the last. Nice to meet all you guys that went, everyone was really cool. Thanks also to the dude who took my warm shandy from me, Legend! You had to be there! Thanks again guys :daumenhoch:
Fellas, thanks for a FANTASTIC day. Wishing you all a VERY merry christmas and a RAD new year. Si Berwick (Hutch PS)
Just wanted to say what an absolute grin my mate Chris and I had today. First ride we've been on and definetely won't be the last. Nice to meet all you guys that went, everyone was really cool. Thanks also to the dude who took my warm shandy from me, Legend! You had to be there! Thanks again guys :daumenhoch:
Good to meet yous both. Check here. http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php'topic=155109.0 :Great_Britain:
what a laugh today was, really cool meeting everyone. it was my first Rad ride and i've had an absolute blinder. whens the next one ?
good work on the warm shandy Mark1, although yours looked more like Cider than shandy lol.. heres a pic of your mate just for you
(http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/61/imag0556es.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/imag0556es.jpg/)
quality day fella's furthest ive ridden a bmx for around 20yrs superb can't wait for the next :daumenhoch:
also turnt into an educational trip for jnr seeing what happens when you get that trollied and to never drink warm shandy :LolLolLolLol:
Still not home yet :(
what a laugh today was, really cool meeting everyone. it was my first Rad ride and i've had an absolute blinder. whens the next one ?
good work on the warm shandy Mark1, although yours looked more like Cider than shandy lol.. heres a pic of your mate just for you
(http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/61/imag0556es.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/imag0556es.jpg/)
Ha Ha pi$$ head! Would say that'll teach him but he was that mullered i doubt it! Mine looked like shandy it was Chris's that looked like a proper pint head an all, that boy needs to drink more water! Great day boys, great day.
Shame I couldn't make it.. Thanks for the pictures of beers and stuff :Aresehole: ;D
And this one (http://i1038.photobucket.com/albums/a469/Poochy_06/528BDD88-0620-4558-AC98-042D34D9408C-1053-000000ADC6714BFE.jpg) :daumenhoch:
Ace day out as usual fellas, the 400 santas at The Dickens Inn were a bit of a head Fook but some right sorts there too. :daumenhoch:
Ive just seen a text I got from Alec (Jamroll) at 10.30 last night saying 'just woken up, don't know where I am' WTF? :LolLolLolLol:
I've tried calling him but just gone to answer phone.
Dale / Darren / Dal, you were Fooked by the time we left The Punch & Judy mate. ;D
I'll post a few pics later.
Top day boys.
I've not laughed so much in a long time, at the Gun pub especially, what a classic that was with the Obama hating Michael jackson pi$$head, he loved a golden shower :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
400+ santa's at the Dickins was a treat to see too, brilliant day out :daumenhoch:
Top day out fellas....a truly great laff....my mate Steve really enjoyed it too for it was his first Rad ride and got to see some rare sights in the big smoke...namely p155 breath and alot of sexy santas....who has the pictures of the lovely chest santa was sporting?.....good to meet you all and have a good laugh...bring on the next ride out :daumenhoch:
was another great day out in London town. Started a bit tame and relaxed, but soon heated up once we got to the Dickens Inn and was treated to some truely mountainous sights, any body get any pix? :buck2:
They were great sports too, riding round in high heels :D
The Gun was something else :crazy2:
Much respect to the guys (Mark and Chris i think) for stepping up to the mark and filling a couple of pint glasses ;D ;D
Nice also, to meet a few new attendees. :daumenhoch:
Here are a couple of pix i took.
A few of the 400 Santas
The amber nectar ;D ;D
The drunken buffoon, giving the landlady some grief :knuppel2:
The cruiser class (have to say loved using my TA for the cruise :smitten:) Mine on the left and my mate Gary's on the right. With Adam's CW and Steve's VDC.
anyone know where retro darren went...as he aint returned home yet..to his mrs or robs house and there getting a bit worried
Some nice rides between pubs and a great laugh. :daumenhoch:
Just how it should be. Happy days.
anyone know where retro darren went...as he aint returned home yet..to his mrs or robs house and there getting a bit worried
God knows mate, I left after the Gun so some of the others might know :-\
Anyone got pics of the brunette on my Master, she kept the seat nice and warm :angel: :coolsmiley:
Dave has a quality photo Matt.
Awesome day out.
Dave has a quality photo Matt.
Awesome day out.
