Welcome! => Welcome => Topic started by: Bizz on September 21, 2012, 02:29 PM
Hi, I'm Bizz and I thought I'd say hello.
I'm in my early 40's now and have had a few old freestyle bikes, started with an Ammaco Freestyle Pro, then a Skyway StreetBeat and I've still got my Craig Campbell Prolite Freestyler all in original not used since the early 90's condition.
welcome fellow radster :daumenhoch:
now get some pic's up of your rides. :)
Hi, I'm Bizz and I thought I'd say hello.
I'm in my early 40's now and have had a few old freestyle bikes, started with an Ammaco Freestyle Pro, then a Skyway StreetBeat and I've still got my Craig Campbell Prolite Freestyler all in original not used since the early 90's condition.
Welcome Bizz.
Send a pic of your CC Prolite to 'deeman' ! :daumenhoch:
Welcome to Rad Bizz :daumenhoch:
looking forward to seeing your collection of bikes you got there :daumenhoch:
Welcome get some pics up :daumenhoch:
Welcome to RAD. :daumenhoch:
welcome to the forum Bizz, its time to get it back out then dust it off and ride it :)
Hi, I'm Bizz and I thought I'd say hello.
I'm in my early 40's now and have had a few old freestyle bikes, started with an Ammaco Freestyle Pro, then a Skyway StreetBeat and I've still got my Craig Campbell Prolite Freestyler all in original not used since the early 90's condition.
Welcome Bizz.
Send a pic of your CC Prolite to 'deeman' ! :daumenhoch:
Hey Bizz,welcome!would love to see a pic of your Pro-lite CC! :daumenhoch:
welcome to the forum Bizz :)
Welcome to the hinterland of empty wallets and scraped elbows. Now show us yer bikes. !!
Hi guys, sorry for the very late reply.
I've only got the CC now, the others were just a list of what I have had over the years.
The CC has not been touched since the mid 90's and is rather dusty, the white Elina Flite tech seat has disintergrated virtually in to powder and the tyres have sort of started to go wrinkly like an old lady :LolLolLolLol:
I will get the old gal out and take some pics of her in her sorry state.
Dave :)
Alright Dave, welcome in. Where you based mate, see if we can't temp you in to a ride with some nutters on here. :daumenhoch:
Welcome to Rad mate :daumenhoch:
Alright Dave, welcome in. Where you based mate, see if we can't temp you in to a ride with some nutters on here. :daumenhoch:
Thanks for the warm welcome from you all, I live on the Isle of Wight.
Alright Dave, welcome in. Where you based mate, see if we can't temp you in to a ride with some nutters on here. :daumenhoch:
Thanks for the warm welcome from you all, I live on the Isle of Wight.
you're fooked then, riding solo pal, we'll ride in spirit with you though Brother. :2funny: :2funny:
welcome ! :coolsmiley: