Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: hunterdubber on May 26, 2012, 07:45 AM

Title: Are they really like this ?
Post by: hunterdubber on May 26, 2012, 07:45 AM
I have a set of 1984 REDLINE PL20 decals which have been re produced by Redline apprarently  ???

Great decs but the seattube decas aren't handed (left and right )
but I don't whether they were or not  originall handed for an 84


but I keep thinking they should be handed like the ones on the 1985 PL20 set Redline also re produce



The guy who replies on the Oz thread has it wrong the grey end is at the top towards the clamp not the BB, so the writing is till at the top

but the fact is it looks like it's facing the front on the drive side and facing the rear on the other

So have they got it right  or wrong  ???

Do you know otherwise  :)

Title: Re: Are they really like this ?
Post by: Redline on May 26, 2012, 08:15 AM
Hey buddy... all the SBS Re-issue Redline Decals are inaccurate and those should definitely be handed. For example their Prostyler decals won't even fit on the seatube  :uglystupid2:

When I correctly reproduced some Redline decals i was threatened by them with a lawsuit. I even offered to do all their artwork correctly FREE OF CHARGE but they weren't interested. :idiot2:

Title: Re: Are they really like this ?
Post by: hunterdubber on May 26, 2012, 10:05 AM
Can't understand why it's just that year/model they're like that  :crazy2:

asked a few people on Ebay

replies were

it is from redline
it 's all like that

- roachkiller999

Hi, I am sorry to say I don't why they do them that way.
Thank you God bless and have a great day!

- rockysbs

that is how it is

- 15425lpbm


But  then I've found this ,,,so they are wrong as you say John

the other way than on the repro decalset,,,, the correct way  :-\



the wrong way (as supplied)  :crazy2:

Title: Re: Are they really like this ?
Post by: rooski on May 26, 2012, 10:20 AM
Those look so wrong,even i would have spotted that :D :wtf:
Title: Re: Are they really like this ?
Post by: hunterdubber on May 26, 2012, 10:59 AM

I've still not applied the decal to my frame yet , so hopefully I can get it re-re-produced ( mirrored)  :daumenhoch:
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