Dave.....over to you ::)
I found some footage of the drunk pi$$ drinking guy from when he was younger :angel:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTeho3HL8Uw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTeho3HL8Uw)
Waiting on pics... :D
anyone know where retro darren went...as he aint returned home yet..to his mrs or robs house and there getting a bit worried
He turned up yet? ???
What was he riding?
What was he riding?
Robbo's old black master ;)
He was in good spirits when I left the Punch & Judy.
Hope he's OK.
nope still missing in action
Still no joy when you call his mobile?
Did anyone leave with him to the station?
a few santa's stylin it up
He was still at the Punch and Judy when i handed leadership over to Adam at 18.30 hours.
a few santa's stylin it up
Second from the right was a honey, cracking rack as well!!
Any news on the missing radster yet???
and what an arse, hence us standing behind her when she was bent over the Hbars ;)
the second one on the left looks like Steve in a wig and glasses. :2funny:
It was great standing at the bottom of the stairs when they all came into the Dickens too....I think it was Bendy with me getting the full on upskirt action ;) ::) :P :-* :shocked: >:D :smitten: :daumenhoch: ^"^
Just spoken to Darren, he's been to stay with the queen for night!!!! :LolLolLolLol:
THE Queen or "a Queen" ? :P
THE Queen or "a Queen" ? :P
I'm sure he will be along soon to try and explain how he ended up at Stevenage Police station for the evening..... :LolLolLolLol:
He asked me if I was a copper when we were at the P&J. Looking forward to hearing the story.
THE Queen or "a Queen" ? :P
I'm sure he will be along soon to try and explain how he ended up at Stevenage Police station for the evening..... :LolLolLolLol:
:D :LolLolLolLol:
At least he's turned up safe and sound. :daumenhoch:
FPMSL>>>>> :LolLolLolLol: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5: :4_17_5:
400 Santa's, drinking piss and getting nicked, sounds like I missed a cracker yesterday!!!!! :LolLolLolLol:
You did Robbo. See what happens when there isnt anyone planking!!!
400 Santa's, drinking wee wee and getting nicked, sounds like I missed a cracker yesterday!!!!! :LolLolLolLol:
You did fella, was hilarious :2funny:
top day out apart from geting nicked a stevenage stn. dunno how i ended up there? the bike is broke and scratched :( . i got a black eye and bruises everywere. >:( supose im lucky to still have the bike tho..
What the fook happened?
Hows your bum hole Darren? :2funny:
drunk an disorderly and they found me stash lol . reckon they only gave me caution cos they relised they give me kickin and went a bit to far >:( trying to get in contact with a solisitor to see if anythink can be done. couldnt even open me eye thismorning.
sore lol
so the police roughed you up then? :buck2:
You've gone from trying to run door men down last time to fighting coppers this time. :LolLolLolLol:
Fricking hell sounds a nightmare mate :-\
That sucks dude :'(
Good to hear you're 'OK' :daumenhoch:
well done d.. you relegated all the other antics to the bottom of the list ! :daumenhoch: :D
Genius! :LolLolLolLol:
You wont be ok when I get hold of you, you scratched my old Master!!!!!! :knuppel2: :Aresehole: :LolLolLolLol:
You wont be ok when I get hold of you, you scratched my old Master!!!!!! :knuppel2: :Aresehole: :LolLolLolLol:
they nicked him for having one of master things!!! Good shout, old bill :LolLolLolLol:
I'm off to that nick with some pint glasses. :2gunsfiring_v1:
You wont be ok when I get hold of you, you scratched my old Master!!!!!! :knuppel2: :Aresehole: :LolLolLolLol:
they nicked him for having one of master things!!! Good shout, old bill :LolLolLolLol:
Get some more pics up folks. Want to see some more of the goings on!
Fookin classic, Dale mate you crack me up. You were proper wasted at the Punch & Judy and kept telling me that DVLA had clamped my bike. :2funny: I still can't believe you got a pasting then nicked by the Old Bill. ;D this sort of thing can only happen on a London ride.
Glad you're OK anyway.
Alec (Jamroll) left a message on my answer phone at about 4.30 this afternoon saying he's arrived home now after an eventful journey by the sounds of it. :LolLolLolLol:
He should be along soon to explain himself.
Steve, I'm gonna get you back for tying my shoelaces together and making me fall over. :knuppel2:
The two Skyway Cruisers from Jim and Hooga? Looked Fookin lovely too, great job on those fellas. :smitten:
That Santa honey with the finest rack I've ever seen was on my Phaze 1. :smitten:
A few of my pics:
Jason with a nice bouquet stuffed in his hood. :D
Punch & Judy in Covent Garden:
Punch & Judys security guard, a very funny fooker but fook knows why I'm cuddling him. :-[
A few of the bikes at St Paul's Cathedral:
Top marks to all and roll on March for the next London ride.
I think it was Bendy with me getting the full on upskirt action
Jesus. Was Andy wearing a skirt again?
At least you made up for the flange drought the previous rides seem to have suffered from :coolsmiley:
I really didn't think the shoe lace prank would work, i was instantly proved wrong after I had spat my beer in Adams face! Lol
Ab-jab Adam:
Steve enjoying himself as a snowman:
Ad,it was inevitable that you were gonna fall over at some point during the day but its usually unaided ;D ;D ;D :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
Well, another blinding day out with some like minded loons, need some help piecing together the later stages of my day ::)
Im pretty certain I left the Punch and Judy about 7.30ish, I was with Bendy I was also completely battered after having a blast on Darrens gear....the infamous a k goff video was redone by myself, could ride a bike full stop, plowing into railings, kirbs, people and walls back to Waterloo...and that's it I can't remember Fook all else...the normal journey is an hour and a half....I sent Adam a text at 10.30 and I didn't have a fooking clue where I was....and eventually got in after midnight :crazy2: body is black and blue so I'm guessing I had a few more falls after the one at the start of the ride...thanks again to all of ya...had a fookin riot :-*
Well, another blinding day out with some like minded loons, need some help piecing together the later stages of my day ::)
Im pretty certain I left the Punch and Judy about 7.30ish, I was with Bendy I was also completely battered after having a blast on Darrens gear....the infamous a k goff video was redone by myself, could ride a bike full stop, plowing into railings, kirbs, people and walls back to Waterloo...and that's it I can't remember Fook all else...the normal journey is an hour and a half....I sent Adam a text at 10.30 and I didn't have a fooking clue where I was....and eventually got in after midnight :crazy2: body is black and blue so I'm guessing I had a few more falls after the one at the start of the ride...thanks again to all of ya...had a fookin riot :-*
:LolLolLolLol: fookin brilliant Al. I'd love to know what happened in the 3 odd hours between when you should have got home around 9.00 and when you actually did get home after midnight. :2funny:
Fookin LOL Al!!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Well, another blinding day out with some like minded loons, need some help piecing together the later stages of my day ::)
Im pretty certain I left the Punch and Judy about 7.30ish, I was with Bendy I was also completely battered after having a blast on Darrens gear....the infamous a k goff video was redone by myself, could ride a bike full stop, plowing into railings, kirbs, people and walls back to Waterloo...and that's it I can't remember Fook all else...the normal journey is an hour and a half....I sent Adam a text at 10.30 and I didn't have a fooking clue where I was....and eventually got in after midnight :crazy2: body is black and blue so I'm guessing I had a few more falls after the one at the start of the ride...thanks again to all of ya...had a fookin riot :-*
Every bruise tells its own story of which you know none ! :LolLolLolLol:
Well done Alec :daumenhoch:
Looks like you guys had fun, hope to catch up in the new year
I really didn't think the shoe lace prank would work, i was instantly proved wrong after I had spat my beer in Adams face! Lol
Ab-jab Adam:
Never under estimate the stupidity of AD-jab, the shoe lace trick is a tried and tested winner ^"^
Another great and entertaining day had by all :Great_Britain: :4_17_5:
I left spamroll on a train at 9pm - he tells me he gets home at 12am - 3 hours later ? it should have been only half an hour ::)
he could barely ride back to the station ;D he was like the "Adam vid" - when he got on the train he went right to sleep ::) had to knock on the window to not leave his bike behind as the train was pulling out
Stu telling the drunk guy, that he had till stu finished his half a pint and then stu would knock him out :knuppel2: - then some one handed stu a fresh pint and so the threat was that he would knock him out after he finished the half pint and then a full pint :2funny:
200 girls in santa cozy's - santa sack was big and full and ready to give a gift ;D
drunk guy (twat) saying that he was "drunk and not a fool" after sniffing the pint that he had already drank half off :P ;D
the flower arranging that went on in the back of a certain hood ;D
was a really good day out - no racing - good food - lots of pints - bit cold - no rain - good laughs -
and finally ADAM AS TEAM CAPTAIN AND TAKING CHARGE ??? what were we thinking ;D
Just checked the bike over....anyone find a DX end cap and 2 bars ends from CW Freestyle bars ???? Managed to batter my rear peg and somehow taken a chunk out of my rear tyre to????
Reward for there safe return :LolLolLolLol:
a few (lot) of shots from the day
even gally's sister turned up....
"pickle" reading fortunes (according to darren thats pickle :D )
Gally's little accident...
Top pix Matt. :4_17_5:
How long did that take me to fix that flat ::)
How long did that take me to fix that flat ::)
i stopped counting after 4 attempts :D
How long did that take me to fix that flat ::)
i stopped counting after 4 attempts :D
I think I had lost the will to live after 3! :tickedoff: :LolLolLolLol:
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
looked like a top day.........wasn't aware i went but you seem to have photographic proof ;D
looked like a top day.........wasn't aware i went but you seem to have photographic proof ;D
Oh Rob, what have you just said!
I spent an hour trying to get Dale to believe I wasn't you on Sunday. A very drink hour at that!
:LolLolLolLol: whats that all about ?
this is pickle - (http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/oo34/robby187/tumblr_lpvo922AXb1r1z9lio1_250.gif)
looked like a top day.........wasn't aware i went but you seem to have photographic proof ;D
Oh Rob, what have you just said!
I spent an hour trying to get Dale to believe I wasn't you on Sunday. A very drink hour at that!
Ben, Darren is called...wait for it....Darren and not Dale....your as as fookin bad as each other :LolLolLolLol:
looked like a top day.........wasn't aware i went but you seem to have photographic proof ;D
Oh Rob, what have you just said!
I spent an hour trying to get Dale to believe I wasn't you on Sunday. A very drink hour at that!
Ben, Darren is called...wait for it....Darren and not Dale....your as as fookin bad as each other :LolLolLolLol:
actually darrens called dale to and oldskoolflava and retro darren ! :LolLolLolLol:
And i'm called Al. :crazy2:
And I answer to most things....usually "curly twat" ;)
And i'm called Al. :crazy2:
Yeah weren't Adam calling you Al? WTF !!! :LolLolLolLol:
And I answer to most things....usually "curly devilock" ;)
Haha....swear filter on! :daumenhoch: :LolLolLolLol:
So let me get this straight:
Dale is Darren
Darren is Retro Darren
Ben is Pickle (Who, it turns out wasn't even there even though we have photographic evidence)
Al is Lee
Al is also Al
And Jason is gay
Please chime in if you are on this list and know your real name.
Talk about Fookin confusion.
And i'm called Al. :crazy2:
dont call me scarface , my name is capone ?
haha this is funny shit ;D sos people. but i dont even no who or were i am after a few beers. hence why i ended up in stevenage nick lol its no were near my house. the is all a blur dunno wat happend. im defo staying of the beers on the next ride haha . al u old boys are alryte been drinking years lol
So let me get this straight:
Dale is Darren
Darren is Retro Darren
Ben is Pickle (Who, it turns out wasn't even there even though we have photographic evidence)
Al is Lee
Al is also Al
And Jason is gay
Please chime in if you are on this list and know your real name.
Talk about Fookin confusion.
and i go by as the GENERAL ;D
and i go by as the GENERAL ;D
Really? :LolLolLolLol:
So let me get this straight:
Dale is Darren
Darren is Retro Darren
Ben is Pickle (Who, it turns out wasn't even there even though we have photographic evidence)
Al is Lee
Al is also Al
And Jason is gay
Please chime in if you are on this list and know your real name.
Talk about Fookin confusion.
and i go by as the GENERAL ;D
as in generally a twat.... :LolLolLolLol:
So let me get this straight:
Dale is Darren
Darren is Retro Darren
Ben is Pickle (Who, it turns out wasn't even there even though we have photographic evidence)
Al is Lee
Al is also Al
And Jason is gay
Please chime in if you are on this list and know your real name.
Talk about Fookin confusion.
and i go by as the GENERAL ;D
as in generally a devilock.... :LolLolLolLol:
T-wat filtered as Devilock :LolLolLolLol:
So let me get this straight:
Dale is Darren
Darren is Retro Darren
Ben is Pickle (Who, it turns out wasn't even there even though we have photographic evidence)
Al is Lee
Al is also Al
And Jason is gay
Please chime in if you are on this list and know your real name.
Talk about Fookin confusion.
and i go by as the GENERAL ;D
General numpty :LolLolLolLol:
and i go by as the GENERAL ;D
:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: